Chapter 16

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.


Your Pov


And the next thing I know, they fell on top of me.

"Oh crap!" I grunted as the girl laying on me moved and lift her head up from my neck.

"Shit. This is so embarrassing." Tzuyu whispered as she looks directly at my eyes.

Yep. Tzuyu..

I gulped as I feel her breasts on mine, I cleared my throat and waited for her to move.

"Ugh. Stupid rocks. What the hell are you doing with it anyways?" She said sassily as she got up from me.

"For the bonfire?" I said, obviously.

"Right." She said before leaning towards me and say, "Don't tell anyone I fell on you. Okay??"

"Why? What's wrong with you just being clumsy-"

"J-Just don't. They'll think we were doing something and- ugh just shut up about it. It's fucking embarrassing." She said before leaning away. "Later, nerd."

And she was gone.

She's so weird.


Our materials for the bonfire is now complete. I helped them find some firewoods and tinder (A/N: it's a dry, flammable material, such as wood or paper, used for lighting a fire. Not the dating app, okiee?) before we all gathered around our spot.

"Okay, Y/N. I need you to hold this wooden stick and this bow thingy. I'm gonna twist the rope of the bow around the wood and after that, I need you to roll the stick with the bow to start up a fire fast, okay?" Sana stated impressively.

I did as I was told and I see Ji-eun holding the tinder, waiting for me to start the fire. I roll the stick with the bow faster, causing more smoke to release from the bottom. After few more seconds, it started a fire causing Ji-eun to stick out the tinder to the fire that I just made and lit up the tinder. She put the tinder in the middle of the rocks before I blew on it to spread the fire.

"It looks easy on you guys. That's impressive since it's your first time." Nayeon said with an amused smile.

"Yeah. You guys are fucking amazing at this." Jeongyeon said as the other girls gather thin firewoods around the tinder to make the fire bigger.

"We're amazing at other things too." I said with a big innocent smile causing Ji-eun to laugh.

"S-Sorry. I thought of something else." She said as she struggled to breathe from laughing.

I looked at the others confusingly who's laughing too by the way.

"Us too." Momo said with a chuckle.

"What is it? I'm amazing at other things too, right??" I said, more than confused.

"I'm sure you are, Y/N/N." Sana said before winking at me.

Well, that's hot.

I cleared my throat before looking away and grabbing bigger woods to keep the fire going. After adding more woods, I sat down and warm my self. The others are still doing theirs so we have some time to kill before our next activity.

After some minutes of resting a little bit, I got up from the ground and walked to them who's just talking with each other and warming theirselves around the bonfire.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now