Chapter 14

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Lyanna's P.O.V

"You better not die on me, brat." Levi looked down at me from his horse and I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't dream of it Captain." I smirked. "Keep that shit up and I'll have to punish you when we return." Levi mirrored my own smirk. "AWWWWW MY TWO LOVEBIRDS!" Hanji rode up next to Levi and I. "What do you want four eyes?" I said, man Levi really was rubbing off on me. "Oh nothing, hey next time you two have a little love fest...try to keep it down. Yeager over there looks scarred for life now." Hanji pointed over to Eren who was looking down at the ground with wide eyes and bags up his eyes. "Oops, we were a little loud last night weren't we?" I laughed and Levi turned his head away. "Not that I'm complaining, soon enough I'll be an Aunt!" Hanji threw her arms in the air and began to ride off. "Well, if the titans weren't a good enough reason for us not to have children...Hanji is." I chuckled lightly and Levi followed suit. "We should get going, Erwin's going to open the gates in a minute." Levi said and I nodded as I started to move my horse towards the gates. For some reason I couldn't shake the bad feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. It was the same feeling I had the day that squad Levi was eradicated by the titans. I gripped the leather reigns harder and looked at the faces of the soldiers around me. 

"Hey, everything okay Lya?" Eren rode his horse up to mine and I nodded. "Peachy." I said simply as I focused my eyes forward. Erwin had finally given the go ahead and the Survey Corps began their descent into titan territory. "Lyanna! You and your squad need to move to the west. If you see a titan try your best not to engage. Use the flares and we'll assist, just keep moving forward." Erwin ordered and I signaled that I'd heard him as my squad and I began to pull away from the group. Levi's eyes met my own as I smiled reassuringly towards him. 'Be careful.' Me mouthed and I nodded, drawing an X on my chest as my way of promising him. My squad and I rode on for another ten miles before we spotted our first titan. It was running towards us at an alarming speed. "Squad leader! 13-meter abnormal on our left! What are your orders?" One of the new cadets asked. "You heard Erwin, we're not to engage unless we absolutely have to." I said as I began to take my flare gun from my holster. "Cover your ears!" I shouted as I rose the flare gun to the sky and pulled the trigger. The  red flare shot into the air with a resounding bang, after a minute a yellow flare shot up to the east of us. 

"Assistance is on the way. You guys keep riding west, I'm going to lead the titan away until the assisting squad gets here! Scott you're in charge, keep your comrades safe!" I began to maneuver my horse out of formation. The abnormal titan was making significant advances towards our group. I shot my 3DMG gear towards it and leapt off of my horse. The titan made a grab for me but my reflexes were to quick. I cut its arm and it released an ear busting scream. "Squad leader Northcaster!" I looked to my right and smiled. The assisting squad had just arrived. "Hey guys! Help me take this bastard down will you?" The others began to help me fight the titan off. 'Who were these guys? I've never seen them before, they must be newer recruits. If that's the case they shouldn't be assisting on their own.'  I thought as I began to swing myself up towards the titans neck. The other squad was doing a great job of distracting it, with a final swing of the blade I sliced the nape of the titan. It began to fall and I made my way back towards the earth. 

"Thanks you guys!" I smiled as I hopped back up on my horse and pulled out the flare gun once again. I shot a green flare in the air to show the others that the threat had been eliminated. "Let's go before anymore show up!" I said as I started my horse off towards where my squad had headed. Before I could get a good start however, my horses reigns had been pulled causing my horse to stop. "Hey what the fu-." I couldn't finish my sentence before a rag with warm liquid had been placed over my mouth and nose. I tried my best to fight the fatigued that suddenly filled my body. Before I blacked out completely I heard them talking, "Wallbourne better pay us handsomely for this job." Then my world went dark.


Levi's P.O.V

"Captain! Red flare spotted in the west! Squad Northcaster needs assistance!" The brat Eren shouted from the rear. "We're under strict orders to not intervene, Commander Erwin has other squads to assist." I said monotonously, I could pretend not to care all I wanted; but that didn't stop my nerves from going haywire. "Yes sir!" Eren replied. I kept my gaze forward for a moment but eventually my eyes moved towards the west. 'Come on Lya.'  Was all that would come to my mind. After an excruciating ten minutes had passed I saw what I'd been waiting for, the green flare. 'Oh thank the walls.'  I thought as I let a breath of relief pass through my lungs. "I knew Lyanna could do it!" Eren shouted, I could help but smile a little. 'That's my woman.' 

**********************************Mini Time Skip: Sponsored by Mr. Clean********************

General P.O.V

Each of the squads had made it to the meet up point in an abandoned town. Levi halted his horse and climbed off of it. His eyes instantly scanned for Lyanna, he saw her squad but not her. "Oi! Shit faces where's your Squad Leader?" He asked, Lyanna had to be here, she was probably using the bathroom. "You mean she's not with you?" One of the older cadets stepped forward, Scott was his name I think. "Would I be asking you where Northcaster was if she were?" Levi's eyebrow twitched. "I haven't seen her since that abnormal titan showed up. She went off to distract it till the assisting team showed up." Scott answered. "And you left her, you piece of donkey shit?" The cadet before Levi gulped. "She told us to keep riding west, the titan was fast approaching so she tried to ward it off. You don't think..." He trailed off and his eyes filled with sorrow. "No you idiot she's not dead. She signaled the green flare, the threat was eliminated. Erwin!" Levi marched off towards the Commander who was drinking from his canteen of water. 

"What's wrong Captain?" He asked as he wiped the water from his mouth. "Who was on the assisting team today?" Levi asked, his entire being was riddled with worry. "Why? What's going on?" Erwin stood to his feet and Levi glared towards him. 

"Squad Leader Northcaster is missing."

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