Chapter 43

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.

Always stay safe everyone. And don't stress yourself too much.


3rd Person's PoV (Still 16 days before Y/n's birthday)

"Hey, Y/n/n. I went to the lavatory but you weren't there, what's taking you so lon-" Ji-eun said but was cut off when she saw Y/n's figure just standing there.

"You...You weren't planning on telling me?" Y/n almost whispered as she face her causing Ji-eun to gulp before telling the servants and guards to leave them.

"I was planning to, but...I just wanted to enjoy my time with you." Ji-eun told her.

"Do you have something else to tell me?"

"I..I don't want to tell you."

Y/n just nodded understandingly. She'd rather overthink about it than force someone into doing they don't want to do.

"I'm sorry."

"But, why?" Y/n asked, closing her palm into a fist, hoping this is really not happening.

"It'll break my promise to you.." Ji-eun mumbled, clenching her jaw, forcing herself not to cry in front of the girl she fell in love with. "You know that I don't break our promises ever since we're just kids."

"I know..but now you're gonna break one. And I don't even know what it is."

"I swear, the world is so cruel." Ji-eun mumbled.

"I respect that you don't want to tell me something but please, can I at least know why you're leaving?" Y/n's voice came out as a whisper.

Suddenly, a wave of nervousness coated Y/n's heart. It's certainly not a pleasant feeling. She doesn't know why, but, she feel scared on what's next to come.

After a minute of silence, Ji-eun finally spoke.

And everything stopped.

She spoke the five words Y/n would never imagine her first love saying. She can't breath.

All she could think about is the words that breaks her heart even more.

"Ji-eun will leave."

"She won't be beside me anymore."

And lastly, the words that left Ji-eun's mouth.

"I'm engaged to someone else."


Your PoV

Sunday (10 days before Y/n's birthday)

It's been 5 days since she left. 5 days since we last gazed in each other's eyes. 5 days since we last spoke. 5 days since she made me laugh. 5 days since she last held my hand. And 5 days since I last saw her smile.

I'm here in our old room at Twice's house. I still smell her sweet and addicting scent on her pillows and blanket.

It's almost my birthday. But where is she?

Suddenly, a knock on the door made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Hey, nerd."

I playfully scoff at the name she always call me as I wipe my tears while she went to sit beside me. Silence engulfed us, but then, her arm slowly wrapped around my shoulders, patting it gently.

"Is this called comforting? I mean..does it help?" She asked awkwardly making me chuckle a bit. "Oh wait, I remembered unnie left us a list."

A list?

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now