Chapter 4

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"Levi." Lyanna looked at him with a quizzing look, not that she wasn't thankful for his appearance. "Your fiance? I beg your pardon...Levi, but this woman has already been promised to me." Lord Wallbourne's grip tightened on Lyanna's hand. Levi walked over to where they stood and ripped Lord Wallbourne's hand off of Lyanna. Taking a few steps back he held her hand and looked down at her. Lyanna felt something hard and cool in her hand moments later, she looked down and saw a simple silver band. "Put it on." Levi demanded. As quickly and slyly as she could Lyanna slipped the ring onto her ring finger. 'It fits perfectly.' Lyanna looked over at Levi then over to her parents and the Lord. All of whom were absolutely fuming. "That's Captain Levi to you, but I do apologize. You see Lyanna isn't my fiance, we were just married a few days ago. Forgive my slip of the tongue. Lyanna felt her jaw go slack but quickly recovered as she nodded. She might as well go along with this scenario. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Her mother interjected. "Are you deaf lady? I married your daughter." Levi held Lyanna's hand tighter. "Where's your proof? How do we know this isn't all a ruse? I've heard of you Captain Levi, I've also heard that you had no intention to marry." Lord Wallbourne cried, his gaze never left Lyanna. "Don't believe me here." Levi took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Lord Wallbourne. The Lord snatched it from Levi's grasp and examined the paper. "As you can see it's signed by Commander Erwin, I'm sure you've heard his reputation of upholding rules down to the wire? You should have no more doubts about how legitimate our marriage is." Levi hugged Lyanna closer to him and Lyanna couldn't help but blush. "This is unacceptable! Dear say something!" Lyannas mother screamed at her husband. 

"While you may have a certificate of marriage, it doesn't necessarily mean your marriage is finalized. We could always annul your marriage." Her father glared down at his daughter and "son-in-law". "On what grounds?" Levi glared right back at Lyanna's father. "Well, for starters if you've consummated your marriage or have any intention of doing so." Lyanna and Levi both tensed. "Also, I have every right as her father to make sure you two are compatible with one another. From what I've seen so far, you two are far from lovers." Lyanna cast her gaze down at her feet, she could practically feel her mother smirking. However, before Lyanna could register what was happening Levi had grabbed her chin with his index finger and thumb. He titled her chin up towards him and kissed her lips. The kiss was simple but Lyanna could feel every emotion Levi put into it. She could also feel her knees buckling below her, which prompted Levi to hold her waist. Lyanna returned the kiss and allowed her eyes to flutter shut. After a few minutes they separated and looked into the stunned faces of their company. 

"As you can see were very much in love, so you if you'll excuse me I'll be taking my wife to our room now." Lyanna willed her legs to move and dared not to look back at those behind her. "Thank you." She whispered to Levi. "Don't thank me yet." He snapped. When they reached his office they both released a breath neither of them realized they were holding. "Oh my gods, that you so much Levi!" Lyanna hugged Levi and Levi groaned. "Oi brat get off of me! I'm still your superior!" Lyanna released and giggled as Levi smoothed out his non-existent wrinkles on his uniform. "Why did you help me?" Lyanna asked him and Levi sighed. "Because." He simply answered. "That's not a real answer." Lyanna crossed her arms and Levi glared at her. Before either of them said anything else Levi's office door swung open. "LYANNA!" Hanji burst in a ran towards Lyanna, before she could crush her in a bone breaking hug Lyanna side stepped; causing Hanji to run into the wall. 

"Nice." Levi commented, for a moment Lyanna swore she saw the ghost of a smile on his lips. "Lyannaaaa why have you forsaken me!" Hanji cried from the floor. "Hanji, that's enough. Levi, did they buy it?" Erwin came in a shut the door behind him softly. "For now, but they are suspicious." Erwin hummed in response and held his chin in his hand. "Commander Erwin, thank you for sticking your neck out for me." Lyanna turned to Erwin and saluted him, Erwin smiled. "Stand down soldier. I have a solution to your predicament." Lyanna and Levi looked at Erwin expectantly. "The Duke and Duchess of Northcaster have informed me that they'll be extending their stay. They want to make sure your marriage is legitimate, I'm sure you both saw this coming. To combat this I believe you two should live in the same quarters from here on out, just until they leave." "The hell that's happening." Levi muttered. "Sorry Levi, but now that you, me and Lyanna have all stated you're married, we need to uphold that appearance. Not only could we end up being court marshaled but Lyanna's safety is at stake here." Lyannas eyes widened. "What do you mean?" Erwin looked at Lyanna with a grim look on his face. 

"Lyanna...he killed his first wife." The room fell silent, and Levi sighed. "Fine she can stay here, we'll have those other brats in my squad move her things. In the mean time, Lyanna and I need to discuss somethings." Erwin nodded and made his good-bye. "I ship iiiiiitttt." Hanji whispered as she backed her way out of Levi's office. The door closed and Lyanna sighed. "So what now?" She asked Levi and Levi sat at his desk. "Now we draw up a contract and sign an agreement. You owe my big time for this Northcaster." 

"Yeah I figured."

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