Chapter 21

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I didn't proofread sorry mistakes.

Warning. This is crappy and boring, but I'll do better on the next chapter.


Your PoV


It's the next day and thankfully, the school decided to give us rest days, 4 days to be exact starting today. Which means we won't be back until next week Monday.

I got up from my bed and did my morning routine. After that, I wore my royal dress for the day and slip on my sandals. I placed my crown on top of my head before walking towards the door.

It suddenly opened causing Jin and Jungkook greet me as they bow. I greeted them back before walking downstairs with them on each side of me.

Suddenly, dozens of royal guards ran to me and circled around me. I got startled and looked at Jin and Jungkook confusingly.

"Some outsiders aggressively broke into the palace, your Royal Highness. They said they were looking for you and wants to meet you badly." One of the commanding officer explained.

"What about my family? Are they okay?" I asked, getting worried.

"They're okay and are circled with the royal guards too, ma'am. The King commanded us to look for you until everything is settled." He said making me nod and thank him.

Jin and Jungkook escorted me towards the living room with the others still circling around us. When we arrived at the room, I saw my siblings and mother circled with the royal guards.

"Come here, my daughter." The Queen said as soon as she saw me.

I walked towards her causing her to give me a hug and ask me if I'm okay.

"Are you okay, dear?"

"Yes, mother. What about you and my siblings?" I asked as I look at my sisters and brother.

"We're fine, Y/n. We were about to eat when we heard people shouting from outside and suddenly, royal guards ran to us and escorted us here." Jisoo unnied said and rubbed my back reassuringly.

"What do they really want?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice.

"You." Jennie unnie said. "They wanted to see you so they broke in and started screaming. Luckily, before they got nearer to the palace, the royal guards got them."

"How did they even broke in?" I asked as we sat on the couch.

"They found the secret entrance. So from now on, no one will use that, my dear children. I already hired some people to cover the secret door permanently." The King announced after he walked towards us.

"How will Y/n go to school?" My brother asked.

"We are still figuring that out. If we don't have any other choice..we'll have to stop Y/n from going to school for a while..." My father said causing me to perk up and look at him.


"I'm sorry, my dear. But it's for your safety. You can go back to school after you're revealed to the public." The King said.

"Okay.." I said making my siblings give me a look.

"I'm glad you're fine with this, but we promise you Y/n, you'll be back." The Queen promised.

"Everything is back to normal, your majesties." The Battalion Commander announced as he stood straight.

We all thanked him before walking back towards the dining room. But before I can walk, my siblings pulled me back. As soon as the King and Queen was out of sight, they turned to me and raised their eyebrow.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝 (𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞&𝐈𝐔/𝐘𝐨𝐮)✔️Where stories live. Discover now