Chapter 13

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Lyanna had long since stopped listening to Levi as she tested her bath water. It wasn't until the door had actually been torn off its hinges that she'd tuned back into the world around her. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Lyanna nearly fell down as the noise startled her. Levi stood before her panting as her gave her his most serious glare. "LEVI GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Lyanna tried her best to cover herself with a towel. "I warned you Lya." Levi began to take slow steps towards her. Lyanna had nowhere to go. "W-what are you doing?" Lyanna looked back at Levi as she held the towel closer to herself. Levi said nothing in response as he walked closer to her, soon enough the gap between the two had been closed. "You can't keep doing this Levi." Lyanna groaned as he eyed her body. "Do what?" His voice was low and dangerous. "Cornering me like this! I'm naked for walls sake!" Levi chuckled. "Is it such a crime to want to worship my wife's body?" Lyanna felt her knees buckle as they stared at each other. "Fine, I'll be waiting in the room when you're finished. I need to speak to you about the up and coming expedition." Levi walked out of the bathroom shutting the door behind him. 'I swear to the Gods! Why does he make me feel like this?'  Lyanna began to lower herself into the water and clean herself.


Levi sat on their bed and sighed, everything about Lyanna was just...perfect. Seeing her like that in the bathroom made his needs go crazy. It was hard enough for him not to take her already, but after seeing it was going to be near damn impossible. A small part of him reminded himself that they weren't actually married. That was one of the reasons why he hadn't claimed her yet. That and she wasn't ready...not that she gave him any indication that she had any interest in him in that way. "She's driving me fucking insane." Levi sighed as he laid back on the bed and glared up at the ceiling. He was deep in thought when Lyanna had finished her bath and walked into their room. She was only wearing her nightgown again, but she made a quick effort to throw her robe on over it. "S-sorry, I know you asked me to stay covered. I forgot my robe before." She said quietly as she crawled onto the side of her bed.

"We need to talk." Levi sat up and looked over at her. He couldn't tell her they weren't matter how much he wanted to. "About the expedition tomorrow, right?" Lyanna smiled softly. "Yeah...I want you in my squad so I can make sure you're safe." Levi said as he looked at her. "No. That's out of the question. It'll do more harm than good.  Humanity can't afford for either of us to be distracted Levi." Lyanna sighed as she took his hands in hers. "I can't lose you Lya...I refuse to lose anyone else." Levi squeezed her hand and gazed into her eyes. "That's a risk we can't avoid Levi. But I'll try my best not to die, we've got many years ahead of us, that'll be my motivation." She pecked his forehead and Levi smiled softly. "Come here." Levi grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her deeply. Lyanna closed her eyes and smiled into the blissful kiss. This carried on for another minute before they started to heat up. Lyanna moved from sitting on the bed to straddling Levi's hips. Her hands were placed on both sides of his face and his own had found their way to her waist. "We should stop before I lose control Lya." Levi said in between their kisses. He pushed her off of him, he couldn't do this to her. 

"Do you not find me attractive?" Her quiet voice rand out and Levi froze. "What?" He looked at her as she played with her hands. "We've been married for almost two weeks Levi...and not once have you expressed any interest in me. The only thing you do is kiss me, which is fine but..." Her face turned red and Levi looked at her in disbelief. "Are you saying you want to..." He trailed off and she looked up at him. "I want to be your wife Levi, wholly and thoroughly in every way possible." She smiled confidently. "Don't say things like that. Not if you don't mean them." Levi couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I mean every word Levi." Lyanna got back on his lap and began to play with his hair. Levi's hands instinctively went to her waist once more. "Are you sure you want this? If you say yes, there's no turning back for either of us." Levi swallowed the lump in his throat as she lowered herself to her ear. "I've never been more sure of anything, husband."  Levi shivered as she whispered into his ear. In the blink of an eye he had them flipped over, with him on top. He gazed down at the beautiful creature below him and forgot about the world around him. His lips crashed hungrily into hers and set her world ablaze. For the entirety of the night nothing but their soft moans and gasps could be heard as they explore one another. 

Each had reached their climax with a long and hard kiss. Levi pulled himself out of her and laid on his back. Lyanna moved to lay on his chest and Levi wrapped an arm around her, as he played with her hair. "That was..." Levi couldn't finish his sentence, instead he laid a soft kiss on top of her head. "It was amazing." Lyanna sighed happily and snuggled closer to his chest, in a matter of minutes Lyanna had fallen asleep. Levi looked down at the girls sleeping form and smiled. "I love you Lya." He said, but his happiness was short lived. He had done what he had promised himself he wouldn't do. He took her virtue under the pretense of them being married...when they weren't. Guilt washed over Levi as he carefully sat up and walked into his office. He had to make this right. After the expedition he would tell Lyanna the truth. However, he had every intention to make her his, legally of course. He'd never felt this way before.

There would never be anyone like this for him again. He was undoubtedly in love with Lyanna Northcaster.

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