Chapter 1

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"ALRIGHT LYANNA! SHOW THAT HORSE FACE WHO'S BOSS!" Lyanna Northcaster smiled as she heard her comrades cheer her on from the side lines. It'd been three years since she joined the scouts, and she loved every moment of it. Here she had real friends, who wouldn't whisper behind her back like the people back home did. Lyanna wiped the sweat from her brow as she roundhouse kicked Jean in his abdomen. Jean Kirstein, unwittingly challenged her to a hand to hand combat; that was a mistake.  Lyanna may have been clumsy when it came to everything else such as walking and generally being a function human being. But she was damn good at combat and using her 3DMG. Jean rushed Lyanna, a move she'd anticipated as she side stepped him. Jean lost his footing and fell down causing a large cloud of dust to form. Taking this advantage Lyanna ran towards him and pinned him down. Smirking Lyanna applied pressure on his shoulder blades causing Jean to groan.

"I yeild! I Yeild!" Jean practically begged as Lyanna formed a sadistic smile on her face. 

"Nah uh, you don't get to insult my combat skills and then get off that easily. I warned you last time didn't I  Kirstein?" Jeans eyes widened as he watched Lyanna raise her fist, their friends watched from the sidelines with shocked expressions. Lyanna brought her fist down and Jean closed his eyes, seemingly accepting his fate. However, Lyanna's fist never made its impact, instead she pinched his nose and laughed boisterously. 

"Deaths too good for you Kirstein, besides if I killed you who would Eren have to flirt with?" Lyanna stood up and dusted her uniform off. She offered her hand to Jean and he begrudgingly took it. In her peripheral vision she could see Eren fuming. "I DON'T FLIRT WITH HIM! LIKE HELL I WOULD FLIRT WITH SOME HORSE FACE LOOKING DUMBASS!" Lyanna smirked as she saw Jean's nostrils flare. She reveled for these kinds of moments, anytime she could instigate a fight promised entertainment not only for her, but her fellow comrades as well. "THE FEELINGS MUTUAL YOU TITAN SHIFTING SHIT NUGGET!" Eren's eyes widened as he neared Jean and bumped his chest to his. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME? SAY THAT TO MY AGAIN I DARE YOU!" Lyanna took this opportunity to join up with Mikasa and Armin on the sidelines. "Hey guys." She waved as Mikasa nodded and Armin smiled. " it really necessary to get those two started so early in the morning?" Connie asked as he rubbed his eyes. "...Yes." Was all that Lyanna responded. 

"How long do you think it'll be before the higher-ups intervene?" Armin meekly asked. "By higher-ups you mean Levi right? Not long I'm sure, the guys got a radar for whenever Eren gets himself into trouble." Lyanna folded her arms and watched as Eren and Jean argue, each sentence louder than the last. "You mean, when you get Eren in trouble." Mikasa said, as she allowed a small smile to form. "More or less, details my dear friend, details." Before anyone else could retort a dark canvased Lyanna and her friends. "Right on time." Lyanna smiled and turned to the man of the hour. Captain Levi.

"What's going on here? Kirstein, Yeager! Get your damn asses off the ground before I up you under it personally!" Jean and Eren froze and stood up so quick that Lyanna nearly missed the action. "Sir!" Both boys shouted and saluted the Captain before them, each of them sending a glare Lyanna's way. "I won't ask again, tell me what's going on here?" Levi's stoic face darkened as he turned to the whole group, his gaze landed on Lyanna. She challenged his stare but saluted him none-the-less.  "Sorry sir, Eren and I just got out of hand..." Jean answered, Lyanna could see him subtly shaking. 

"Cleaning duty for month...both of you. Lyanna. My office. Now!" Captain Levi demanded as stalked off. "Damn it." Lyanna mumbled as she looked over her shoulder, both Jean and Eren were smirking at her. Lyanna kindly sent them a gesture and made a face at them. "Lyanna!" Levi's voiced boomed and Lyanna startled. "Coming sir!"


"Care to explain to me why you've decided to pit Yeager and Kirstein against each other? Again." Levi sat at his neat desk and brushed away dust particles that only he could see. "I was bored after I kicked Kirsteins ass...sir." Lyanna answered while shrugging. If she were being honest with herself, she wasn't all too afraid of Levi. Since the death of their squad members, Levi had treated Lyanna slightly better, emphasis on slightly. It was nearly like the friendship Levi had with squad leader Hanji. Just with more mental stability on her part and less irritation on his. When she first joined the Scout regimen, Levi had made her life hell. He was convinced that a woman of her status, from Wall Sina had no business in the scouts. "I need soldiers who will do their damn job! Not some piece of entitled shit, that expects the job to be handed to them!" Lyanna remembered those words, at the time it'd bothered her, but eventually those words became her motivation to do better. Whatever Levi threw at her she handled. In turn, she gained Levi's respect, a feat nearly impossible to only a select few. 

"Damn it Northcaster! We've talked about this before! I can't have you causing disorder and havoc!" Levi leaned back into his chair and scowled at Lyanna who only sighed in return. "Is that all you had to say to me?" Lyanna cocked an eyebrow at him. "No, believe it or not I didn't bring you here to reprimand you. Here." Levi handed Lyanna a closed envelope, sealed with her families crest. The first letter she'd recieved in...well ever. Since she left she assumed they'd pretty much disowned her. Lyanna hailed from the ever prestigious Northcaster family from wall Sina. Incredibly wealthy and snobby was how most people described them, she despised them. Lyanna had always planned on joining up in the scouts, but the final blow came when she turned sixteen. Her parents tried to marry her off and she refused to have any part in that. By something short of a miracle she was able to hold them off from that.

"Hurry up and open it damn it! I don't have all day." Levi demanded as he glared at her. Lyanna rolled her eyes and began to open her letter. Her eyes skimmed it until they fell upon something that made her blood run cold. A full solid minute passed where she couldn't breath, she was frozen. "Northcaster." Levi's voice broke the spell that Lyanna was under. "My family is coming to visit, when they originally sent this I had at least a week to prepare but now..." Lyanna trailed off and Levi listened. "Tch, now what?" Levi's impatience was getting the better of him. "They'll be here tomorrow...and they're bringing someone for me to marry..."Lyanna slumped in the chair.

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