Running away pt. 3

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Jimin's POV

We are all back inside the dorm, grabbing stuff that Y/N might need when she wakes up. I grab her cushion, hairbrush and a few clothes and stuff it into the travelling bag that was put in the centre of the table in the kitchen, the other members doing the same thing. "Anything else?" I ask to no one in particular,
"I don't think so lets get to the hospital as soon as possible so we can hopefully be there when she wakes up." Yoongi hyung says, zipping up the bag and flinging it onto his shoulder. Everyone can't sit still for longer than a few seconds not knowing what is going to happen to the maknae. We all pile in the van before heading to the hospital.


We all burst through the door and run to the desk asking for Y/N. Once we get told her room number we break into a sprint to the room. We see Jungkook outside of the room sitting on a chair looking pale, his eyes wide open, not even realising we are right next to him. Hoseok hyung nudges his shoulder which startles him as hoseok asks him how Y/N is and if we can see her yet.
"I-uh they said only family can see her b-but I don't think..." his voice goes small as he nervously looks down again.

Jungkook's POV

Should I tell them what happened? They'll want to know why I don't think her family should turn up but the nurses wouldn't listen. Namjoon hyung speaks up "Jungkook-ah what happened why don't you think-"
"Just trust me." I cut him off, instantly regretting it. "Sorry hyung, I just... I'm not sure what to do right now." Namjoon pats my shoulder as if to say 'don't worry about it'. I knew that Y/N had some family issues but I never knew it was anything nearly as bad as this. A doctor comes out of Y/N's room and says how "they could get in contact with her brother but he can't make it here, they are still trying to contact her parents-"
"Please don't... she wouldn't want-" I cut her off before getting cut off.
"Sir, I understand that you feel concerned for your friend's safety but there hasn't been any reports of child abuse therefore all we know is that she ran away from home." She says before leaving again.
"Wait child abuse? Jungkook what's going on?" Jin hyung says as I feel the colour physically drain for my face. If she kept this from us for so many years I shouldn't be the one to tell them. "W-well she had this sort of episode in the ambulance... the paramedic said it was some sort of ptsd thing and well she seemed scared mentioned her dads name-"
"Maybe she was calling him to help her" Taehyung begins,
"No no... she was crying and apologising to him and calling him a psychopath and stuff..." I said and feel tears pricking my eyes as I recall the scene from the ambulance. "It's not my place to tell you guys everything b-but Y/N seemed terrified of him and they are contacting him now and if he turns up I-I don't know what's going to happen hyung..." They all look at me wide eyed and Yoongi sits on the chair next to me whilst the others sit on the floor with their back against the wall just a few feet to the left of Y/N's door.


"No other relatives have picked up the phone and so you guys can see her now." The doctor tells us as we all jump to our feet and burst through the door, only to be met with the sight of a peacefully sleeping Y/N, with various tubes and wires being connected to her. I sharply gasp at the sight of her pale, vulnerable, frail body lying under the thin, blue hospital blanket. We all rush to various places, Taehyung and I sitting on the end of her bed, Yoongi on the right of her, holding her hand, and Jimin, Jin and Namjoon all sat in chairs after moving them as close to the bed as they feasibly can. We are all silent staring at the unconscious, young girl, waiting for her to wake up.


You stir slightly in your sleep. Your body feels like it had just been hit by a truck. You try to move, but your limbs don't cooperate. Your entire body feeling so heavy that you can't even open your eyelids. You start to take in what you can hear and feel around you and realise how someone is holding your hand, it feels like Yoongi hyung, and two other members are sitting at the end of your bed. A wave of pain overcomes your head and you let out an almost silent whimper, but still loud enough for the seven people in the room to hear you. "Y-Y/N?" Yoongi hyung asks you. As a response you squeeze his hand as hard as you can but result in a slight twitch in your fingertips. "G-guys I think she's waking up!" He says looking around at the other members who have all stood up to get a clearer view of what was going on.

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