Chapter 19

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"Lyanna my love, why don't you take a little stroll in the garden while I tend to wedding preparations." Wallbourne smiled and I scoffed. "If it gets me out of here and away from you then I'll more than happy to." I began to walk off, the two guards that had been assigned to me followed suit. "You know you two don't have to basically breath down my neck right?" I looked at them and raised one of my eyebrows. "Sorry Miss, but were under strict orders to keep an eye on you at all times." One of the guards said as I sighed. "Of course he did. Well lets get going then!" I marched forward and walked into the gardens, I actually didn't mind spending my time here. In fact, the gardens were beautiful in comparison to the rest of the house. I stayed outside for about an hour before I came upon a thin area of hedge. 'I could probably slip through there!' I smiled mischievously, as I fell to the ground and began to clutch my sides. "Oh the pain! How unbearable the pain is!" I put on the full effects of drama I could. "Miss whats wrong?" One of the guards crouched down to my level. "Please go get a doctor!" I groaned for extra effect. "Yes Miss!" The guard ran off as the other one took his place besides me. "Please go get one of my maids, this is a woman issue and they have what I need." I said weakly as the guard turned a scarlet red. "Anything you wish." That guard ran off and when I knew it was clear I sat up. 

"What dumb asses." I said as I shook my head and walked over to the hedge. I began to push my way through it making sure not to leave a trace. I finally pushed through the entirety of the hedge and came out on the other side. "Fuck yeah!" I said as I jumped in the air and pumped my fist in the air. I took off running down the street ignoring the looks I was getting from people who were out for their afternoon strolls. I kept running, eventually I came upon a small market place, I had to think fast. "YOU THERE STOP!" I turned my head ans saw some of the Military Police coming my way. 'How did he manage to send people after me so quick!'  I ran past everyone in the market and past several shops. "LYANNA I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!" Wallbournes voice rang out as I quickened my pace. I had to find somewhere to hide and I had to do it quick. Without thinking I turned down several alley ways and into a small tea shop. I ran straight to the back counter and leapt over it. I hid underneath it and tried to keep my breath under control. "What in the Sam hell do you think you're doing lady?" A small burly man with a mustache come over and started yelling. I silently begged him to keep quiet as the shops door opened.

"Excuse me, did a woman run in here?" I heard Wallbourne and gulped. "As a matter of fact-" The man looked down at me again and saw my panicked face. "I saw her run that way down the road, she's probably headed towards the stables." He said as he folded his arms, I sighed a breath of relief. Wallbourne uttered his thanks as the door opened once again and everything became silent. "Thank you so much!" I said as the tears came to my eyes. "Don't worry about it, I know Wallbournes kind. I also know you're Levi's girl, he frequents this tea shop often. Won't shut up about those blue eyes of yours." I looked up at him and smiled. "Go on upstairs, I'll try to reach Levi." He said and I nodded with gratitude. "Thank you again, you don't know how thankful I am!" I said as I walked towards the stairs. 'It seriously can't be that easy, can it?'

******************Le Time Skip because the authors lazy*************************************

I waited in the upstairs loft and paced the floor when the door swung open. "Lya! Are you okay?" Levi rushed in a swept me up into his arms. "I'm fine Levi, I've missed you so much!" I hugged him back and smiled. "AW MAN YOU RUINED MY BADASS PLAN TO RESCUE YOU!" Hanji busted in and joined our hug. "Oi! Get off of us Shit Glasses! This is my moment with Lyanna!" Levi held me away from Hanji and pushed her away with his foot. "How did you escape?" Hanji asks. "I saw a thin area in the hedge and made a run for it, I used to do it all the time to get away from my mother when I was younger." I said simply. "No wonder your hair is filthy, look at all those twigs, it's going to take forever to get these out!" Levi began to pick the twigs from my hair and I laughed. "What do we do now?" I asked. "Well I'm going to make good on my promise." Levi said as he lowered himself onto one knee. "Lyanna Northcaster, not once did I think I would be here in front of you like this. When we first met I thought of you as nothing more than a loud mouth brat who would never amount to anything. But now that I see you, now that I see the woman you've become...I was so wrong. You're so much more than that. You're everything that's good in the damn world. You light up the room you walk into and you've easily become the light of my life. I can't go another day on this earth without calling you mine. Will you marry me?" Levi pulled out a simple ring with a small diamond. "Of course I will, but what about the other ring? I asked. 

"We can use that as the wedding band, you better not ever take these rings off brat." He smiled as he got back up and slipped the ring onto my finger. "I wouldn't dream of it Captain." I smiled brightly. "That was so beautiful! We should head to the chapel now though. If you two are legally married Wallbourne can't do anything about it! Lets go lovebirds!" Hanji started running down the hall and stairs. Levi and I looked at one another and smiled, "Lets do this thing!" I said as I kissed his nose. We began running hand in hand to the chapel, laughing the entire way. Once we reached the chapel Hanji set out to hunt down the minister, leaving Levi and I to have a few solitary moments together. "Are you sure about this? About me?" He asked as he caressed my face. "I've never been more sure about anything in my life, not even when I joined the scouts." I smiled and leaned into his hand. Levi kissed me tenderly and I smiled, "I found the minister dude!" Hanji flew into the room, dragging with her a very tired looking minister. "Make with the vows already!" Hanji lightly pushed the minister towards us. "You two place your hands on this book." We placed our hands on the book and Levi's eyes never left mine. "Levi Ackerman repeat after me: Will you Lyanna Northcaster take me thy wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part?" Levi repeated the words and I smiled. "Now Lyanna you do the same." I repeated the words and let the tears fall. Levi wiped them away and I smiled brightly. "If anyone should object to this holy union speak now or forever hold your peace." Levi and I smiled for there would be no one to object...or so we thought.

"Yes, I object." A dark voice said as my blood ran cold.

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