First Fan Meet!

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It's been a week since bts have debuted and you guys get to meet your fans for the first time.
You wear a white shirt, short black miniskirt, a thick choker and white converse.

It was 8 o'clock when you walk out of your and Jungkook's room. Jin was making breakfast, Namjoon reading a book and Jimin and Hoseok on their phones on the couch. You say "good morning" to each of them and walk over to the window to take some photos of the sunrise. Soon, after your little photography session, Jungkook crawled out of the room and back hugged you as his way of saying 'good morning'. You melted into his warm body and smiled . You were especially happy today because you got to miss a whole week off of school (honestly who wouldn't be). Once Taehyung and Yoongi came out of their bedroom, Jin hyung served you all breakfast.

After about half an hour, it was time to go to the fan meet!

In the van on the way you sat next to Jungkook listening to Technicolour Beat by Oh Wonder. Trying to practise the English lyrics of the song on the way there.

Once there, you were instructed to sit down at a table, in between Taehyung and Yoongi. One by one, your fans sat in front of you and everyone made conversation. Some of them were a bit rude and made comments about how you are the only girl calling you names such as 'slut' and 'whore' you started bring your lip and fidgeting (you had a habit of doing this when you're nervous or upset). Taehyung notices this and nudges Jungkook,the other side of him, Tae nods in your direction, as Jungkook whispers to him, telling Tae to keep an eye on you. As some members got little stuffed toys, snacks and cards you are yet to receive anything. Noticing this, Tae gives you a tiny bear key ring he has been given, keeping you pleasantly occupied whilst twirling the toy round your finger.

You continue the fan meet for about 30 minutes, before the next fan in the line behind the barrier catches your eye. She's glaring at you, making you gulp heavily, dreading what is yet to come. She initially slides across to Jungkook (who was first in line), you attempt to focus on the fan in front of you, trying to ignore the inevitable. After 5 minutes she slides over to Yoongi and the next fan sits in front of you. She doesn't try to make conversation with you nor even eye contact. You sign some paper for her and smile to her, not getting one back. 5 awkward minutes pass and you get to the fan you had been dreading for a little while now.

You sigh in defeat and she slides into the next seat, in front of you. You feel something hit you face, you jump in surprise 'yah!' You say, shocked at what had happened 'Whoops! Such a clutz..' the fan replies, smirking at your reaction. The members continue amusing the fans in front of them, you take the note book that was thrown at you and open to the page labelled 'bts'. As you put the pen in the paper the fan slides something on top, preventing you from signing it.

You look at her in confusion as she meets your gaze and says 'you don't deserve to be in bts, you don't deserve to be on this page nor in this notebook at all. You don't deserve to be an idol or breathe the same air as them' gesturing to the rest of the members, the fan mutters quietly so only you can hear it. Tears swell up in your eyes. She snatches her notebook back leaving you with the envelope she had used to stop you from marking the page. You open it and read it, seeing how it was a letter with addressed to you.

As you start to read the second paragraph on there, Taehyung snatches it away from you, you whimper in shock. 'Who wrote this?' He yells over the crowd. 'Don't...please' you look at him with pleading eyes. 'You don't deserve this Y/N. You've worked just as hard if not harder than any of us here. You deserve to be in this group as much as any of us. You don't deserve this kind of hate based on such a ridiculous matter of gender. You deserve much more than this. I will not stand by and watch one of my best friends get hurt, okay?' You smile at him, feeling tears fall down your face.

'Okay..' you reply as he gives you a hug, all the members giving you warm smiles. 'WE LOVE YOU Y/N!' You hear fans say 'I love you too army!' You say back into your mic.

The rest of the fan meet went well, you got a few gifts from other fans as well. That night you and all the members had a movie night and snuggled up together, falling asleep together. You and Taehyung hugging each other as members took photos and tweeted them, knowing they're going to regret messing with you two in the morning.

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