Chapter 30

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.


Your PoV

I slowly turned around causing both of us to gasp as I saw-

The. Fucking. Orangutan.

She's gasping like a human now too?

I somehow sighed in relief as I stare at her making her way towards me. The orangutan suddenly held her hand up and gave me the empty bottle she's holding.

"You want milk?" I asked making her nod a little like she understands me.

I grabbed the bottle and was about to make milk for her but I feel her tug on my pjs before she raised her arms, signalling that she wants me to carry her.

Is this really happening right now? Where is she even sleeping?

I crouched down and she immediately attached herself to my hip, wrapping an arm around my neck. I hurriedly made her milk before giving it to her.

I was expecting her to pull away from me and go back to wherever she's sleeping but she remained still as she drink her bottle of milk.

My hands went to put her down but she rest her head on my shoulder, refusing to pull away.

I sighed and just let her before making my way to the fridge to eat some cookies that Jihya made. When I opened the fridge, it's gone.


I remembered telling them who made these and pursue on making them eat it but they still refused saying they didn't want something from an enemy.

And now it's gone.

Aish. Twice and their hungry stomachs...

After closing the fridge, I looked at the orangutan still hugging me. I tried putting her down for the second time but she kept her hold on me.

Don't tell me she's sleeping with me-

I suddenly heard a voice from upstairs making me freeze on my spot. I turned to baby with wide eyes causing her do the same and look at me with her big orbs.

"Baby? Where are you?" I heard Tzuyu's voice before we heard her footsteps going down the stairs.

Oh. She's sleeping in Tzuyu's and Sana's room. What a lucky baby.

I quietly ran to the pantry with baby still attached to me and closed the door. I covered my mouth with my hands to quiet my heavy breathing making the orangutan do the same again.

Is she really doing this right now?

I heard Tzuyu step into the kitchen before she mumbled something.

"Aish. Momo unnie left the kitchen lights on again.." She mumbled before turning off the lights. "Baby?"

She calls out again making the orangutan move to open the door. Luckily, I stopped her in time causing her to turn to me and tilt her head in confusion.

I shook my head making her retreat her hand and suck on her baby bottle again. I heard Tzuyu's footsteps walk back upstairs and her door closed so I walked out and quietly ran to our room.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now