Chapter 18

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Lyanna's P.O.V

"How about this one?" Katrina, one of the maids points to a dress in a catalog. "Nope. Not my style!" I say as I throw my arms up a shrug. "Lady Northcaster you must pick a dress today, there's not enough time before the wedding for you to be picky!" Marie the other maid spoke. "Such a shame then." I shrugged again and got up from the table. "What's going on in here?" I tuned on my heel as I heard someone enter. "My Lord! We're just trying to decide on a wedding dress for her Ladyship, but she's being increasingly stubborn about the styles." Katrina sent a glare in my direction and I rolled my eyes. "Let me see the catalog." Wallbourne held his hand out and the maids place the book in his grasp. "This one, she'll wear this one." He pointed to a picture after flipping through it for a few minutes. "But sir! It looks far too tight, what will the other nobles think?" Marie's eyes were wide and she looked at Katrina in alarm. "It'll do besides its not like she'll be wearing it for long after the ceremony." Wallbourne looked at my body, his eyes moving up and down as he licked his lips. "Until tonight's ball, my dear." He took my hand in his own and kissed it. He took his leave and the maids ushered me to the table where the catalog was. 

"You're so lucky to be marrying someone with such good taste!" Katrina picked up the book and showed me the picture of the dress. It was skin tight and flared out at the bottom. The dress itself was strapless and the material appeared to be silk. "What a perverted old man." I mumbled under my breath. "Lets start to get you ready for the ball! I call doing her hair!" Katrina and Marie then dragged me back to my room. 

******************Time Skip Brought to you by Erwin's Eyebrow Grooming Services*********

The ballroom was packed with nobles from all over Sina, even my parents had decided to make an appearance. Everyone was wearing masks, a detail that had been left out for me. Wearing a mask would have made this whole ordeal easier. I stood by a wall with my arms crossed as I watched the other couples dance. "Are you not enjoying yourself my dear?" Wallbourne came to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Don't touch me." I said as I moved away from him. "Don't be like that Lyanna." He grabbed me closer to him and peered into my eyes. "Can't you see how you've enraptured me with your siren calls?" His lips came closer to my own as I turned my face from his. "Can't you see that I really don't give a flying fuck?" I answered him as his grip tightened on me. "Sooner or later I'm going to run out of patience for the mouth of yours my love. You'll regret talking back to me when I do." He squeezed my side and I winced. "Now, do me a service of dancing with me. It is, after-all, expected of the engaged couple to dance." He dragged me to the dance floor. 

I stood across from him as the music started to play, the men bowed to their female partners as they curtsied in response. I made no effort to curtsy to Lord Wallbourne and I could see the anger in his eyes. The couples came together and the waltz began, Wallbourne kept a tight grip on me. "You know, I'm very excited for our wedding. I don't think I can contain myself until then, I may have to give you a little visit later tonight." He voice was low and sultry as he whispered those gruesome words into my ear. "You do that and you'll be one less appendage short, I guarantee that." I snarled at him and tried to move away from him. "Why not? I already know you whore'd yourself out to that runt soldier. What was his name again? Lance?" He smiled and I glared up at him. "Levi, and he's twice the man you'll ever be. I'd rather be his whore than your wife." (A/N: Titanic reference!!! Btw Jack could have fit on the door, just saying!) "It would be a shame if something were to happen to your dear Levi, perhaps a malfunction in his equipment?" My eyes widened as he smirked down at me. "You wouldn't dare." I snarled at him again as I broke away from his grasp. "Oh I would, but, if you give in then he'll be safe." My breathing became panicked as he smiled at me. "I need some air." I say as I began to make my way towards the balcony. "Oh and remember Lyanna dear, you belong to me now." I looked over my shoulder at him one last time and made a break for the balcony. 


The cold night air caressed my skin delicately as I moved to the railing. I couldn't hold my emotions in any longer. A sob wracked its way through my body as I covered my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut. I cried for a few minutes before I felt someones presence behind me. "Wallbourne if you don't get the fuck away from me, I swear to the walls I'll throw myself from this balcony." I was serious too, I didn't want to live a life with him. "That would be a waste of a perfectly good ass." The presence said as I blinked a few times, I knew that voice! "Levi!" I turned around and face him. His face was covered by an intricate mask, but I could see his steel grey eyes. "I've missed you." He said as he scooped me up in his arms in a tight hug. "How did you get here? Past the guards even?" I asked him as my arms snaked around his waist. "We were given an invitation, Hanji and Erwin are running reconnaissance, they're trying to see if we can find a way to escape." He smiled softly and I looked up at him, then it suddenly hit me. "Wait. You lied to me about us being married!" I lightly hit his chest as he froze up. "Right about that...Hanji told me not to tell you. We were trying to keep you safe." I rolled my eyes. "So let me get this straight. You lied to me about being married to me, and now you're rescuing me and expecting things to be good between us?" I glared playfully up at him as he stammered for words. 

"I'm kidding Levi, when this whole ordeal is over you and I need to have a long discussion." I smiled and he chuckled. "You're still wearing your ring." He said quietly as he took my left hand in his. "Damn right I am, there's no one else out there for me." I squeezed his hand and he smiled. "I saw how he was holding you in there, if it weren't for Erwin I probably would have snapped his neck." His gaze hardened and I sighed. "Levi he threatened to kill you in there. Promise me that you won't leave your gear unattended anywhere and that you'll check it every time? Don't eat or drink anything suspicious either!" I looked into his eyes and he smiled softly. "It's going to take a lot more than that to kill me and keep me separated from you Lya." His lips came cashing into mine. I gladly accepted the kiss and allowed his tongue to roam free in my mouth. "I promise I will come back for you Lya, I'll be damned if that old fucker lays one finger on you." He smiled as he gave me one last kiss. "Promise?"

"I promise."

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