Chapter 17

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Levi's P.O.V

"I can't believe Wallbourne would resort to this desperate of a measure." Erwin said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Are you stupid? Of course he would do something like this!" I was fuming, I'd been fuming since we'd returned from outside the walls. "Levi's not wrong, the man's clearly unstable." Hanji said as she looked over at Erwin. "See! Unstable!" I threw my arms in the air and began to pace the floor. "Just wait until I get my hands around that fuckers neck! He's going to wish he never took my wife from me!" Hanji coughed and I looked back at her. "What?" Hanji sighed and she looked at me. "There's nothing we can really do Levi, considering the circumstances." She did her best to keep Erwin out of the loop. "What circumstances? If she's his wife then Levi has every right to go down there and kick some ass!" Erwin exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. "Lyanna and I aren't actually married, Shit- Glasses here tricked us all. I only found out a few days ago." I said simply as Erwin's eyes widened. "WHAT THE FUCK LEVI!" Erwin yelled at the top of his lungs. "Erwin calm down! At least here him out!" Hanji tried to calm Erwin down. "OH HELL NO! THIS ALL STARTED WITH YOU-YOU TITAN LOVING ASSHOLE!" Erwin turned on Hanji and she cowered. 

"Erwin. I had every intention to marry her after all of this was over. I was going to even tell her the truth after the expedition." I explained as I stepped between Hanji and Erwin. "That doesn't change the fact that the two of you lied to me! Not only that but you lied to Lyanna as well!" Erwin began to rub his temples. "I let the two of you live together while you were unmarried! Do you understand what kind of a scandal that could cause? How the scouts name could forever be tainted?" I remained silent as he sighed. "Please tell me you two didn't have sex while loving together." I blushed. "N-no we didn't...." Erwin sighed relief but I interrupted him. "We made love...several times...all night." Erwin remained silent as he stared at me. "GOD DAMN IT LEVI!" He exploded after a few minutes. "WE'RE IN LOVE, ITS WHAT COUPLES DO!" I yelled back at him. "DID YOU AT LEAST USE PROTECTION?" I froze when he asked me that and looked to Hanji. "About that..." I began to trail off as Erwin released a loud frustrated groan. "This is going to be so much paperwork!" I sighed and looked at Hanji who looked ecstatic. "So you're saying that there's a possibility I could be an Auntie soon?" She was bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Maybe? But Lya and I decided we didn't want children now..." This was a lot to process. "You should have thought about that before you decided to dive on in without the proper gear first!" I stared blankly at her for a moment. "You should have made sure little Johnny had his coat on before stepping into the storm...or you should have made sure the captain had his cap before the seamen boarded...I'm making things worse aren't I?" Hanji finally noticed my glare. "Since when don't you make things worse?" I asked her. "Hey! Be glad that you have Lya at all! That was all me short stack!" She pointed at me and squawked. 

"Will the two of you just get the fuck out of my office, this has caused one of the biggest migraines of my life. Get out." Erwin covered his eyes and Hanji and I left. "So whats the plan?" Hanji asked me as we walked down the hallway. "I was just going to go up to his house and kill the fucker, then marry Lyanna and live out the rest of my life with her. But apparently that's not a possibility." I was so annoyed by this whole situation. "Maybe I could be of service?" A small voice rang out from the shadows. "HOLY MONKEY BALLS ON A STICK!" Hanji jumped and hid behind me. "Who the hell are you?" I asked the voice. "A friend, here take this." A hand stretched out from the shadows, it held a paper envelope. I took the envelope and opened it, it was an invitation to a ball, to celebrate Lord Wallbournes and Lyanna's up and coming marriage. I felt my heart tear into two pieces. "Why are you helping us? Who are you?" Hanji stepped out from behind me. The figure stepped out from the shadows and pulled the cloak away from it's head. "I'm Wallbournes head maid. I was there when they brought Lady Northcaster in. I fear that if we don't move quickly then certain events will repeat." The maid was tall and calculated our every step. "You mean him killing his wife?" I asked her and she nodded. "Wallbourne has a substantial amount of betting debts. He collects life insurance from his wives and children once they've died. I fear that your Lyanna may suffer the same fate." My eyes widened. "Wait a moment, you mean to tell me that this man has had more than one wife? I thought his previous wife was his first one?" Hanji asked. "No, there were two others. The first died in childbirth, he never got over her death, their newborn followed a few days after. Then his second wife "fell" down the grand staircase, he wasn't too sad about her death. The wife before Lyanna had been complaining about stomach pains and then we found her dead one morning." "That's insane! How has no one caught on or at least investigated this monster?" The maid sighed, "He's a man of great power, it wasn't hard for him to cover the  murders up as accidental. The only one that was truly accidental was his first wife's." I looked down at the invitation in my hands again and gripped it tightly. 

"Let's go get Lya." 

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