Chapter 28

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(A/N: Hey guys! I've just chugged an energy drink so I'm ready to go! Let's finish this story out with a bang! I mean we still have maybe one or two chapters left...buuuuuut, I will be writing a sequel. However, I don't believe it'll be up right away because I need to do some major planning and what not. I'm probably looking at a two week hiatus until this book will have it sequel. Before you complain! At least I'm not making you wait two years...unlike some people *cough* Game of Thrones *cough*. In all seriousness guys, I hope to have the second book up soon, in the mean time I'll probably upload some one shots so you aren't completely're welcome you can cease your applause! Just kidding, I know none of y'all applauded, anyways lets jump back into the story! As always thank you for reading my work, I appreciate you guys so much! -JustaWriter1031).

Lyanna's P.O.V

"LEVI!" I yelled as I burst through the door to his office, unlike Hanji he didn't even flinch. "What?" His voice was cold and void of any emotion. "You and I are going to talk this through, get your ass up and let's go into town." I said as I yanked him from his chair and back out our door. "Hey! Quit pulling me you brat, I'll go willingly." He snapped as he yanked his arm away from me. We walked into town in silence, Levi kept his eyes pointed downward. "Would you like to go to a tea shop?" I asked him, his only response was a grunt. "Okay, tea shop it is then." I said as we kept walking in silence. We reached the tea shop and thankfully there wasn't too many people inside. Levi and I both ordered black tea and we sat awkwardly in silence, Levi had still yet to me my eyes. "Levi I-" "Lyanna, I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have gotten upset with you over the fact that you don't want children. We don't need children to be happy." He said as he laid his hand on mine. I could tell he was lying, he was doing his best to hide the hurt in his eyes. "Levi list-" "I mean, it would be awesome to have a badass child, maybe a little girl, she would have looked just like you but have my attitude." He smiled sadly. "Will you let me speak?" I interjected quickly, Levi nodded as I let out a sigh. 

"First, I'm sorry I was such a bitch about it, it's just scary to think about." I said as Levi lowered his head and nodded. "But after talking to Erwin-" "You talked to Commander Eyebrows?" Levi's head snapped up as he sent a cold glare my way. "Would you have rather I talked to Hanji?" I rose my eyebrow at him. "Fair point...continue." Levi took a sip of his tea. "While it is scary I realized two things: one, I slay fucking titans for a living and frankly there's nothing more terrifying than that. Two, while it scares the absolute shit out of long as you're by my side I can handle it." I smiled as Levi's eyes lit up. "So are you saying, what I think you're saying?" I nodded and smiled. "Lets, have a baby Levi." Levi slammed his hand on the table. "Excuse me, we need the check. My wife and I have urgent business to attend to!" Levi began searching for his wallet. "Levi, what in the world do you think you're doing?" I deadpanned. "You and I need to get home and start this whole baby making process. Time is of the any chance are you ovulating?" Levi asked honestly. "Levi! You don't just ask someone if they're ovulating!" I could feel my face burning as the waiter walked up to us. Levi paid and before he could jump up and leave I grabbed his arm. "Levi wait, while I may have agreed to have a baby let me be clear on something. I don't want a baby yet, lets get through our wedding at least." Levi sat back down slowly. "Actually, I would like to wait until next spring to start actively trying. Is that okay?" Levi sate motionless for a moment but eventually nodded. "That's fair...can we still have sex though?" He smirked and I playfully smacked his arm. "Of course, but you better wrap it before you tap it...speaking of which, don't accept any kind of contraceptive from Hanji. She tried to swap my birth control pills for sugar pills the other day." I laughed.

"Actually...that was my idea." Levi sweat-dropped. "Levi!" I yelled at him and he laughed. "I'm kidding Lya!" "You're going to be the death of me one of these days!"

**************************A Few Months Later*************************************************

"Lyanna, you look beautiful!" Hanji gushed as she stared at me in my dress. "I'm just glad it still fits me." I laughed. "Bitch what are you talking about? You're skinny as a rail, of course your dress still fits!" Hanji put her hands on her hips. "Ugh all that cake tasting made me worried, and then Levi insisted that we try at least twenty different types of black tea on top of that." I never felt more bloated in my life. "Well, after tomorrow you won't have to worry about watching your weight. I can't believe you and Levi are getting married in an actual ceremony. I never pegged Levi to be such a softy or a romantic." Hanji chuckled. "Neither did I, hey Hanji, do you have a picture frame laying around here somewhere?" I asked as I began to dress down out of my dress. "Probably, why?" She looked around her cluttered room, I was staying in Hanji's room that night. Apparently it was bad luck for Levi to see me the night before the wedding. "I have an idea." I smiled. 

Later on in the night after Hanji had passed out after one of her titan rants I climbed up to the roof. I let the cold night air kiss my skin as I took a seat and looked out towards the wall. 'One day we'll be free, then Levi and I can really relax.'  I smiled at my thoughts and closed my eyes. "You better not fall brat, also get off the roof its filthy and covered in bird shit." Levi's voice rang out behind me. "You're not supposed to see me before the wedding sir." I smirked up at him. "And you're supposed to be sleeping." He shot back. "So are you, you better go before hurry before Erwin catches you." I laughed softly. "Fuck him. I want to spend time with my wife." Levi laid a towel down before he took his seat, even then he was grimacing. "Remind me to make the cadets scrub this roof clean." He mumbled. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked quietly. "I'm ready to begin our life together." He smiled softly and held my hand. "Do you think they would be proud of us?" I asked suddenly. "Who?" Levi turned his head to meet mine. "Petra, Ed, and all of them?" I said. "Probably, all I know is that they would have been over the moon with how things turned out." Levi looked out over towards the wall. "I miss them." I said as rested my head on Levi's shoulder. "Me too, I promise you Lyanna. I'm going to make this world a safer place for us and our future children." Levi wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep. 

"I promise."

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