Chapter 12

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.


This is boring but I'll do better at the next chapter. And sorry for waiting for 1234567890 years.


Your PoV

As we were talking about random things, JYP called for our attentions.

"Excuse me, my dear students. We called you here today for announcements for this week's activities. As you can see, I'll be the one to inform you this because this is very important." He paused.

The idols started getting more excited by that making JYP chuckle and continue.

"On Friday, all of you will be performing at a charity event that is held by the royalties. Each group will be performing their two latest songs so if I were you, I'll start practicing not to stutter my introduction in front of the King and Queen together with the princesses and prince. Good luck, everyone!" JYP shouted causing the idols to cheer.

"And also, on Saturday until next week Monday, you'll be having your camping-"

Louder cheers erupted the room causing JYP to shush the excited idols.

"I'll post the 'things to bring' on the bulletin board so I suggest you check that out later." He said and ended the 'short meeting'.

"Let's meet at the cafeteria after practice. See you later girls!" Jihyo said and left with her group.


After practice

After my practice, I head straight to the empty cafeteria and waited for them. As I was waiting, I saw JYP wandering around the cafeteria. When he saw me, he walked towards me before looking around the area. After that, he bowed and I got up and did the same.

"Your Royal highness, If I'm not bordering you, I would like to have a talk in my office." He said with a small smile.

"Oh..did I did something wrong?" I asked as I follow him to his office.

"Don't worry, it's not something you did. It's about next week's activity that I'm worried your parents might not allow you." He said and sat on his chair. I sat in front of him before asking,

"What about it?"

" you know, this is a University where many activities is held including singing and dancing but we don't do just that. We also teach our students to learn how to survive and do other things. We teach them to use not only their talents, but their minds. So every year, Idols go in camping for a week with limited foods and things to use. On the first day of camping, we'll be grouping you into five and each group will have their own big tent to sleep in. Then, the next days, we'll all leave you to the assigned leader who will guide you and tell you the activities you'll be all doing." He said making me nod in excitement.

"Does male and female go on camping together?" I asked furiously.

"No, your majesty. We separate male idols to females, we put males in another camping place." He explained.

"Thank you for explaining, I'll ask my parents about it."


𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now