Chapter 2

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Levi's POV (AN: Bear with me guys I haven't pegged down his personality type yet..)

"Well...that sucks." I said as I looked at Lyanna, her complexion just went two shades paler.

"That's all you have to say!" I bit my tongue to hide the smirk that was forming, there was the spark.

"Look, you've told me about this before, and from the sound of it, it was only a matter of time before they pulled so shit like this." I crossed my arms and looked at the stain on her uniform. It bothered me. "I just thought I would have more time! Or even that they would realize that I'm too old now to get married!" She threw her arms up in the air helplessly. "Oi! Speak for yourself! You're only twenty-two brat! I'm in my thirties, what does that make me then?" A few minutes of silence passed by us before Lyanna spoke again. "Well you do act like an old man sometimes." Lyanna responded and smirked. "Tch, brat." Was all I could respond, whenever I'm around her I can't get my insults in order. "So what are you going to do about your predicament?" I asked her, she sighed and stood from her chair and paced.

"I don't know... I certainly can't run. I don't want to even be married in the first place! My duty lies with the scouts, it always has!" Her pacing became more urgent as she rang her hands together anxiously. "I've got it! I'll just fake my death!" She suddenly stopped pacing and pointed one finger to the ceiling. 'She's been hanging out with Hanji too much...'  I thought to myself. "That'll never work, you'll need eyebrows to sign off on a death certificate, you know how horny he is for the rules." I simply said as I watched her arm fall limply to her side. "Oh...right there's that...I have no choice then. I should start packing I guess." I could see that she was holding the tears back as she began to make her way to the door. "It's too bad you don't have anyone else you can marry." I shrugged as she paused just before her hand reach for the door knob. "Yeah..." Was all she responded with as she made her way out of my office. Truth be told, it bothered the hell out of me that her parents were doing this to her. 


When dinner time came about Lyanna was too preoccupied with her thoughts to join in on the playful banter with her friends. Even when Eren and Jean tried to bait her into an argument, she only responded with a grunt a courteous smile. Later in the evening, Lyanna found herself restless as she glared up at the ceiling above her.  'Too bad you don't have anyone else you can marry.' Levi's voice rang out in her mind repeatedly, taunting her. "Stupid Captain Shorty!" Lyanna flung her pillow over her face and screamed. Why did she have to get married at all? Why should she to begin with! Lyanna closed her eyes, but Levi's voice still haunted her like a plague. Who could she ask anyways, who would even ask her in the first place? Jean? Hell no. Eren was a definite negative too. Armin would be too easy to see through, and Connie isn't even an option at this point. The only candidate left would be humanities strongest soldier, and that would be a definite no. 

' Even though it was his idea to begin with.' Lyanna's eyes snapped open as she realized something. Levi could pretend to be her husband, it was a matter of persuasion more than anything. But how could she persuade him, its not like he would give two shits about it anyways. But it would be worth a shot, she'd do anything to make sure she could stay here, with her real family. Sitting up from her bed, Lyanna marched out of her room with a new found confidence. She headed towards the only place where she knew she could find Levi at this time, no doubt that he was awake and doing paperwork, per usual. Lyanna walked the short distance to his office and knocked a total of two times. "State your name and business." A curt answer was all she heard from the otherside. "Lyanna Northcaster sir, I may have found a solution to my problem and I want your input." Lyanna waited a few minutes, she was about to leave defeated before she heard the sweetest sound fall upon her ears. "Enter."

Lyanna wasted no time upon entering the office, where Levi was meticulously working on the paperwork before him. "Sit your ass down before I change my mind brat. I'm busy." He didn't bother to even look up at her as Lyanna sat in the chair adjacent from his own. "Okay, well you know how earlier you said I couldn't find anyone else to marry me?" Levi grunted in response as be continued to scribble away on his paperwork. "I found someone." Lyanna's voice was clear and bold, she was a little shock to hear the sureness in her own voice. Levi paused his writing and looked up at Lyanna, she had his full attention now. "Who's the unlucky bastard?" Levi smirked and began to write again. "Well see...that's the thing... and it's the just the darnest thing too... I've never really ever heard of something like this before-" "Quit your damn rambling Northcaster and get to the point!" Levi demanded as Lyanna swallowed her confidence down.

"You." Lyanna whispered, it was barely audible. "Damn it, speak up before I kick you out of my office for wasting my time!" Levi abandoned his work, she was really starting to piss him off. Lyanna closed her eyes, and cleared her throat. When she reopened her eyes she'd regained a small portion of her lost confidence. "I, Levi." Levi's eyes widened for a fraction of a millisecond before he regained his composure. "No. Get out." He said simply while he spun his chair around away from Lyanna. "Levi! Please, do you think if I had any other options, that I would be here at an ungodly hour in my pajamas asking you this?!?" Lyanna stood up and forced Levi's chair back around so he was facing her. "Why should I even care anyways? You're just another soldier, one out of a hundred. What makes you so goddamn special?" Murder was in his eyes. Lyanna was a little taken aback, that hurt. 

"I'm not special." Was her only response as her face darkened. She turned on her heel and headed for the door. Before she left she turned one last time, this was her last resort. "Just think about it Levi, and in regards to the whole caring ordeal...just remember who was there for you when your squad died..."She hated to use that against him, but she did what had to be done. Without waiting for a response, Lyanna stormed out of his office, closing the door softly behind her. She had a sleepless night that night, for she knew what awaited her in the morning.

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