American Hustle life part 1

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This was going to be the first time you ever stepped foot outside of Korea. You couldn't even sleep you were so nervous and excited. Slowly but surely you saw the sunrise through the small window just above Jungkook's bed. Your suitcase was placed just outside your room's door waiting to be taken to the airport. Your eyes shifted to the small table next to your bed and saw the small digital clock slowly change. 05:28... so close only 2 more minutes... 05:29 arghhh come on  your eyes narrowed at the little black box staring back at you 05:30 YES!  You jumped up in glee pumping your tiny fists into the air and then ran over to the groaning human trying to get more sleep.

"How can you sleep right now?!" You ask before sitting on top of the sleepy coconut. He stares at you through squinting evil eyes pouting. "I'm sleepy" he rubs his eyes with a small fist whilst still glaring at you straddling his chest. "We gotta gooooo~" You half sing whilst jumping off of his chest and running to your neatly folded clothes on the chair in the corner of the room. You flick the light switch which makes your miffed roommate throw a pillow at you.

Eventually, you get the other members up and awake and finish packing. After about 40 minutes you see eight suitcases neatly lined up next to the front door with a pair of shoes and a raincoat on top. You ate a slice of bread and an apple for breakfast and gulped down a glass of milk quickly before returning to your room to quadruple check that everything is ready.

"How many times is that hyung?" Hobi asks Namjoon smirking at your cute flustered self running around the dorm. "Four for now..." He says his eyes following you as you jogged to various places in the dorm tidying and moving various things out of nervousness. "10,000 bucks that she makes it to 10 before we all have to go." Yoongi adds raising an eyebrow. "I bet she makes it to 12..." Taehyung adds shaking his hyung's hand "I'd say she stops at 8, I have a bit of faith in her." Jimin adds before the three of them all shake hands. Jin just rolls his eyes as the other three members make conversation between themselves.

You frantically run about the dorm trying to find your fluffy jumper that the members all bought for you after the first time you went to hospital for falling over during dance practise. "There it is!" you gasp finding it hidden underneath a blanket thrown over the back of the sofa. Finally, you tie it around your waist and throw your fully charged phone into your small backpack and zip it up before locking it with a mini padlock.

You hear a knock at the door and your nerves increase, this is the first time you've ever left Korea let alone flying nearly 14 hours to America! You can barely speak any english as well! "Y/N, come on lets go!"Jin says from the doorway."Coming oppa!" You call back, grabbing your bag and running over to the others. You grab your suitcase and hand it over to Hobi who shoved it into the boot of the taxi van for you. You smile at him and sit next to the fellow maknae getting comfy for the 1 hour drive to the airport. He gives you one of his earphones as you rest your head on his shoulder watching him play games on his phone.


Eventually you arrive at the airport and sent you bag off down the little conveyor belt that took it God-knows-where. You were fascinated by the bleakness of the huge room before you, the only splash of colour were the barriers made out of some sort of tough ribbon... interesting... you thought looking around the place with wide eyes. 

You followed the other members as they lead you to some of the staff that would be recording you all throughout the trip. Saying you had butterflies was an understatement you were so excited yet nervous your whole body felt like it was buzzing with energy. 

You all walked over to security  put your bags into the small trays allocated to each person and lined up behind one another walking through some sort of empty door way with an alarm on top. One Yoongi walked through it, it was your turn. You took a deep breath and walked towards the doorway, nervous for some sort of unknown reason. I haven't done anything wrong why is there all this pressure? Everything is fine- BEEP BEEP BEEP!

Your soul exits your body as you jump at the sudden loud blaring sound. You wide terrified eyes look at your members not understanding what was about to happen. A man directs you to some sort of spot on the ground where you nervously stand unsure of what was about to happen. When apparently you spent so much energy for no reason, turns out no one framed you or planted anything on you and how the alarm goes off randomly as well. You let out a sigh and slowly put your electronics back into your bag and continued on with your journey to America...

...and my lord, was it going to be a long one!


This is going to be another mini series, sorry for not writing anymore, it's currently 03:31 so im really tired... next chapter should get further on with the sorry though, I hope you enjoy.

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