A quick trip to the hospital

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"You go on in 10!" A voice calls out. You and the boys were getting your final touches done and you were putting in your earrings (picture above). You were wearing a jacket with shoulder pads on with gold string in loops layered on top of each other over the top. The jacket itself was a navy blue thick fabric that was slightly too big for you so you had to fold the bottom of the sleeves. You wore a white shirt underneath with some plain black jeans, finished with a pair of plain white trainers. Your long (now brown) hair tied up in a high ponytail, mixed with some extensions so it ended at around your waist. You wore a think golden bracelet and a delicate golden thread around your neck.

You went on stage and got into position, just to the right of Jungkook who was centre. One knee on the floor the other to your chest, crouched down, your head pointing to the floor. The music started and you jumped up, dancing to the beat. Hitting each move perfectly in sync with the others. You finished the first few songs and went backstage for a 5 minute break. You sipped some water and ensured yourself that everyone was okay before dancing and singing again to finish the first half of the concert.

6 songs later, you were almost done. You were proud of yourself for dancing so well, although you were slightly tired. Continuing to dance fluidly you snapped your head to the left sharp, your neck stung a little bit, but that wasn't the problem, you twisted to the left and that's when you felt a sharp tug at your ear. Your earring hasn't just came out but it had ripped your ear by getting caught on one of the string loops on your shoulder. Tears pricked your eyes but you continued to dance ignoring the slight trickle of blood coming from your split earlobe. The pain wasn't too bad but it hurt enough to distract you slightly. 3 songs left... that's all... just 3. You tell yourself as you continue to dance.

2 songs left now, most of the boys noticed the small growing blood stain on your white jacket now and most of them had given you a concerned look. You smiled and nodded your head as if to tell them you were fine, it's not like you were going to die... 1 song left now. Just one! You danced and cheered with the crowd smiling at the fans before going backstage again. "Y/N? You okay? You should get that checked out." You hear a voice from behind you say "I'll do that in a second, I need to take this jacket off and you need to have some water Jin-hyung." You reply with a slight smile.

You eventually go to the medic, where he sits you down on the bed and says that you'll need to get it stitched. Jimin from across the room looks mortified at the word but you just nod and smile. "W-won't that hurt her?" Jimin says
"I'll be fine Jimin-hyung." You tell him soothingly. He just looks back at you with a scared look as you softly chuckle. " I could stitch it for you here but it'll be best if you get it done professionally" the medic informs you. As BTS still aren't that well-known, the gig you were booked at couldn't afford proper medics, these were just volunteers that knew the basics.

Once everyone was ready to go, you all left in two vans, one containing Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and Yoongj, and the other with you, Jungkook, Namjoon and Taehyung. Your van went to the hospital whereas the other just went back to the dorm. You thought this was all a bit of an overreaction as it did hurt that much at all. "This needs to be fixed so you don't get an infection" Namjoon says as if reading your thoughts "I think it's a bit of an overreaction, that's all, hyung." you reply
"Better to overreact then to under" he says simply. You rest your head on Taehyung's shoulder (the side without the blood) and wait until you arrive at the hospital.

40 minutes later you arrive at the hospital and sit down in a chair, Namjoon gets the number and sits down next to Jungkook who is next to you who is also next to Taehyung. "Number 236 please come to the front desk, the nurse is ready for you." A female voice is heard form the speakers above you. Namjoon lets out a sigh. "What number are we hyung?" Jungkook asks. "379" Namjoon mutters. You all glance at each other and sink in your chairs. This is gonna be a long wait.

~~time skip brought to you by Bang PD~~

4 hours later, Jin came with some packed dinner for you all to have. You decided to take shifts of waiting for the numbers to be called out, whilst the other slept, still exhausted form the concert. The (now) five of you were sprawled out on a bench made for 2-3 people. You were in Taehyung's lap sleeping silently, head buried in the crook of his neck. Namjoon resting his head in your lap with his legs dangling off the side, Jungkook hugging my waist his body leaning on mine and Tae's and Jin sitting half on and half off the bench listening to the numbers being called out. "Can number 376 please report to the front desk" says the same monotone female voice from the speakers in each corners of the waiting room.

Jin nudged us telling us that we were soon. "Number 378 please come to the front desk." We all sat up and waited for my number to be called "Number 380 please got to the front desk-"
"WHAT" Taehyung exclaims his mouth wide open. "Sorry, 379 please report to the front desk" the voice says as you sigh a breath you didn't know you were holding.

You were then taken into a small cubicle as the paper curtains were drawn and you and the boys sat in various places awaiting the nurse to assess you. "Name?" She says, somewhat bored "Y/L/N, Y/N" you inform her, your knee bouncing nervously. "Just a split ear, yes?" She asks, not giving you eye contact. "Yes that's all" you reply. She scribbles something on your notepad and assessed your ear. "Yes this will need stitches. May I ask how you did this?" You tell her how you did it as she nodded her head and left to get the supplies.

She returned, numbed your ear and used a needle and thread to stitch it back up together. Namjoon, Taehyung and Jin has to leave cuz they got squeamish, but Jungkook held your hand whispering supportive things to you but you could've sworn he went a slight shade of green. 5 minutes later, you were discharged and given a small bottle of anti-bacterial stuff to drip on your ear twice a day. You thanked the nurse as you all got home. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi all complimented on how brave you were and you all got to bed.

You thought this was all rather silly for such a minor thing, but you smiled, realising how much they all cared for you.

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