Chapter 3

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*AN: So I know I said I would update weekly but I also feel like I need to at least jump start the plot a bit. SO that being said, I think I'm try to post at least the first four or five chapters. Then go from there on a weekly update schedule. Thanks again for reading my story!**


Morning came quickly for Lyanna, too quick for her taste. Her body moaned and protested as she rose from the comfort of her bed. How she wished she could remain in the comfort and warmth of her blanket and sheets. Lyanna stretched her arms and legs until she heard satisfying pops emit from her joints. For a moment she allowed herself to forget what laid ahead of her that morning. Her parents and "apparent fiance" were arriving today, to take her away from the only place she could really call her home. Lyanna dressed into her uniform, not that there was a point or that she had to. She could have worn her civilian clothes, but she wouldn't give her mother the satisfaction of her admitting defeat. To wear civilian clothes would mean she's fully accepted that her life as a soldier was at its end.

After dressing Lyanna, picked up her pajamas and discarded them into a hamper to be cleaned. She would send for them later, after...after she was brought back to Wall Sina. A wave of melancholy washed over her as she looked around her room. She would take her time tidying up this morning, it would be the last time after all. About thirty minutes late Lyanna was satisfied with her work and decided to head down to breakfast. She would relish these moments with her friends. Putting on her best forced smile she walked into the cafeteria, only to be bombarded by Hanji. "LYANNA! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE! WHO WILL I RANT TO ABOUT ALL OF MY EXPERIMENTS!!!" Hanji grabbed Lyanna by the shoulders and shook her until she saw stars. "Hanji! Please stop shaking me!" Lyanna begged, Hanji obliged and stopped her shaking, but her hands remained on Lyanna's shoulders. "Why are you leaving us? I thought you were happy here?" Hanji frowned, and Lyanna sighed. "Do you remember what I told you about my family?" Hanji nodded and she focused her gaze on the wooden floor below her. "Well, they've decided it's time for me to marry, and they're bringing my future husband with them today." Lyanna forced a fake smile across her face.

"Do you want me to kill them?" Hanji asked, for a moment Lyanna thought she was joking. But the more she looked at Hanji the more she realized how serious she was. "Hanji no." Lyanna said, trying to put as much emphasis on no as she could. "You're no fun!" Hanji playfully swatted Lyanna's arm. Lyanna chuckled, she would miss these moments. Hanji was about to speak again before her gaze was caught by someone entering the cafeteria. "SHORT STACK! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME LYANNA WAS LEAVING!" Levi looked at Hanji, then at Lyanna and shrugged. "I didn't think it was important." His voice was monotone and emotionless. 'Twat.' Lyanna thought bitterly but then giggled to herself. 'Lil' Twat'.  "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT! LYANNA IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SQUAD MEMBERS WE HAVE!" Hanji flailed her arms about as Levi just gave her a blank stare. "Hanji." Lyanna spoke up and the tall woman before her ceased her crazy antics. "Just let it go, he doesn't care. Besides, I'm just one of a hundred soldiers. I'm nothing special." Lyanna sent a pointed look towards Levi, his face remained unchanged. "Lyanna..." Hanji started to say something but Lyanna walked away before she could finish. 

"Lyanna! Over here!" Eren waved her over and she happily walked towards her friends. "Hey guys." She did her best to smile. "Is it true? Are you really leaving us?" Armin piped up as the rest of her friends leaned forward. "Y-yeah, sorry guys." Lyanna smiled sadly. "But...what about the scouts?" Sasha said with her mouth full. "I have to quit, I have no say in the matter." Lyanna said sadly. Silence engulfed the group, eventually Eren hugged Lyanna, that started a chain reaction of hugs from the whole group. "Take care of yourself..." Mikasa said, her voice was small but full of reassurance. "You better right me, idiot." Jean added. "Send us snacks!" Connie and Sasha interjected. Lyanna felt the tears spike her eyes, she wouldn't cry here though. Not in front of her friends, her family. Time passed on and it was full of fun conversation and reminiscing until Lyanna felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking above her she saw Erwin there with a sad smile. "Is it time?"Lyanna asked and Erwin nodded. Standing from her seat Lyanna smiled at her friends and said her good-byes. She followed Erwin out of the cafeteria and to the courtyard, where a carriage and horses were waiting. Next the carriage was three figures, all waiting impatiently.

"There you are!" Lyanna gulped when she heard her mother's voice. Her mother walked towards her and stopped just short of Lyanna. "Let me get a good look at you. Give us a turn." Her mother demanded, reluctantly she did as she was told. "You've filled out nicely, still rough around the edges but nicely none-the-less. Lord Wallbourne, come meet your blushing bride." Her mother turned towards a man. The man, whom Lyanna presumed was Lord Wallbourne, looked over her with a predatory glance. This man had to be two or three times Lyanna's age, there was no way her parents really expected her to marry this guy. "Lyanna, may I call you dear? We are meant to be married after all it only seems fitting." He smiled and took Lyanna's hand in his own. Instantly she felt her skin crawl. 'Not a chance in hell.'  Lyanna glances at her parents who were watching her every move intently. "I suggest you let go of my fiance, sir." A voice rang out from behind Lyanna as she turned. 

"Levi." She said breathlessly. Thank the walls. 

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