Chapter 22

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Lyanna's P.O.V

The heavy double doors opened and my sense of impending doom was heightened, this was it. I would be married and carrying that horrible mans child with in the night. I had to do my best not to allow the bile in my throat to escape my mouth. My father began to take his first steps down the aisle, I couldn't bring myself to move forward. It was almost as if my feet had suddenly been encased in cement. "Come on already!" My father whispered harshly as he yanked me forward. Automatically my feet moved with his as I allowed my mind to wander to all of my happy memories with the scouts, with Hanji and with Levi. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I saw Wallbourne lean over and whisper something to the minister, the very same minister who'd almost married Levi and I. I could kind of make out what he was saying, something about my tears being tears of joy. 'Far from it actually.'  I looked to my right as I spotted someone familiar, the blonde hair and bushy eyebrows were a welcome sight. Commander Erwin kept a stoic look on his face, but his grip on the pew in front of him didn't escape me. I caught his eye as he made a motion towards the front pew. I furrowed my eyebrows together, as I looked forward.

Wallbourne was standing there, with a smug smile on his face. He was up to something, he only ever smiled like that when he was cooking something up. My father and I had finally reached the end of the aisle, Wallbourne walked down the three steps to meet us. "Who here gives this woman in holy matrimony?" The minister asked as my father stepped forward. "Her mother and I do." Was all my father said as he took his seat. Wallbourne smiled as I refused to meet his eyes, I scanned the faces of the guests. Couldn't they see how wrong this was? I continued to scan their faces until my eyes landed on the familiar grey eyes of the person I truly loved. "Levi..." I said breathlessly. He looked worn and beaten, the bags under his eyes gave away the fact that he hadn't been sleeping. His usually well-kept hair was in disarray as was his clothes, but what broke me was that he was here in shackles, about to watch me marry another man. "This is my wedding gift to you." Wallbourne smiled sadistically. "You're a sick bastard." I said through gritted teeth. Wallbourne rose his hand to me and it made contact with my cheek. "Watch your tongue with me." I could see Levi trying to break free of his hold that his guards had on him. 'Did seriously no one just bat an eye at him slapping me? Welp, thats the royal capitol for you.' 

"Shall we continue?" Lord Wallbourne turned to the minister and smiled as though the last few moments hadn't happened. "Yes, well do you Lord Wilbur Wallbourne, take this woman to be wedded here and now, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Wallbourne looked down at me and smiled. "Of course I do." "And do you Lady Lyanna Northcaster take this man to be wedded here and now, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" I looked back at Levi one last time before I signed my life away to the devil who stood before me. He was shaking his head and mouthing for me to run, the tears in his eyes threatened to fall. My heart broke all over again, as I mouthed an apology to him. "I do." "Splendid, now should anyone object speak now or forever hold your peace." Silence engulfed the room and my heart sank. "I object." Erwin's voice broke through the silence and I sighed with relief. "As do I." Eunice was next to object and I sent a thankful look her way. "Us too!" I looked over and saw Armin, Mikasa, and Eren dressed in what I could only describe as bad disguises.

"For the love of the walls!" The minister said as he threw his book over his shoulder. "What is the meaning of this?" Wallbourne glared at those who were standing up for me. "You can't marry Lyanna." Erwin took a daring step forward. "May I ask why not?" Wallbournes voice was dripping with venom as his grip increased on my hands. "Oh the answer is simple, you see I was looking through the kingdom laws last night, as you know it is a favorite past time of mine to read over the jurisdictions and laws of our lovely kingdom. And I just so happen to come upon a rather interesting law." Erwin paused for effect, and smiled. "Minister if you would turn to page 345 in that book of your and read it aloud for all those present today." Erwin smiled as the minister picked his book up and began flipping through the pages. "Well lets see here, When unmarried man and unmarried woman, not minors, have been living together as man and wife, they may, without health certificate, be married upon issuance of appropriate authorization." The minister looked up at Erwin as he nodded. "Now, this means that Lyanna was in fact married before Wallbourne took it upon himself to void anything." The minister gasped. "But how can that be possible?" Erwin smiled sheepishly, "Well you see the marriage certificate was a fake but due to some judicial loop-holes and what not, my signature made it their marriage legitimized none-the-less. I'm a high ranking officer so I have the power to marry couples here and there."

"So what your saying is commander is that..." I trailed off as I looked over at Levi and smiled. "You were my wife this entire time Lya." He responded. "Also, I would like to add just for added insurance, they indeed consummated their marriage...several times." Erwin said sheepishly as my face turned crimson. "You told him?" I set my glare on Levi who held his hands up defensively in front of him. "Well, due to the overwhelming confession and numerous objections, I can not in good faith, marry these two today." The minister said as the entire chapel broke out into chaos. I dropped my bouquet and picked up the hem of my dress as I ran over to Levi. I encased him into a bone crushing hug as he began to kiss my face all over, tears were streaming. "Get him out of his cuffs already!" I demanded, I needed to feel his arms around me. The guards began to fumble for their keys and soon the clang of Levi's cuffs falling to the floor sounded. He wasted no time in hugging me close to his body, for a moment everything was okay. "SILENCE!" Wallbournes voice boomed through the entire church as he pulled me away from Levi. I tried to fight out of his grasp but so I felt a cool metallic knife against my throat. "She was promised to me! Me! I'll be damned if I let some underground trash take her away from me!" Levi made an attempt to step forward and rescue me but Wallbourne dug the knife deeper into my neck. "Come any closer and I'll spill her blood! That goes for anyone in this room too! You! Marry us now!" Wallbourne turned to the minister.

"I can not, it's against the law!" The minister stood his ground but gulped when he saw the knife dig more into me. I let out a yelp and kept my eyes on Levi. "You must really want a dead woman on your hands! It's either you marry us or she dies, do you really want her death on your conscience?" Wallbourne had finally snapped, I needed to get myself out of this situation. "It's okay minister." I said quietly, if I played my cards right I would make it out of this alive. "There you have it, she's consented, now marry us!" I sent a reassuring look towards Levi who nodded and back away. "Do you take this woman to be your wife?" The minister asked with a shaking voice. "We all know I do old man, move it along!" "Do you take this man for your husband?" I looked to Wallbourne and managed to smile my most fake smile I could conjure. "I do." I said sweetly. "You do?" Wallbourne sent a glare towards the minister who visibly shrunk. "I-I mean, by the power vested by me and by the walls, I now pronounce you man and wife. Seal your devotion to one another with a kiss." Wallbourne had finally lowered the knife away from my neck as he turned me to face him. "I'm so glad you see it my way." He said as he leaned down to kiss me. I waited for his eyes to close before I executed my plan, I took my palm and slammed in up into his chin. "What the fu-" I didn't give him the chance to finish his sentence, while he was stunned I kicked him in his gut sending him flying back. He landed with a hard thud as he looked up at me, I smiled down at him. "Don't ever fuck with me or my husband again." I kicked him in his face effectively knocking him out.

"Well, I've had enough drama for one day. If anyone should need me I'll be on vacation." The minister walked off as the crowd cheered. None of that mattered to me as I took off towards Levi, who welcomed me with open arms. "I didn't know my wife was such a badass." Levi said as I laughed. "Get used to it buddy, you'll have many more years of this to come." Levi smiled as he looked down at me. "You need a shower." I teased him as he chuckled. "That can wait, for now just let me kiss you."

"You don't have to tell me twice." I said as Levi crashed his lips into mine.

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