Chapter 27

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"What can't I see your dress?" Levi asked for the 600th time. "Because it's tradition Levi, keep asking and see what happens." I replied as I rolled my eyes. "Bullshit, since when have we been traditional?" Levi propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me, we'd just finished another one of our sessions. "That's a fair point, but like the experts say, there's no time like the present to start!" I smiled as Levi narrowed his eyes. "I think you just hate me." He fake pouted and I laughed. "The mighty Levi Ackerman is pouting? Now I know hell has frozen over!" Levi's pout turned into a glare. "You're seriously not going to show me your dress?" "Nope, and don't even think about trying to sneak a peek at it, I've got it hidden somewhere." I smirked as he lowered his head in defeat on my abdomen. He stayed there a few moments before he started to leave gentle kisses. "Hey Lya..." He whispered and I sat up slightly. "Levi? What's wrong?" I asked him, he'd yet to look up. "Mmmhmmmhmm." He mumbled into my abdomen. "Levi, I didn't understand a word you just said." I deadpanned. 

"I said...let's have a baby." He finally looked up at me and my breath caught in my throat. "W-what?" My throat went dry as I chocked out my response. "You heard me you adorable idiot, I said let's have a baby." Levi's cheeks were slightly tinted red. "Levi, we've talked about's not safe right now...I'm not sure if it'll ever be safe." My heart broke as I saw the hurt flash across Levi's face. "But Erwin and I talked, he said that if we were to have a could stay back from battle and care for our child." He reasoned. "Levi, I've worked hard to get where I am today. I don't want to just throw that all out the window for a baby! How could you expect me to stay behind while you risk your life? I can't care for a baby, I can hardly keep a house plant alive!" I threw my head back into my pillow. "You wouldn't be throwing anything out the window Lya, you would still be a soldier. I thought you would be happy to have a child with me." Levi's voice was cold. "You're seriously getting pissed because I don't want to jeopardize my hard work?" I shot up and looked down at him. "You would be just as pissed if the roles were reversed Lya." He glared up at me. "That may be true but I would try to have some sort of understanding about where you would be coming from."

"Like hell you would, you would throw a fit until you got your way like the little princess that you are." My eyes widened at his words, with a huff I removed my self from him and our bed. "Where do you think you're going?" He harshly asked me. "Anywhere but here." I said simply as I began to get dressed. I slipped my boots on and walked out of our room and into our office, Levi was close behind me. "We need to talk about this Lya." He said as he caught my arm. "We don't need to talk about anything Levi. I don't want children, and you can't make me have them." I ripped my arm from his grasp and walked out of the office. I couldn't bring myself to look back at his crestfallen face. I needed to talk to someone and fast.


I knocked on the hard oak wood door and waited for the person on the other side to give me permission to enter. "Come in." I opened the door and looked at the man that sat at the desk, shuffling away at his paperwork. "Commander Erwin, can I ask you some advice?" Erwin's head shot up and looked at me. "Of course, you can ask me anything Lyanna, also call me just Erwin." He smiled. I closed the door behind me and walked over to his desk and sat down in the chair adjacent from him. "So what do you need to know?" He asked her leaned forward. "Levi told me today...that he wants to have a baby..." I looked down at my lap. "Oh...well that surprising, I would have never thought Levi would want children. What did you tell him?" Erwin's eyebrows furrowed together. "Basically that I don't want children, the world is too dangerous right now to have them." I refused to meet his gaze. "That's not necessarily true Lyanna, in the walls it's safer. Also, if you were to have a child they would be well protected here as well." Erwin sighed. "What about my career as a soldier? I can't just throw that away. If I were to have a child I would want to be there for him or her, it would be so selfish to be gone all the time." I raised my head and met his eyes. 

"Can I be frank with you Lyanna?" Erwin asked. "Always, say what you have to say Erwin." I responded. "I think you and Levi need to talk this through, without getting upset with one another." I nodded as Erwin sighed. "I had a daughter...once." My eyes widened at his words. "What do you mean once?" I asked. "Thankfully, she wasn't taken from me by the titans. It was a plague that ravaged through the city. Her mother, her, and I had all fallen ill, but I was the only one who survived." Erwin smiled softly. "The years that I spent with her and my wife were some of the happiest times of my life. My daughter was the light of my life, and like you I had my reservations about having a family. But I got over it rather quickly, I even figured out how to balance my work and home life." I looked back down at my lap. "I'm not saying that you should have a baby with Levi. But I'm also not saying that you shouldn't, what you should do is consider everything. You don't want to go through life wondering about the what if's, and the fact that you're here asking me for advice tells me that you're unsure." I looked back up at him. "Unsure about not having a baby?" I asked and he nodded. "If you were so dead set on not having children you wouldn't be here right now asking for my advice." I nodded, what he was saying was making sense. "Just talk to Levi, I'm sure once the two of you talk it out you'll find the answer." Erwin began to pick up his paperwork again and I stood. "Thanks Erwin." I smiled as I jogged out of his office. (A/N: Quick P.O.V change to third person.)

Erwin smiled as Lyanna left in a hurry to find Levi no doubt. He moved his gaze from the door she'd carelessly left open to the picture that rested on his bookshelf. The picture was of himself, a woman with long brown hair, and a little girl who had her mother's hair but her father's unfortunate eyebrows. "They'll be alright, they've got a long way to go." Erwin looked at the smiling faces of his wife and child's picture and sighed. 

"Everything will work out."

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