Hair-dye fail

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Being 14, you didn't really do anything too dramatic. Also, due to the rules set by big hit, there wasn't many things you could. One thing you could do however you could dye your hair.

You sit on the corner or your bed, your head down looking at your phone. You were lucky to have a phone considering the condition you and your family were in when it comes to money, however the boys asked big hit if they could give you one so they could keep and eye out for you if anything we're to happen. You were looking on Pinterest... or more specifically dyed hair.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" You here a voice coming from the doorway. You look over and turn off your phone. And see Kookie looking at your, his head cocked sideways, looking down towards your hunched shape. "Nothing much hyung," you answer, "if it's nothing much then why can't I see?" He asks you, you don't really want him to know incase he hates the idea but you knew you'd have to tell him or he wouldn't leave. "I was just looking at Pinterest..." you answer sheepishly,
"What were you looking at on Pinterest?"
"Random things really..."
"What type of random things?"
"Nothing of importance!"
"Tell me." He said sternly... there was no way out now. "Well I just thought..."
"Go on..."
"Well I wanted to do something different..."
"I wanted to dye my hair..." You mutter,
"You what?" He asks not hearing properly.
"I wanted to dye my hair!" You say loudly,
"Oh, why didn't you just say so?" He asks,
"I didn't know if you would be angry and so I wouldn't be allowed to do it."
"I think it's cool! What colour you thinking?" He asks sitting down next to you at the end of your bed. "I was thinking like a red maybe..."

~~time skip brought to you by yeontan~~

You guys talk about it and you both decide to go with a purple. (Picture above)
You tell Jungkook about how you don't want to tell BigHit just incase they don't like it so you decide to do it yourselves. You set off to find some hair dye from the shop a short walk away from the dorm. You both grab your coats and leave your bedroom together.

"Where you going?" Hobi asks, looking up from his book. "To the store hyung... you want anything?" Jungkook says hoping he'll say no as you only have £5 with you (sorry, I don't know what that it in ¥ but you get the gist), "nah, I'm alright, come home quickly, Jin-hyung is almost done with dinner" he says you both nod you head and leave the dorm with a sigh of relief.

On the way you two finalise the details and you want to dip dye your hair so if it doesn't really work you can just cut the hair off if need be. Before you knew it you were back at the dorm clutching the little bag with a box of purple hair-dye in it. Smiling at each other, you unlock the door place the little plastic bag on your bed and hurry to the kitchen table to eat dinner before Eomma Jin gets annoyed.

Throughout dinner you two keep sharing mischievous glances at each other, smirking every now and then. "What did you two buy from the shop?" Yoongi asks you, you choke and some noodles as Jungkook answers for you. "Some erm bubble tea..." He said shooting a concerned glance at you. "I didn't see you walk in with any.." Namjoon says with a frown. "We drank it on the way hyungs" Jungkook answers again before eating another spoonful of his miso ramen. "Then what was in the plastic bag?" Tae asks, all them members were looking at you and Jungkook. "Just some errrm earphones for Y/N, Namjoon hyung broke her old pair ya know..." Jungkook answers you keep your head down. "But why would you need a bag for that? Plus Namjoon hyung bought her a new pair yesterday," Jimin chips in. Your eyes grow wide with worry. "W-well the-the thing is you see...." Jungkook starts. "Everyone knows you stutter and say 'erm' when you try to lie Jungkook-ah" Jin says, sipping his miso enjoying the drama in front of him. "Should we tell them?" Jungkook asks you quietly, your face goes bright red as you open your mouth to speak... "well I wanted to do something" You say quietly, but everyone is silent so they could hear you. "And what was that Y/N darling?" Jin says with a warm smile giving you some confidence "well, I wanted to do some quite a bit different, a bit of a change..." you say looking down at your hands in your lap as you fiddled. "Go on..." Hobi says his eyes searching yours as if they would say it for you. "iwantedtodyemyhair" You say and immediately sink in your chair so they could barely see the top of your head.'"pardon?" Namjoon says leaning forward towards you. "I wanted to dye my hair..." you say slowly but quietly... "oh cool!" Everyone exclaims. Now continuing to eat their ramen. You slowly rise up in your chair again "I want to too!" Tae says throwing his fist in the air. "What colour?" Jimin asks, his mouth full of food "purple" you says quietly still, "I was thinking about dying my hair too..." Namjoon says,
"Purple would look good on me" Yoongi says,
"Any colour would look good on me" Jin says,
"I could go purple" Hobi says
"It does sound like a good idea" Jimin agrees.
"I also liked it when Y/N mentioned it" Jungkook nods his head.
"Well, we could go back to the shop and get more so we can all go purple..." you say everyone's eyes light up as you all stand up and leave the dorm together leaving the left over ramen to go cold.

~~time skip brought to you by Lachi molala~~

"Are you sure this is how you do it?"
"10 more minutes for me,"
"I've only got 4 left,"
"I've just finished putting it on,"
"This is going to look so cool!"
"More like cliché but anyway..."
"Can someone help me wash this out?"

After about an hour of struggling with 8 boxes of purple hair dye, you guys were finally done. Jimin was just blowdrying his hair, but everyone else was finished. "We look so cool!" Tae shouts excitedly. All of you are grinning at each other, Jimin walks in with his purple head. "Yay!" You say "This looks awesome!" All the members nod their head in agreement, even Yoongi. After 12 group photos of you guys with your stunning purple hair you are now all sprawled about the lounge your head on Jungkooks lap his hands brushing your hair, you resting your eyes on the floor, the other 5 members on the two couches.

"Hey guys..." you hear Yoongi's voice say from the corner, his voice filled with concern. "What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook says as everyone looks Yoongi's way. "Our hands...." He says you all look at your hands.... they were bright purple. The dorm went completely silent. "I think we were supposed to wear gloves..." Jimin says, to no one in particular. "Ah... I see." Jin says. The rest of you were silent looking down in disbelief at your bright purple hands.

After trying to wash it off 12 times you admit defeat. This dye was no match for your pathetic attempts to scrub it off. You lie down on your bed and sigh. Jungkook already asleep across the room. The other members snores can be heard from various places around the dorm. As you tried to sleep too. Awaiting the serious scolding the eight of you would have to deal with the next morning by the entire company of BigHit Entertainment.

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