Chapter 24

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Lyanna's P.O.V

'Why am I being so irrational? My emotions have been so out of whack lately.' I thought to myself as I continued to stare out the window. I would occasionally sneak a look at Levi, his head hung slightly as he slept. 'I shouldn't have been such a bitch towards him.' I leaned forward slightly as I moved a piece of his hair from his face. Because he'd been locked up for the week he was beginning to grow stubble and his hair had grown a little. She sighed and continued to study his features. She was going to make up for this fight, she'd fought too long and hard to just let this relationship go. Lyanna could feel her eyelids growing heavy and she let them flutter shut, just before she fell asleep she could have sworn she felt Levi hold her hand. Within the blink of an eye she was being shaken awake by Levi, his eyes no longer had their trademark coldness to them. "Lya wake up, were home." Levi's voice was soft as Lyanna groaned and stretched her limbs, but her body refused to comply with her will. Sighing Levi got out of the carriage and pulled her out with him. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. "Levi I can walk." I tried to protest as Levi chuckled slightly. "You can't even keep your eyes open for a second, just let me carry you Lya." He said softly and I hummed into his chest. He carried me up the stairs and into his office. I breathed in the familiar smell of cleaning products and smiled. 

"This place is filthy." Levi said sternly, I smiled. His definition of filthy means there's a speck of dust somewhere. "I'm going to set you down now Lya." He said as he gently laid me on our bed, then he made a motion to leave the room. "Where are you going?" I asked as I sat up slightly and looked at him. "I'm going to sleep in one of the vacant rooms." He said simply as he began to walk away again. "Wait...can you please stay...with our bed." Why was I feeling timid all of the sudden. "Lyanna that's not a good idea, you're upset with me right now and I'm not too happy either." He looked back at me as my heart fell into my stomach. "I'll see you in the morning." He said as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I stared up at the ceiling as I laid in our bed. 'This was not how our first night back together was supposed to go.' I turned over on my side and looked at Levi's side of the bed. 'I'm not even tired anymore!' I got up from the bed and walked over to the door that separated me and Levi. I could hear on the other side that he was shuffling papers around. With a sigh I slowly opened the door and peaked out at him. He was seated in his chair and filing through piles upon piles of stacked paperwork. I opened the door fully and walked out into his office.

"You should be sleeping." Was all he said without looking up at me. "I couldn't sleep, besides you told me you were going to sleep in a vacant room, yet here you are." I replied. "I have a job to do Lya, sleep can wait." He sighed. "Let me help at least." I said as I picked up a pile of work, Levi made no attempt to protest my actions. We sat in silence and did paperwork for two hours before either of us said anything to each other. "I'm sorry." I finally said, I couldn't stand the silence any longer. "For what?" He responded, I gritted my teeth as I saw a smirk play on his face. "For being a brat." I said through gritted teeth. Levi chuckled softly as he rose from his desk and walked over to me. "I don't think you're being sincere, I think you just don't like the fact that I'm ignoring you."He said, his voice was just slightly above a whisper. "Well fine then, don't accept my apology. I'm going to bed." I got up from where I was sitting and tried to make my way into our room but Levi had grabbed my wrist and spun me back to him before I made it. "You said you weren't tired." He said as he held me close to his chest. "Well now I am." I looked away from him as I felt my blush creep up from my neck to my face. "I think you're not being honest with me Lya." His face was dangerously close to mine. "Look at me Lyanna." I hesitantly met his eyes with mine. His steel grey eyes looked like storm clouds on a cold winter day.

"You're so beautiful." He said as he caressed my face with his hand. I couldn't help but lean into his hand, like I had many times before. "I can't believe I almost lost you to that pig." His face grew closer to mine. "I'm here now, there's no reason to every bring him up again." I said as I laid my hand over his. "I never want that to happen again Lya, you're mine and mine alone." He said as he crashed his lips into mine. The kiss was full of desperation and lust, but he still somehow managed to pour all of his love into it. The kiss grew hotter and he began to walk us backwards to our room. My back hit our door as I fumbled to find the door knob and open it, Levi had evidently run out of patience though. He growled and picked me up, my legs instantly wrapped around his waist as he opened the door slightly. He kicked the door to open it all the way as he held me and kissed my neck. I groaned as he found my sweet spot, he smirked against my skin and began to nip at it. "I want everyone to know that you're mine." He said as he began to suck on my neck. I couldn't contain my moans any longer, "Levi..." I breathed out his name repeatedly. "Let me show you just how much I love you and how devoted I am to you and only you." He said as he laid me on the bed.

And that was exactly what he did that night.

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