Chapter 16

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Lyanna's P.O.V

"Miss you really shouldn't do that." The maid, Eunice was her name I think, warned me for the third time. "Well, there's no way in hell that I'm going marry that old ball sack looking ass bitch." I was looking for an escape route , I needed to get back to Levi at all costs. "The masters really not all that bad my Lady. Why not just give him a chance?" Eunice walked over to me and took my hands in her own. "I've considered your offer, but it's going to be a no from me darling." I threw her hands away from my own and walked away from her. "Why are you so keen to defend him, he murdered his first wife, did he not?" I turned to face her and she looked to the floor. "I don't know how you can stand there and say he's not a bad guy, after he committed such a horrendous act. Help me escape Eunice...please." I was desperate at this point, and for a split second I could see that she was considering my offer. "I-I'm sorry but I can't...please be ready for dinner in twenty minutes. Don't make more difficult than it already is." She scurried out of the room and left me in the hands of the other maids who'd entered.

"Such pretty hair! Oh how lovely it'll be to have a Lady in the house again!" One of the maids gushed as she pushed me down in the chair of the vanity. She got to work on untangling the knots in my hair. "Really, this is no way a high born lady such as yourself should look! My lady you must take care to have more pride in your beauty!" She brushed my hair until it was silky smooth, she then began to put my hair up in an intricate bun. "Let's get you changed." The other maid said as the other one finished putting my hair up. The two maids began to assist me with taking my uniform off. As they removed layer after layer I could feel myself loosing more and more of my identity. "We really must burn these rags! You won't be needing them from this day onward." My body felt numb as I remained silent. Soon enough my clothes were off and I stood before them in all my glory. "My my, look at that physique! So unfeminine!" I subconsciously hid my body from them as they began to gather my undergarments. 'Levi...he loved the way my body looks.' "Well at least your hips are good, you'll have no problem birth the Lord his sons! Imagine it Katherine, these halls will be filled with the sounds of little feet soon!" I felt sick to my stomach. The maids began to lace up my corset, pulling it tighter every second.

"Alright! Now for the dress! How about that midnight blue one there?" "You're insane, green would do wonders for her complexion! Look at how pale the poor thing is!" While they fought over the dresses I clung to the bed post and began to have a panic attack. I looked at my hands before me and saw that they'd missed the ring that Levi had given me. I smiled down at it, it was the only piece that I had left of my old life. "THE MAROON ONE!" I shook from my thoughts when the both of them shouted and began to act like school girls. "Come here dear! This dress is absolutely gorgeous!" The dress went on and the shoes followed suit, I took extra care to hide my left hand from their view. "Well, its not perfect, but his Lordship will be pleased!" The two stood back and admired their work. I saw my own reflection and sighed, what I saw was nothing but a stranger. "His Lordship is ready for his bride." Eunice had once again appeared and took me by the hand. "This way my Lady." We walked silently until we came upon a grand stair case, at the base of it Lord Wallbourne stood.

"Ah the lady of the house finally arrives! Come down here dear and let get a proper look at you!" I gulped as I looked back at Eunice, who only smiled sadly. I began to make my descent down the stairs, Lord Wallbournes eyes never left my own. "You look ravishing my dear...almost good enough to eat." He whispered in my ear as he took my arm once I reached him, I shivered and he took that as a good sign. "That'll be all Eunice you're dismissed." Wallbourne waved a dismissive hand towards Eunice's general direction as he lead me into the dining room. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I had the kitchen staff prepare a whole spread." Wallbourne walked me to a vacant chair and pulled it out for me. I sat down quietly and looked at the mouth watering food before me. "Is that...meat?" I looked at Wallbourne with surprise. "Why yes it is! Help yourself my dear!" He smiled as he took his own seat. For a moment I almost allowed myself to reach for the delicacy but stopped myself from doing so. "What's the matter my love? Go on eat." I refused to meet his eyes. "I said eat." He said once again,and I flinched at the harshness in his voice. Hesitantly I reached for some food and placed it on my plate.

"That's a good girl. Now we have much to discuss." I looked up at him as I popped a small piece of meat into my mouth. I had to keep myself from moaning out loud, it'd been ages since I had meat. "Like how you basically kidnapped me from my squad and husband?" I raised a challenging eyebrow towards him. "You say kidnapped, I say taking back what was rightfully mine. I told you my dear Lyanna, I always get what I want." He smiled deviously. "You marrying me won't change anything. I'm already married for walls sake, what you're doing is completely illegal!" I stood from my chair and Wallbourne chuckled. "I don't see why your loyalties lie with that Scouts boy. I have so much more to offer you, you would never want for nothing." He began to pull a paper from his jacket pocket. "Besides, I don't think you know your "husband" as well as you think you do. You shouldn't trust people so easily." He threw the paper to me and I glared at him. "Go on, open it I'm sure you're curious to know whats in it." He held his head up on one of his hands and watched as I opened the letter. The letter stated that there was never a certificate of marriage submitted for Levi and I. "What does this mean?" I looked up from the letter. "Are you that dense? There's no marriage!" Wallbourne smiled brightly. "B-but we had the certificate! It was signed by both parties and the commanding officer!" Wallbourne stood from his chair and fold his hands behind himself. "Must have been a fake. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you were lied to." I felt all of the color leave my face as my knees gave out below me and I sat back into the chair. I felt so sick to my stomach and I'd lost my entire appetite.

"Now that that's done and over with, lets start planning our wedding."

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