Chapter 15

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Lyanna's P.O.V

My head hurt like a bitch once I woke up, I could feel shackles on my wrists and ankles. My breathing became panicked as I looked around the carriage. 'Where the fuck am I?' "Oh shes awake." I heard a voice say, I looked out the window and saw one of the guys from the assisting squads riding a horse. "Where am I?" I asked, wincing slightly at the pain in my head. "We're about to enter through Wall Sina." He stated simply. 'Wall Sina? I was outside the walls, how long was I out?' Panic began to fill every void in my body. I needed to be with Levi, he needed to know I was okay! "I thought you were a part of the survey corps, why would you take me away?" I glared at the man. "It's amazing what a stolen uniform and 3DMG can do. None of you had any idea we were just simple gang members." The man chuckled proudly. "You do realize no ones going to pay a ransom for me right? I'm worth next to nothing." I blew a piece of the man rose away from the window to join up with his fellow gang members. I sighed and laid my head back, this was not how today was supposed to turn out. 'Levi's going to fucking kill me.' I thought as my eyelids began to flutter shut. 

"Get your ass up!" I woke up to someone throwing the carriage door open. I tried to make a smart-ass comment but I was ripped from the carriage before I could. I winced as the bright sunlight from the outside flooded my vision. I looked around once my vision adjusted and saw that I really was in the walls of Sina. Everywhere I looked there were fat men, and over-dressed men walking around with their noses in the air. "Come on we don't have all day." One of the men said as they pushed me forward. One of them held me by my upper arm as they dragged me through the city. We finally stopped when we came to a massive house with bright red bricks. The men swung the gate open and marched me up the cobbled walkway. Once they reached the front step of the porch they tugged on a rope. A loud bell sounded and within seconds the door was opened. A tall menacing maid looked down on us and I gulped. "Is this her?" She asked. "You bet your ass she is. Where's the boss man?" The tallest of the men answered. "He'll be along momentarily, let me escort you to the greeting room." The maid turned on her heel and the men followed them. I looked around at the lavish house and rolled my eyes. 

"Do you have something to say about the decor?" The maid glared down at me and I scoffed. "It's very lovely." I said sarcastically, the decor was so bad I could have gouged my eyes out right then and there. We kept walking through numerous hallways until we came upon a massive room complete with a dining table. "Put here where ever, the master will be with you soon." The maid said dismissively as she walked out of the room. "Sit down bitch. Don't even think of running." The men threw me to the floor and I let out a surprised yelp. "You did not just throw me?!?" I was livid. "Whatcha gonna do about it Missy?" One of them sneered. "Come say that closer to my face you limp horses dick!" The men laughed and turned their backs to me. AN hour passed, I was trying to fight to stay awake when the door finally opened. "Gentlemen, I thank you for coming all this way." My eyes shot open wide, I knew whose voice that was. "And thank you for bringing my bride with you." Lord Wallbourne smiled down at me. 'Fuuuuuuuuuuck.'


"I don't understand how you could lose a whole fucking person!" Levi had Scott by the collar. "C-captain please, it wasn't my intention, she gave orders for us to keep going without her." Scott gulped and his other teammates watched helplessly. "Levi, put him down. He was doing as he was told." Erwin stepped in and took a hold of Levi's wrist. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't put this piece of shit six feet under." Levi said through clenched teeth. "Because its not what Lyanna would want you to do Levi! Get a hold of yourself, you're letting your personal feelings get ahead of you!" Erwin hadn't wanted to say it that way, but it was the only way he'd get Levi to listen. Slowly Levi lowered Scott back to the ground and released the mans collar. "Who was the assisting team?" Levi turned to Erwin, his eyes were dark. "Marx, Bullock, and Layman. If I'm being honest with myself I don't think I recognized them. But I overruled my judgment because were constantly replacing casualties." Erwin rubbed his chin. 

"Scott, take me to where you last saw Lyanna, Arlet you're coming with me." Levi began to walk away. "Levi! You can't just walk off on your own like that!" Hanji interjected. "Then come with me shit for brains, but you really are stupid if you think I'm just going to leave her out there. Even if she is dead." Levi got on horseback and the others followed suit, Hanji included. "Go straight back to the wall after this Levi, get there as soon as you can." Erwin said as Levi rode off. They continued westward until they came to the clearing where Scott had last seen Lyanna. "She rode off here and fought the titan, you can see where the titan fell." Scott pointed to the dent that was in the ground. "Is that her gear?" Armin asked as he lead his horse over to where he saw the gear. "It is! Levi its not damaged or covered in blood! She's still alive!" Hanji looked over to Levi, relief spread across her face. "Look at this though, there's footprints and a drag marks headed back towards the walls." Armin kneeled on the ground and ran his fingers over the tracks. "Does that mean someone took her back to the city?" Hanji asked and Armin nodded, "It's a possibility, there's wagon marks going that direction as well. Whoever took her had this well planned out, they knew when our expedition was and where Lyanna was sent." Armin looked up at Levi, his frown deepened. "LOOK AT MY SMART LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL!" Hanji shouted as she wrapped Armin in bone crushing hug. 

"I have a pretty good idea on who has her." Levi said, his voice was dark and full of murderous intent. 

'Fucking Wallbourne."

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