Chapter 6

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes


Your PoV

This week, all we did at school is practice our performance for Monday. I recorded second voices to my minus one since the song was sang by two people and I'm pretty excited.

The bullying lessen because my parents informed JYP about it and  since then, he keeps an eye out for me.


It's Monday, I'll be performing today as my friends said. I got up and took a bath. We can wear whatever we want since we'll be performing a dance. After dressing up, I did my disguise.

Your Outfit👇🏻

I wore my bucket hat and grabbed a black mask

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I wore my bucket hat and grabbed a black mask. I wore it and stand in front of the mirror. It covered my face, only my green/blue/brown eyes can be seen.

I walked downstairs with my things and walked to the dining room.

"Whoa. You look hot Y/N/N." My brother said causing me to look at him weirdly.


I arrived at school, with my hat and mask on. People were already looking at me up and down. I ignored them like always and head straight to the practice room with people still whispering about me.

"Is she new here?"

"Wow. Look at her abs."

"She looks so cool. I haven't seen her till now."

I locked the door and practiced my song and dance before we were called to gather at a huge room. When I entered, the room has long benches on one side while the other side, there's a big stage for the performers. The three judges were sitting in front of the stage.

"Welcome, students. As you all know, I'm JYP and my good friends will be joining us." He said and the other two introduced themselves.

"Good morning. Just call me YG and I'm here to judge your performances. I'm hoping to see better performers, good luck." YG said.

"Good morning, lovely students. My name is Sunmi, I hope to see impressive results. Good luck." Sunmi said with a smile.

The students cheered, while JYP is picking a name from a big plastic bucket.



The students and judges were getting bored. Either the performance was not that good or too much.

It was Sunmi's turn again, she picked and as she opens it my heart is beating faster from nervousness.

"Kim Y/N." She called out.

By that, I got up that made all the students shock.

"Omg. That's Y/N?"

"She has nice body so she better fix her face soon."

"I can't wait to see her get embarrassed..YG is scary as fuck."

As I got down, I ran to the side where Itzy is in charge for the musics. I gave them my songs and gave them an eye smile since my face is covered.

"Good luck, Y/N/N!" They all said with a squeal as they gave me a mic to sing.

"Thanks guys." I said and walked to the center of the stage.

You can do this, Y/N. You practiced this song a lot of times.

(Please listen to the song👇🏻or don't..idk it's up to you)

As the song ended, I looked up to see them all with mouth agape. I looked at the judges to see them with jaw dropped. I looked to the side to see 9 girls with the same expression.

Suddenly, loud claps and whistles can be heard. I smiled to myself and bowed.

"You surprised us all, Y/N. You have a beautiful voice." Sunmi commented with a big smile.

"You have a potential. You have a high chance of becoming one of the top idol in this University." JYP said with a small smile.

"Very impressive, Y/N. I can't wait to hear you sing again. Now let's see your dance." YG said as he clapped with the other judges.

I nodded and give my friends a thumbs up. They played the song 'wow' as I positioned myself.

(Pretend you're the one in the middle👇🏻)

"Whooo!!" Loud cheers erupted as the dance ended. I bowed again and got ready for the next song.

(Pretend you're the girl in stripes👇🏻)

As song ended, the judges got up from their seats and clapped loudly. The students at the back did the same except for the bullies who just clapped lightly. Yeji ran to me with a big smile and gave me a mic.

"You're dancing gracefully and full of energy, Y/N. You can dance and sing! You're continuously surprising us with every talent you have." YG praised.

"You were amazing and you look effortlessly sexy. I'm speechless." Sunmi said.

"I wasn't expecting it. You looked so passionate and professional." JYP said with a grin.

"Thank you so much." I said with a bow.

"Did you choreographed this, Y/N?" YG asked.

"Yes, sir." I answered that made all of them looked surprised.

They all clapped and cheered again as I bowed and take a seat.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now