Chapter 23

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Lyanna's P.O.V

Levi and I shared several kisses for what felt like a lifetime, or at least until someone behind us coughed to clear their throat. "As much as I love to see a heart-warming scene like this one, we should probably head back to HQ." Erwin smiled. "He's right, you go get changed and I'll go free Hanji from the dungeon." Levi smiled as he kissed me again. "Wait, Hanji's been in the dungeon this entire time?" I asked as I smiled. "Yeah, about that, she kept putting up a fight and biting the guards so they sedated her...with a moose tranquilizer." Levi deadpanned as I burst out laughing. "Hanji, is the type of person that would need to be knocked out by a moose tranquilizer in order to get the desired results." Levi sent me a small smile and I held his hand. "Now get that monstrosity of a dress off of you, you're beautiful but that dress does you no justice." I nodded as I walked over to Eunice. "Eunice, do we by any chance have any of my old clothes still?" I asked her as she turned to face me. "Unfortunately not, Wallbourne had me burn your uniform, the only thing we have are the dresses that were prepared for you before." She smiled meekly and I sighed. "I can always change once I get to HQ, but for now, anything is better than this." I made motions down towards my wedding gown. "I completely get what you're saying." She smirked and linked her arm in mine. "Let's go get you ready."

**************Time Skip because the Author is Tired and Can't Even Right Now******************

Levi's P.O.V (A/N: Gotta give my boy some time to shine. Poor thing hasn't had a P.O.V since Chapter 17!)

I watched as Lyanna walked away with the maid Eunice, she was smiling and I could feel my heart warm at the sight of her. "Levi, there's something we need to discuss." Erwin came up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Well go on tell me what needs to be said then." I said as I turned towards him. "It's about you and Lyanna, I need to be sure that the two of you won't compromise humanity due to your emotions. You two need to discuss and understand the risks of being emotionally involved with one another." I nodded and looked back towards the door where Lyanna had left. "Should you guys have a child as well...just consider the risks that one of you or neither of you could come home at any moment. With Lyanna it's a little different, she can choose to retire if she has a child but you..." Erwin trailed off as I sighed. "We've discussed it briefly before, but not the extent that it should be. I'll talk to her once we get back to HQ but for now I want her to enjoy the peace." Erwin smiled and nodded. "We should probably go get Hanji." He said as he walked away. "Can't we just leave shitty-glasses here? You've got to admit it, it's been quiet without her here." I suggested as Erwin gave me a disappointed look. "It's just a suggestion!"

He laughed as we walked down the steps to the dungeon, we could hear Hanji trying to get out of her cell once we neared it. "YOU BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE! IF THAT OLD DOUCHE LAYS ONE FINGER ON MY PRECIOUS LYA, I'LL FEED HIM TO SONNY AND BEAN PERSONALLY!" Hanji was trying to rip the cell from the cement floor, her attempt, of course, was in vain. "Shut the fuck up shit-head, you're giving me a headache." I glared at her as her eyes widened in surprise. "LEVI, YOU SHORT STACK GOD! HOW DID YOU GET OUT?" She shouted as I winced. "What did I say about yelling? They brought me up to watch Lyanna marry Wallbourne, also, isn't Sonny and Bean dead?" I asked as she pretended to wipe away non-existent tears. "My poor babies...anyways, the guards here didn't need to know that my threat was empty. Where's Lya? Is she married?!?" Hanji went through several emotions all at once as I sighed. "No, luckily Erwin was there to stop it from proceeding but we did have an incident with her being held hostage." I said as I leaned against the wall. "Is she okay?" Hanji genuinely looked concerned. "I think you should be asking if Wallbournes okay. She handed his ass to him, now that I think about it she always did excel at hand-to-hand combat. I guess fighting Cadet Kirstein all time really came in handy." Erwin smiled brightly as I scoffed. "For once that long faced piece of shit was useful."

"Levi, as much as I love to hear you insult the cadets, do you think you can get me out of here?" Hanji smiled. "Yeah, for the record Erwin voted to leave you behind. He likes the peace and quiet." I smirked as she looked at Erwin with a glare. "I did not! Levi quit trying to start shit, haven't you had enough drama for one day?" Erwin panicked as a dark blush spread across his face. "Nope, I live for the T Erwin." I chuckled. "You've been around Hanji and Lyanna too much." Erwin deadpanned. 


Lyanna and Levi sat across from one another as they held each other's hands, the carriage was silent as the smiled at each other. Once Lyanna had finished dressing and Levi had managed to break Hanji out of prison Lyanna's parents confronted them. They'd told Lyanna that if she walked out of the estate with Levi, then she would no longer be welcome in their home. Lyanna responded with a curt reply saying that she never called their house home to begin with. She also responded that she was more Ackerman than she was Northcaster and that they could stick their family name where the sun don't shine. Hanji and Erwin then opted to ride in a separate carriage, saying that they would rather not experience Levi and Lyanna's reunion. 

"Hey." Levi said as Lyanna looked at him, she'd been staring out the window for the past few minutes. "I love you." Levi said as he smiled softly towards her, she smiled in reply. "I love you too, Levi. Is something on your mind?" She asked as Levi sighed. "Yeah actually, Erwin wanted us to discuss a few things. Like if we carry through with us being married we need to be aware of the risks." Lyanna looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean carry on with the marriage? Is there a possibility that you don't want to be married anymore?" Lyanna crossed her arms and Levi rolled his eyes. "That's not what I'm saying, don't make it into something its not." Lyanna scoffed. "Those were your words not mine Levi. You shouldn't feel like we have to carry on with anything." Lyanna glared at his stoic face. "All I'm saying is that of we continue to be married then there are certain risks we need to account for." He said simply. "Those risks were no different before we were married." Lyanna shot back. "Why are you being so difficult right now?" Levi asked as he gritted is teeth. "I just literally had the longest week of my life Levi, and I finally got you back but now here you are making it sound like we shouldn't be married!" Lyanna flailed her hands around. "I never wanted to be married in the first place Lyanna! This wasn't something I could see myself doing." Levi was pissed now. "If you really feel that way then maybe we shouldn't be married at all anymore." Lyanna instantly regretted those words once they left her mouth. It left a bad taste behind.

"Fine by me. It's not like you need someone to protect you from perverted old men anymore. My job is done." Levi sat back into his seat. "So marrying me was like a job to you?" Lyanna bit back. "Yeah, when you're being a fucking head ache like this it is." Levi set his cold stare on her. "Fine. When we get back to HQ I'll move out of your room." Lyanna sat back and set her hard glare outside her window. She bit her tears back and refused to meet Levi's eyes. Levi wanted to say something else but refrained from doing so, it would only make things worse.

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