Chapter 9

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"So what your saying is, that Northcaster's family is leaving but not really leaving?" Erwin asked. Levi groaned. "No they're leaving but they implied that they'll have spies here to make sure Lyanna and I are "married". I'm sure Wallbournes got some spies of his own as well." Lyanna nodded and Erwin sighed. "While I understand your predicament I can't allow you guys to live together without actually being married." Levi and Lyanna looked at one another and nodded. "EYEBROWS!" All three inhabitants of Erwin's office turned to the sudden commotion by the door. "Hanji! How many times have I told you not to kick my door in!" Commander Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's not important now! I was listening at the door when I heard you say that these two aren't really married!" She clasped her hands together and bounced on the balls of her feet. "Why are you listening in on our conversation Shitty Glasses?" Levi narrowed his eyes at her. "WhY ArE YoU LIsteNing tO OuR CoNVeRsaTiOn- because Levi, this is important to me as well. I don't want Lyanna to leave, also your ship has already sailed. I'm emotionally invested in it voyage." Hanji shrugged. 

"Okay but what does that have to do with us being really married or not?" Lyanna asked. "Well you know that marriage certificate I had you sign Levi?" Hanji asked Levi as he nodded. "Well, after I had Lyanna sign it- "Wait Hanji you didn't have me sign a marriage had me sign some documents..." Lyanna trailed off. "Yes I did, transferable paper is a wonderful thing Lyanna, when you signed the top document it actually allowed you to sign the certificate." Hanji smiled deviously. "That explains nothing Hanji!"Lyanna threw her arms up and shouted. "So the top paper is actually really quite thin, a lot of officials use it so they have a copy of the documents signed in case something happens. So when you signed that top document..." Hanji's eyebrows wiggled. "I then signed the marriage certificate..." Lyannas eyes went wide as she looked over at Levi. "Then Commander Eyebrows over here signed the certificate therefor legitimizing your marriage!" Hanji squealed as Erwin sat up suddenly. "Hanji! You told me that document was fake! That you'd found one from an old theater house." "Nope, I got the real thing! This all an elaborate plan to get you two together!" Hanji pointed to Levi and Lyanna and laughed maniacally. 

"Did we just get hustled?" Levi asked in a quite voice, Lyanna nodded and rubbed her temples. "Yup." "So as you can see, there's no reason why these two can't keep rooming together, seeing as in the eyes of the courts they're married!" Erwin sighed and nodded. "Well, as long as you two are okay with this then you may proceed with your original plan." Erwin folded his hands in front of him and leaned on them. "Lyanna?" Levi looked to her and she nodded. "I'm okay, I mean we were going to do this even when we weren't married. The only thing that's different now is that its legit. We should probably go, the Commanders got a lot of work." Lyanna began to walk out of his office and Levi followed.  "Hanji, you what you did was wrong right?" Erwin looked at her.

"Oh shush, you know you ship them too. Besides, those two need each other. They'll help one another." Hanji smiled contentedly towards her two friends who were busy arguing about lord knows what.


"I can't believe Hanji would pull something like this! Well...I can kind of believe she would pull something like this. But my point still stands!" Lyanna paced her and Levi's room. "It's not that bad." Levi said suddenly and Lyanna suddenly halted her pacing. "How can you say that! You and I have basically been forced into this arrangement! If it's not my parents or Wallbourne, it's Hanji!" Lyanna was rubbing her temples again when a pair of strong hands grabbed her own. "It's not bad because its with you, I could have been tricked into marrying someone much more annoying." Levi said quietly and Lyanna narrowed her eyes. "Was that supposed to be a compliment?" She smiled and looked at him. "This is just all so crazy Levi! I never once thought I would be married, and here I am married to humanities strongest!" 

"Stop calling me that." Levi said and Lyanna looked at him. "I'm just Levi when I'm with you, I don't want to be anything else." He said as he neared Lyanna. Lyanna backed up until her back was touching the wall. "W-what do you think you're doing?" Lyanna tried to glare at him but her body betrayed her. Levi said nothing, instead his left hand came up to her cheek as he began to caress it. "Levi?" Lyannas voice was nothing but a whisper now, she was afraid to speak any louder. "Can't I just admire my wife?" He smiled a small smile and Lyanna scoffed. "Now you're just picking on me. You're not funny Levi." Lyanna pushed him off and tried to walk away. However Levi was quick to pull her back and hold her to the wall. Both of his arms were on either side of her. She was trapped. "Let me go Levi." Lyanna tried to push him off again but he didn't budge. "Will you stop already? I just want to see something real quick." Lyanna raised her face to look at his but was stopped when she felt a pressure being applied to her lips. Her eyes widened but then relaxed and fluttered shut. This was their third kiss but it had the same amount if not more passion in it like the others.

Lyanna's hands began to play with Levi's hair as their kiss deepened. Levi licked the bottom of her lips, begging for entrance. She refused him at first but then he nipped her bottom lip, causing her to gasp. He took this moment to slip his tongue into her mouth, Lyanna lost the battle outright. She was more than okay with that. Levi moved from her mouth to her neck, where he began his assault. He peppered Lyanna's neck with kisses and nips, causing her to moan softly. All too soon though Levi pulled away, causing her to protest. He leaned his forehead against hers, both were breathless and panting. They gazed into each others eyes and smiled.

Time Skip brought to you by Levi's angst, he ain't Levi with out his angst!

The rest of the day progressed uneventfully, Lyanna went to training and Levi tended to his paperwork. But they both occupied each other's minds constantly. When the time came for lights out Lyanna practically skipped to her and Levi's living quarters. She walked in and smiled as he looked up from his paperwork. His glare softened when he saw it was her. "Hi." She smiled. Levi stood from his desk and walked over to her, he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply; of which Lyanna happily obliged.  They parted and Lyanna giggled, as she ran from his grasp and into the bathroom. "I call first dibs!" She yelled as she ran. "Oi!" Was all Levi could manage to say before she shut the door and locked it. "Lyanna!" He shouted as he knocked on the door, soon he heard the shower water running. "Sorry love, can't hear you. Showers running!" She yelled from the other side. "You better not use all the hot water!" He shouted. "I can't hear you.~" She giggled. Levi smiled and shook his head. Life had become so more interesting with her here. 

Lyanna finished her shower and walked out of the bathroom in her robe and nightgown. Levi looked up at her and sighed. "How many times must I tell you to dry your hair before you go to bed brat." He got up and began to dry her hair. He continued to do this until his motions slowed and he let his hands fall to her face again. "How did this happen?" He asked softly. "You and I both know-" "No I did do something so right to have you end up in my life?" Levi looked off to the right and blushed. "I ask myself the same thing...but with you!" Lyanna smiled. "We should go to bed." Levi smiled as he took her hand in his and led her to his...their bed. They settled in on their own sides of their beds and turned off the light. However, the pillow that Lyanna had put between them the night before remained. Lyanna looked at it and hesitantly picked it up. Levi sat silently as he watched her remove it and set it gently to the side. She smiled as she settled back down and laid on her side. Levi moved closer to her and pulled her into his chest, and that's how they remained for the rest of the night.

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