Chapter 25

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Levi's P.O.V

I laid next to Lyanna and watched her sleep, her hair fanned out around her and a few stray pieces had fallen in front of her face. I smiled as I moved a piece of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. She smiled in her sleep and snuggled deeper into her pillow, she was so damn adorable. I looked at her sleeping form and observed the ring she had on her finger, the plain gold band that Hanji had given her. I looked at my own ring and sighed, she deserved so much better than this. I rose up from our bed and pulled the blanket up onto her form, leaning over I gave her a gentle kiss on her head. "I'll be right back." I whispered. I threw on my clothes and silently walked out of our room and my office. I walked across HQ and towards Hanji's lab, once I reached her door I knocked on it softly. "Come in." Her voice came from the other side. I walked in as she looked up from one of her disgusting experiments. "Levi? What brings you here? It's a quarter to six." She said as she glanced down at her pocket watch. "I need your help, I want to buy Lyanna a ring." She smiled brightly and nodded. "It's about time, I mean the rings you have now are okay. But they're a little...plain." Hanji rose up from her desk and began to gather belongings. "Let's go get your lady a proper ring!" Hanji jumped and fist pumped.


"No not that one." I said as the jeweler frowned and put away another countless tray of rings. "Levi just pick one! We've been here for three hours already!" Hanji whined as she hung her head low. "I will not just "pick one" this is Lyanna were talking about. She's special she deserves the best. Why shouldn't I get my wife and future mother of my children only the best." I said as I crossed my arms. Hanji smiled widely at me as I looked at her suspiciously. "What?" I asked she she smiled even wider. "You said future mother of your children! So you are planning on having children with her!" Hanji nearly shouted. "I didn't mean it like that! Besides she already told me that having children just isn't an option right now. Too many risks." I did my best to keep my voice even but my emotion slipped a little. "She mentioned that to me too, but she could always change her mind." Hanji patted my shoulder. "This is insane, I've never even thought once I'd be married let alone that I would want children." I said as I looked up at the ceiling, it was too dusty for my liking. 

"But then again you've never really been open about what you're feeling and what not. Yet here you are spewing your business like gossip-crazed teenage girl!" Hanji laughed. "That's true too. Do you happen to have anything else?" I asked the jeweler who smiled down at me. "I might have one more thing." He excused himself and walked into his backroom. He came back moments later holding a small velvet box. "I've had this thing for years, I was going to propose to my girl with this but then...Shinganshina fell, titan got her." He said sadly as the room fell quiet. "The point it, I want you to have it. I over-heard your conservation and she sounds like a really special lady. Sara would have wanted her ring to be of better use than to be collecting dust until I died myself one day." The jeweler placed the box in my hand and smiled softly. I opened the box and the sight before me knocked the wind out of me. It wasn't much compared to the other rings I'd seen but this one was perfect. It was a thin gold band, the middle stone was a square diamond. Along the outside of the diamond it was adorned with leaf shaped diamonds.

"How much do you want for this ring?" I asked him and he smiled. "No charge, I could never sell it. Instead I'm giving it to you, its what Sara would have wanted." I could see the tears in his eyes starting to form. "You have my thanks, if you need anything please let me know." I replied as I put the ring back into the box and put the box in my pocket. "Just keep your little lady close. Don't ever let her go, you never know what you have till it's gone." I looked back at him and nodded as Hanji and I walked out of the store. "Is that the sun? It's been too long my shiny good friend!" Hanji stared up at the sun and not a second later pulled away shielding her eyes. "Why must the most beautiful things on this earth forsake me!" I rolled my eyes at her dramatics, for once they didn't bother me.


"Lya I'm home!" I announced as I walked through the door. I heard the rush of feet hitting the wood floors. "And just where have you been Mr. Ackerman?" She feigned anger as she put her hands on her hips. "Out and about." I said as I shrugged my shoulder. "Doing what?" She smiled. "Things." I matched her smile and walked up to hug her. "I could get used to having my wife greet me at the door." I kissed her tenderly and she sighed into the kiss. "I've been thinking maybe we could do some cleaning today." She suggested and my heart leaped. "I knew I married the right woman." I laughed as I scooped her up in my arms and twirled her. She giggled as I set her back down on the ground. "Great now I'm dizzy, thanks a lot." She playfully punched my arms and walked over to my supply closet. She grabbed a duster and a broom and smiled brightly.

"I love you so damn much right now."

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