Chapter 39

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.

For Momo stans here...get ready for some moments..


Unknown Person's PoV

Now that you're dumped by that ugly nerd..

You're mine now, Yu-jin. Mine


Yu-jin's PoV

"You're caught, Yu-jin. Everyone already knows that you were dared to dump the nerd. Nice one."


No. I would never do such thing.

I genuinely like the girl currently standing beautiful in front of me.

I just wanna date a genuine nice girl who would understand everything in me.

And that's Y/n.

I told myself that I'll wait for her.

But now, she hates me.

Even if she doesn't like me like I do. I'd still do everything to be her friend.

"What did you even see in her? She's the ugliest fucking witch I've ever seen."

I snapped out of my thoughts, only to see no one in front of me.

I frown at that but remembering what the guy just said, I turned to him with clenched jaw, struggling not to punch him.

"That nerd deserves to be in trash-"

I cut him off by harshly slamming him against the lockers, shocking all the students. But I don't give a shit about them.

My head is just full of Y/n and how to make this guy regret his words about her.

The guy swing a punch making me fall hard on the ground.

I groaned as I feel blood running down from my lip but I got up anyways.

"Why are you still fighting for the nerd? Are you insane? Have you even seen her face properly? No one would fight for that fac-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I pushed him making the both of us fall to the floor. I started throwing punches on his face causing him to do the same, but I did more to his before someone harshly pulled us away from each other.

"Get away from my sister, you dickhead!" I heard my sister shouts, pulling me away from the guy.

When the both of us weakly got up, my sister slapped the guy real hard causing my eyes to widen.

"That's for punching a girl, especially my sister." She said before kicking him hard in the balls making the guy fall to the floor, groaning. "And that's for insulting my best friend, Y/n."

I chuckled at that but winced after making my younger sister sigh and turn back to the guy.

"Now fuck off and don't touch my sister or even dare to breathe around Y/n." Jihya ended before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the crowd.

When we arrived at the clinic, which is empty, Jihya sat me down on one of the beds.

I was thinking about what Y/n might be feeling right now when suddenly, a hand slapped the back of my head.


"Did you really do that to Y/n for a stupid dare? If yes, I'll shove you back to the guy and make you two fight for days-"

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now