Chapter 8

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The following morning Lyanna woke up with a start and sat straight up from the bed. The past events from last  played out in her mind and she sighed. Levi was nothing short of a gentleman, he kept the pillow where she put it for the entirety of the night and stayed as close to his side of the bed as he possibly could. Getting up from the bed Lyanna stretched her arms and walked towards the bathroom. When she woke up Levi was nowhere to be seen and she concluded he probably got a head start on torturing the cadets. Lyanna yawned and grabbed the door knob and swung the door open, there before her was Levi. He was shirtless and his face was covered in shaving foam. "Oi, don't you know how to knock!" Levi's eyes were wide as he turned towards her. Lyanna's face was set a crimson blaze but she should couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes from his physic. "S-sorry." Lyanna smiled sheepishly and closed the door behind her, she sat on the bed ans waited for him to finish using the bathroom.

The door finally opened and Levi exited, this time completely clothed, much to her dismay. "All yours, peeper." Levi said and Lyanna rolled her eyes. "Oh, and do me a favor. Don't walk around here in just your nightgown. It's kind of see through." Levi looked away and blushed. Lyanna squeaked and grabbed her clothes. She made a beeline for the bathroom, how could she have been so stupid not to cover herself in his presence! Lyanna shook herself and began to get ready for the day. This arrangement was going to be the death of her.


"Finally." Levi announced as he stood from his leaning position on his desk. His arms were crossed and he looked annoyed. "Don't you start with me Shrimpy. It's way too early for me to deal with angst right now." Lyanna rolled her eyes and made her way out of their living quarters, Levi followed closely behind. They walked a couple of feet before Lyanna felt a warm sensation engulf her hand. She looked down and saw Levi's big hand (AN: You know what they say about big hands? *Raises eyebrows suggestively*) holding her own. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Just trying to keep up appearances, don't make a big deal about it." Levi stated simply and kept his face straight. Lyanna smiled slightly and in turn held his hand tighter, for a moment she could have sworn she saw him react. "Thank you." She said and the two kept walking. 

"THERE'S MY FAVORITE COUPLE!" Hanji yelled across the cafeteria, Levi and Lyanna instantly deadpanned. "Should we make a run for it?" Lyanna leaned towards Levi and whispered. Levi nodded and pulled Lyanna with him as they ran out of the cafeteria down the hall. "MY OTP! COME BACK HERE AND LET ME LOVE YOUR LOVE!" Lyanna laughed as she and Levi ran down the corridors. Levi wouldn't admit it to anyone but himself but he was actually enjoying himself and hearing Lyannas laugh was musical. They continued to run until they were sure that they'd lost Hanji. When they stopped by an old oak tree the two looked at each other and broke out into laughter. "That was the most fun thing I've done." Lyanna said in between gasps. "Did you see the look on shitty glasses' face when we turned around?" Levi said after he finished chuckling. But the moment was short lived when Lyanna looked over his shoulder and saw her parents watching. Low and behold Lord Wallbourne wasn't far off from them either. 

Lyanna wrapped her arms around the back of Levi's neck and brought her body as close as she could to his. Levi tensed up and habitually allowed his hands to wrap around her waist, he gave her a weird look. "Play along." Lyanna whispered as she neared her face to his. Shockingly Levi's own face moved forward as well. The two came together as their lips lightly touched, there was some hesitation on their part at first. But eventually they melted together, everything else in the world faded away. Lyanna's parents and would be husband faded from her mind. Even the titans that plagued Levi's mind constantly ceased to exist. The kiss was delicate and full of love, but neither of the participating parties knew how to identify this new emotion. They continued to kiss like this until someone cleared their throat behind them. "What?" Levi responded as he laid tiny pecks across Lyanna's lips. "If you would release my daughter so I could talk to you that would be great. The Duke of Northcaster set his hard glare on Levi, who begrudgingly released Lyanna's lips from his own. He really didn't want to though. "Is it a crime to want to kiss my wife or something?" Levi challenged and Lyanna nudged him slightly. 

"What is it father?" Lyanna dared not to let her gaze fall upon Lord Wallbourne. She was sure he was livid having experienced the scene before him. "Were leaving tomorrow. We've seen more than enough and we've concluded that you two may be married after all." Lyanna celebrated in her mind as she squeezed Levi's hand. "But. Don't think we won't have eyes watching. While it may appear you are married. We still have some sneaking suspicions." Lyanna's smile faded from her face. Her parents bid their good-byes but Lord Wallbourne remained, he took Lyanna's free hand and laid a wet kiss upon it. "Don't forget Lyanna dear, I'll be watching." Lord Wallbourne smiled and then sent a smug look towards Levi. It took everything in Levi's will not to snap the man before him in half. After twenty-minutes passed Lyanna looked up at Levi and saw that his jaw was set. 

"So what does this mean then?" Levi asked as his voice grew dark. 

"This arrangement may last a bit longer than we originally anticipated. Levi nodded and walked off, Lyanna followed since his grip was still on her. 

"We need to notify the Commander." Levi said grimly, however neither of them would admit it to the other party; that they were secretly happy for the way things played out.

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