Chapter 7

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Levi sat at his desk and tried his best to focus on his files in front of him. It became increasingly hard to do once he heard Lyanna's bath water running. His mind wondered to Lyanna and her hurt expression that cracked across her face. He never wanted that look to come across her face again. He hated to admit but she was the closest thing he had to a friend here, aside from Hanji that is. But even then, he kept Hanji away from him at an arms length. Hanji sure as hell wouldn't have lived to tell the tale if she'd pulled what Lyanna had earlier. Why did he suddenly feel the need to protect her? Sure, she'd been there for him multiple times. But he's never had this sort of reaction with anyone before. Not even Petra. Levi sighed as he threw his files down on desk, defeated. He looked over to his room where he saw the light of his bathroom flood out from underneath the door. He could faintly hear her sniffles and guilt struck through Levi like a lightning bolt.

Standing from his desk he walked into his room and looked at the mess before him. The trays of forgotten food laid on his nightstand, and the rag sat in the bowl of water on the floor. Her chair was still there and his bed was unmade. Levi got to work on cleaning her mess, the guilt eating away at him more and more with each passing moment. She'd taken care of him, even he was such an ass towards her. He didn't mind it honestly, but the way she did it made him remember his mother. She would often do the things Lyanna did when he fell ill. It brought unwanted memories back to Levi. Levi straightened his back and listened as the water in the bathtub began to drain. Within seconds the bathroom door cracked open slightly and Lyanna peaked out.

"Levi? Can I have a towel? I forgot to grab one before I came in here." Lyanna's eyes refused to meet his. Levi nodded and grabbed a clean towel from his cabinet, he walked over and handed it to her. She made a quick grab for it and closed the door in a hurried manner. Levi was a blushing mess. No he wasn't used to sharing his space with another human being, especially a female human being. The bathroom door opened and Lyanna rushed out, coming face to face with Levi. Their faces were inches apart as Lyanna's eyes widened and her blush deepened. Levi froze, she smelled so lemons. "I hope you don't mind that I used your soap...I still don't have mine yet." Lyanna's gaze went to the floor as she shifted her weight. Levi continued to look at her, until he took her face into his right hand and slightly lifted it. Levi stared at his face, but her eyes would go anywhere but his. What she always this pretty? "Look at me." Levi's voice was quiet and soft, but still held a sense of demand.

Hesitantly her eyes met his and the two soldiers kept their gazes locked on one another. Nothing but the sounds of their breath could be heard. "Levi?" Lyanna's voice broke his trance as he released her and moved away from her. "What brat?" His voice was back to it's usual coldness. "Where do you want me to sleep? I can take the office couch." She said as Levi turned to her. "I'm not going to make you sleep on the couch. You'll sleep in my bed." Levi stated, Lyanna squeaked and looked from him to his bed. "Get your mind out of the gutter brat. I'll be sleeping on the floor." Levi grabbed an extra blanket and pillow from his cabinet and set them on the floor. Lyanna remained quiet and began to crawl into bed. "Oi! Don't fall asleep with your hair wet! You'll catch a cold." Levi stood and walked over to Lyanna and grabbed her towel. "Levi!" Was all Lyanna was able to say before he began to assault her hair with the towel. He rubbed the towel through her hair and began to dry it.

This carried on for a while before he ceased his actions and removed the towel, placing it in a nearby hamper. "There. Go to bed now." Levi got up and laid down on his makeshift bed on the floor. He wouldn't get much sleep but he'd slept in worse places before. The lights were turned off and the room became silent. The only source of light was the moonlight through the window, neither of them could close their eyes. "Goodnight Levi." Lyanna finally spoke and Levi grunted in response. After an hour Levi still couldn't find himself a comfortable position, he tossed and turned repeatedly. "Levi just come up here and sleep." Lyanna's small voice finally rang out. "You won't be comfortable though. I'm fine go back to sleep." Lyanna sighed and sat up from the bed. "For the love of the gods Levi. Just get up here already it won't us good tomorrow if were exhausted." Levi sighed and picked up his blanket and pillows from the floor, she had a point. He settled into bed next to her and the two stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." Lyanna said, her gaze never leaving the ceiling. "Don't be, like you said I decided to help you. This will be over before you know it anyways." The two sighed together and looked at one another. "I'll sign the agreement tomorrow." Lyanna said and Levi nodded. Both she and Levi began to shift positions, but Lyanna grabbed one of the pillows and put it in between the two of them. Levi raised an eyebrow at this. "Don't look at me like that. This is to make sure you stay on your side and I stay on mine." Lyanna flipped on her side so her back was facing him, part of her hair fell away from her neck and Levi stared at the exposed skin. Her nightgown came off her shoulders, exposing way more skin than Levi thought possible. He was not used to seeing this, but he wasn't complaining. For a moment he wondered what it would be like to kiss those exposed parts. To feel the soft sensation of her skin underneath his fingertips as he caressed her. Shaking himself from his thoughts Levi scolded himself. He shouldn't be thinking that way, especially about her...given their situation. Levi turned to his side and faced away from her. All he could hear from Lyanna now was her soft breathing.

He was undoubtedly and completely in deep shit.

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