Chapter 7

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes


Your PoV

It's now Friday, which means the judges will announce the top 5. The last performer just finished and we all clapped. This week, all we did is watch the other groups or solos perform.

The judges got on stage as they hold their mic.

"I just wanted to say, I'm proud to have talented students like you. Keep doing what you love and no matter what happens, don't stop dreaming and pursuing your dreams. Now, we'll announce the top five that we picked." He paused before he continued, "Those five will have the opportunity to perform at one of the Royal charities that held by the Kim Royalties."

By that, students started cheering and getting excited.

"That's not it!...The King and Queen will be watching it too, together with the princesses and prince-"

He was cut off again when the students jumped and squealed in their seats. The top idols can't help but cheer and squeal too which made me laugh a bit because I see twice is freaking out together with Tzuyu who's clapping and smiling widely, her dimples showing.

"Okay, dear students. Calm down.." He said.

"Sir! Sir! Is the hidden princess coming too?!" A guy asked.

"Uhmm I don't know about that.." He said causing the students to frown. "But I'm positive we'll meet her soon, my dear students. But now, let's be happy that we'll get to meet the Royalties, right?"

"YES!" The students all cheered.

"Now is the time to announce the top five...first we have," He said as he looked at the paper in his hands. "TXT!"

The students cheered as the group of boys got up from their seats and stand on the stage.


"Last but not the least, Kim Y/N!"

Cheers and whistles erupted as I got up cheekily and walked to the stage.

"Congratulations." The judges said and shook my hands.

"Oh wow. You have very smooth hands." Sunmi said with a smile.

"Thanks." I said and bowed.


"Eomma! Appa!" I called out as I ran to them.

"Yes, dear?"

"I'm one of the top five!" I cheered as they congratulated me. "The top idols including me will be performing at one of our upcoming royal charity!"

"Oh yes! About that, all the students at the university will attend the event as JYP said. I'm excited to see you perform, Y/N/N." Appa said as he kissed my forehead.


It's Saturday and I'm currently reading a book when I heard a bark. I looked to see Jennie unnie with Kuma. She ran to me and whispered,

"Y/N/N, let's go out!" She said with a cheeky smile.

"What if Eomma-"

"She's sleeping!" She jumped happily.

"Okay. Wait for me." I said and ran to my walk in closet.

Your Outfit👇🏻

I removed my crown so Jennie unnie did the same

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I removed my crown so Jennie unnie did the same. I grabbed a black mask for both of us before putting it on. I carried Kuma and bring him to Jisoo unnie's room. Kuma and Dalgom started playing with each other so I closed the door and ran with Jennie unnie.

We were about to open the door to the back but we heard someone chewing. We looked to see Jisoo unnie eating chicken while looking at us.

"Don't get caught. I'll cover for you guys incase Eomma wake up." She winked before continued walking to her room.

We opened the huge door and stepped out. As we were walking quietly, Jin and Jungkook suddenly popped out of nowhere and starts heading towards our way. Our eyes widen and we both ran without making a noise.

We sighed in relief and walked to our secret exit.

"Well that was close.." Jennie unnie mumbled before we walk.

As we continued walking, we saw bakery so my sister and I immediately ran towards it and got inside. They were a few strangers buying so we had to be careful.

"Unnie, I'll wait for you outside." I said and she just nodded.

I go outside and walked in circles until I bumped into someone causing her to fall on her butt.

"I'm so sorry, miss." I said and pulled her up. We both looked into each others eyes and I immediately recognised her.

It's one of the 9 girls of Twice.

She has moles on her face which is cute. I snapped out of my thoughts when she talked.

"It's okay." She said in a small voice.

Jennie unnie walked out of the bakery with sweets.

"Hey, I'm back." She said.

"Hey unnie." I said and my sister and the girl made eye contact.


Mina's PoV

"Hey unnie." Said the girl with mask.

I remembered Kim Y/N performing with a mask covering her face and it looks very alike to the girl in front of me but she has pale white skin instead of tan so it's impossible to think it's Y/N. I looked at the other girl and we made eye contact. She has cat-like eyes. It looks very familiar too.

"I'm sorry again, miss. We'll be going now." The girl who bumped into me said.

When they left, I ran back to our mansion and grabbed my laptop. The other girls were startled by my actions so they decided to ask.

"Hey, you okay?" Sana unnie asked and I just nodded. They all just stared at me as I search on something.

'Kim Jennie' I typed. One picture just appeared and it wasn't even her full face, it was just her side profile.

I sighed and grabbed the water bottle from Chaeyoung. As I drink, the girls just stared at me weirdly but I ignored them.

I need to get more information..

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now