Chapter 11

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Silence engulfed the room that Lyanna and Levi stood in, she could feel her blood boiling. Levi looked at her with his usual stoic expression. "Levi." Lyanna said impatiently and his eyes finally broke from hers. "I wasn't avoiding you, idiot." Levi rolled his eyes and Lyanna clenched her fist. "Really? Because it feels like you are. You were gone all morning, no note, nothing. Then I came looking for you and here you are hiding out in Hanji's lab!" Lyanna through her arms up and sighed. "Look...I don't know exactly what we are right now. You and I have yet to have that discussion. I know were technically married and we've shared a few kisses here and there...but that doesn't necessarily mean that you want this." Lyanna focused her gaze down at her shoes. "Is this what you want?" Levi's voice was quiet and careful. "I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. But I know you probably wouldn't want to be tied down. Being a soldier and all." Lyanna did her best to smile at him. She failed miserably. 

"Who said anything about that Brat?" Levi sighed as he walked over to Lyanna. Out of habit Lyanna backed away from him and her back hit the door. "This feel awfully familiar." Levi whispered as she looked up into his eyes. "Get used to it." He said bluntly as he landed his mouth on her own. This kiss was so different than the others. There was no urgency, but he held her like she was a piece of fragile glass. This carried on for another minute until they both broke apart, leaning their foreheads against one another. "I would love nothing more than to call you my wife Lyanna. I can't think of anyone else better than you, so please...lets make this work." He smiled and left a small peck on Lyanna's nose. "Anything for you Mr. Ackerman." Lyanna bit her lip and smiled. "Be careful with your words, I'll hold you to your word," Levi leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Mrs. Ackerman." Lyanna shivered and smiled brightly. "We should go before we end up making Hanji's lab even more filthy." Levi said bluntly, leaving Lyanna to blush a deep crimson. "Don't say things like that so casually!" She lightly hit his chest and he chuckled as they walked out of the lab and down the hallway.


"So let me get this straight, you and Captain Levi...are married?" Eren asked, his eyes were wide. "Yup." Lyanna smiled and held up her hand to show off her ring. It'd easily become her most prized possession of the past week. "Wow, how did you break him?" Sasha asked as she stuffed her mouth full of bread. "I didn't break just...happened." That was the best way she could explain the course of events. "Congratulations on your marriage Lya!" Armin smiled and held his cup up. Mikasa, Jean, Eren, Krista, Sasha and Connie followed suit. "May you live happily and many years with your husband!" Their cups came together and Lyanna smiled. "So...when can we expect mini Lya's and Levi's to be running around here?" Jean asked as he sat back with him arms folded. Lyanna who was in the middle of drinking a sip of water started choking. "What?!?" She asked once she regained her breath. 

"You heard me. I want to be an uncle you know." Jean smiled and everyone else at the table nodded. "Levi and I haven't talked about that...I doubt he wants children and I'm not sure if I want them myself. Besides, we shouldn't bring a child into this world. It would be cruel given the situation with the titans." Lyanna leaned on her elbows and sighed. She'd never really thought of having children of her own. It wasn't a luxury for her to have children since she joined the scouts. Hell. Even if she wasn't in the scouts, having children would probably still be an issue. She refused to bring any children into a loveless marriage. "But don't know if Levi feels the same way. You can assume he does but your assumption could be completely different from how he really feels." Connie spoke up. "Just talk to him." Mikasa added. Lyanna sighed and stood from her seat. "I think I'm gonna go run some laps, that'll help me clear my mind." She smiled and began to jog out of the cafeteria. "Bet you $5 and all your bread for the next month, that they'll have a baby within the year." Jean spoke as everyone nodded and placed their money in the betting pool.

Lyanna ran laps for what felt like hours, the sweat on her forehead did little to faze her. Would she be a good mother? Or would she end up like her own mother? No. She wouldn't sell her child into an unwanted marriage just for personal gain. Lyanna ran twenty or so more laps and then finally stopped. "You shouldn't push yourself like that." Levi's voice sang out to her as she turned on her heel. "It helps me think." Lyanna sat down on the ground and heaved. "Oi! Get off the ground brat! Don't you know how dirty that is!" Levi yelled as Lyanna chuckled. "You're such a clean freak." Lyanna made no effort to move. "What's bothering you anyways?" Levi asked. "Have you ever wanted children?" Lyanna asked quietly. "Children?" Levi laid his cap on the ground and sat on top of it. "Everyone keeps asking me when you and I are planning to start a family." Lyanna's cheeks were on fire. "Tell them to mind their own fucking business. Erwin and Shit Glasses keep asking me the same. It's annoying." Levi sighed and Lyanna smiled.

"It'd be pretty stupid to have a baby right now anyways. We were just married, unknowingly at that, and were both soldiers. Its too risky right now." Lyanna smiled softly and hugged her knees to her chest. "Yeah." Levi agreed and looked up at the sky. "But lets pretend for a moment, that we've been married a few years and that titans never existed. Would you want children?" Lyanna asked. "I've never really been good with children Lya, they're like little germ factories. I would be the worlds worst father." Levi kept his eyes forward. "We don't have to have children Levi, it's okay. I probably wouldn't have much to offer them anyways." Levi nodded and the two sat silently as they watched the sky before them shift colors. "You need a shower. You're filthy and you smell like shit." Levi said as he stood. 

"Love you too Levi. Love you too." Lyanna chuckled as the two began walking to their living quarters.

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