Chapter 21

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The days came and went for Lyanna, and each day she grew increasingly more depressed. Since her escape a few days prior Wall-Wilbur had kept her locked under tight security. Every move she made had to be discussed with the guards on duty, she couldn't even go to the bathroom unnoticed. Often times, her mind wandered back to Levi...and the heartbroken look on his face when she walked away from him. Her heart ached for him and most nights she would cry herself to sleep, she didn't care who could hear her. "My Lady? Are you ready for your dress fitting?" Eunice entered her room and gave a wary side eye towards the guards. "If I must be." Lyanna replied flatly. She rose from her place on the bed and followed Eunice to the parlor down the hall. "Are you ready for tonight Miss?" Eunices' voice was gentle and careful. "As ready as anyone being forced into a loveless marriage can be." Lyanna snapped bitterly, she instantly felt bad once she saw Eunice flinch away from her.  "I-I'm sorry Eunice, its just...its been hell the past few days..." Lyanna sat down on the couch in the parlor and covered her face with her hands.

"I understand my lady, I also apologize." Eunice lowered her voice and looked towards the door. "What are you apologizing for?" Lyanna looked up from her hands and Eunice gave her a small smile. "I tried to help you and your love, I gave them the invitation to the ball that night." Lyanna's eyes widened, "Why did you try to help me?" "You only have one great love in your lifetime Lyanna. What you and the corporal had was a special bond that I've only seen once before...with his lordship and his first wife. When she died something in him just snapped, he's looking for her replacement...but no one could ever replace her." Eunices' smile dropped slightly. "Eunice... I don't want to marry Wallbourne." Lyanna could feel the tears pricking her eyes. "I know my lady, but you chose your path. You chose to sacrifice your happiness for your loved ones life. We've all made our beds, now we must lie in them."


Lyanna's P.O.V

"This dress is completely and utterly beautiful!" Katrina gushed as she felt the satin run through her fingers. "I was thinking more along the lines of heavy, overtly-flashy and horrendous." I said as I grimaced at my reflection. It was true that the dress hugged my frame in the right places...but it didn't feel like me. I felt like a child playing dress up in her mother's wedding gown...if my mother had been a high class whore that is. "You should count yourself lucky! Anyone would be fortunate to marry Lord Wallbourne!" Katrina placed her last pin in my dress, taking extra care not to poke me. "Would you like to take my place then?" I halfheartedly chuckled as Katrina chuckled along with me. "I'm serious." I stopped laughing immediately as Katrina's chuckles grew nervous. A moment of silence passed as Katrina worked to perfect the last details of the dress. "There we are! Marie bring in the veil!" Katrina bounced on the balls of her feet and squealed. Marie came marching into the room, cradling my veil like it was a newborn baby.

The girls began to work their magic with my hair and then they delicately placed the veil on top of my head. I looked into the mirror but Katrina moved my head to the side before I could catch a real glimpse. "No peeking! Not until we've finished!" Katrina giggled like a school girl as she began to apply a powder to my face. Whatever they were doing to my face caused it to feel heavy and gross. "Aaaannnd done!" The two maids stood back from me and admired their work. I walked over to the mirror and was instantly left breathless, and not in the good way. I did look beautiful I wouldn't deny that Katrina and Marie knew what they were doing. But it all felt so...wrong. This wasn't me, this was how I wanted my wedding to be. It wasn't even a marriage, it was nothing more than an alliance forged with vows for political power. "Look Katrina she's crying!" I lifted my hand to my face and felt the wetness that streamed down my face. I was crying alright, but not for the reasons Katrina and Marie thought. This wasn't supposed to happen, not here and certainly not with Wallbourne. This was supposed to happen with Levi.

"Is she ready yet?" Eunices' voice called out and the two other maids bounced over to her. "Doesn't she just look dashing Eunice! She's so overcome with joy she's crying!" Eunice gave me a sympathetic smile and glared at the two dim-witted maids. "I'm to escort her ladyship to the chapel." Eunice didn't wait to hear their response, instead she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the hallway. "For what its worth, you do look beautiful." She smiled and led me down the grand staircase. My father was waiting there at the base of the steps, staring at his pocket watch. "Father." I said, I tried to keep my voice void of all emotion. "Lets get this over with, before Wallbourne see's what a bothersome fool you really are." My father yanked me away from Eunice. "You've caused this family too much trouble. You better not try to pull anything, what were you thinking? Tramping around with that boy from the scouts, do you really believe that he had any semblance of love for you?" My father had yet to even look at me, instead he kept his face forward. "He had more love for me than you and mother did in your whole pinky finger combined." I bit back at him. "Well, for your sake I hope your new husband has patience for that mouth of yours." He glared down at me and I returned his glare. We finally came upon the heavy double doors that led into the chapel. I could hear the hum of the orchestra inside and my nerves got the better of me. I began to shake as the doors opened, whether or not I was ready to face my new life.

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