Running away pt. 4 (finale)

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Okay okay okay... I know I didn't post last week but I was having to do loads of revision for exams, hopefully I'll update next week but I can promise one the week after. I'm very sorry!

Also, thanks for the comments and support, it means a lot and honestly brightens my day! Hope everyone is well and staying safe! 💜



You sit in the bed staring at your pale shaking hands whilst your head runs through all of the traumatic things your father has done to you as if they were a movie. 'Oh my god' you think to yourself 'I have to face him again'.

You never told him that you were leaving, you ran away home after what he did to you. Which means that he is undoubtedly going to be angry. This cannot get any worse...

'I cannot believe this is happening'.

"Well we can just sit there and wait for him to come... I-I mean... tha-thats absurd!" Namjoon's voice brings you back to the present. You look up from your hands to look at him, nervously playing with his hands whilst his face is creased in thought, searching for an answer. "I agree... but hyung we cant all leave the hospital... I mean, Y/N's not stable enough yet." Jimin reasons, looking between you and the elder. "I don't think she's going to be stable enough to handle his arrival either." Yoongi mutters to the others, but you heard as well. "If the doctors don't believe us, and we can't just leave... what do we do?" Jungkook asks quietly. You all fall into silence trying to think of ways to escape this.

"I-I never thought I'd have to see him again." You whisper, everyone looks at you with such sympathy and regret in their eyes whilst you just look straight back at them with tears in yours. "We'll get through this together." Jin says nodding at everyone individually. "Yeah.. I won't leave your side Y/N." Taehyung says, you give him a small smile.

The nurse re-enters your room and you all stop breathing awaiting the news, that is until he pulls a metal tray with a small bowl of bibimbap and a small bottle of water for lunch. Everyone let's out a breath and continues to look for answers.


An hour later and you still hadn't touched your food. Even the thought of your father being in the same building as you make your anxiety rise and nausea start to build.

All the other members have shuffled closer to you so that they're touching you in some sort of way, so that you know that they are there supporting you every step of the way.

Your head leant back onto Hobis chest as he softly strokes your hair. Both your hands being held by Yoongi and Jungkook. Taehyung's chair pulled up so close to the bed that he can comfortably rest his head on your shoulder. Jimin sitting the opposite side rubbing small circles into the dip in your shoulder. And Namjoon and Jin sitting slightly further down hugging your waist.

No one knew what to do. No one knew anything. Everyone was crushed, dreading what they knew would be a negative experience for all, but a life changing one for their maknae.


The nurse enters your room again, and you look up at him with such tired and emptiness in your eyes, awaiting the announcement of your greatest fear's arrival. "Your father has requested that he sees you alone." He reports with an ignorant smile. 'I guess I now understand that phrase, 'ignorance is bliss'' you think to yourself, too tired to give him a smile back. "I will give you all a few moments to say goodbye to one another, and then can the seven of you move into the waiting room please. You have 2 minutes to do so." With that, he leaves again shutting the door behind him.

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