Chapter 26

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"Levi quit staring at my ass and dust the damn shelves!" I yelled for the third time in a row. "Well then don't flaunt it front of me like that!" He yelled back. "I'm bending over to sweep up the dirt you pervert!" This was just one of the conversations we'd had since we started cleaning an hour ago. "Not my fault your ass looks like an upside down heart, how can I not stare at it? What am I blind?" I could hear Levi mumbling under his breath as he wiped down the shelves. I rolled my eyes and smiled, I could see many years of us carrying on like this. "I'm gonna go make the bed, I expect those to be finished when I come back corporal."  I giggled under my breath when he mumbled something about how he was my superior and not the other way around. I blushed when I looked at our bed, our activities from the night before left me sore but want more (A/N: If one of y'all says something about that rhyming I swear to the good lord...). I began to make the bed, being careful to smooth out any wrinkles that were present. It wasn't until I felt someone presence behind did I stop my task. "Those shelves better be done mister, otherwise were going to have issu-" I stopped mid sentence when I turned around to look at Levi. I expected to see Levi there leaning against the door frame like he usually would. He was there, but not doing what I expected him to do. 

He was on the floor of our bedroom on one knee, holding a small velvet box. "Levi what in the world are you doing?" I asked him, putting my hands on my hips. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm asking your ass to marry me damn it." He deadpanned and I laughed. "You've already asked me before, not only that but were already kind of married." Levi glared at me but that only made me laugh harder. "Fine, don't expect anything romantic from me ever again you little brat." He began to get up from the floor but I put my hand on his shoulder to prevent him from getting up all the way. "Oh no you don't, I want to see what you're gonna say." I sat on our bed and smiled down at him. "Go on." I almost laughed when he rolled his eyes. "I want us to be together forever, no matter how long our forever is. We could live till were eighty or we could die tomorrow. But I want to die knowing that you were by my side not only as my comrade but as my wife, my soulmate. Will you marry me?" He asked as he lifted the lid to the box, before I could make a smart-ass remark I saw the ring. It was stunning, and it honestly left me speechless.

" did you afford this?" I looked at the ring and back at him. "I didn't, the shop keep gave it to me. It was originally going to be his wife's ring, but then the titans got a hold of her." Levi explained as he pulled the ring out from the box. "But why the new ring?" I asked him. "I want this to signify our new start, my new promise to always cherish you and protect you. But only if you'll accept it." He smiled and I nodded. "Was there ever a doubt in your mind that I would say yes?" I laughed. "For a moment I did, you could have such a better life than what I could offer you Lya. I won't always be here for you and there's always the risk of us dying out in the field. I just don't want you to regret your choices." He smiled softly. "You're an idiot if you think I want more than this life. Seriously, we just spent like eight chapters fighting to get back to one another (A/N: That's right I just broke the fourth with it!). " "So is that a yes?" He asked. "Duh, what else could it be?" I laughed and Levi smiled and hugged me close to him. "I promise I'll make this life the best life we can live." He mumbled into my collarbone.

"You already are." I smiled.


"HANJI!" I yelled as I kicked her door to her lab wide open. "HOLY FLYING FUCK ON A SHIT STICK!" She yelled as she flew backwards off of her chair. "Ha! That'll teach you not to do that to everyone else, how does it feel?" I laughed as she looked up at me. "Like I'm well loved." She smiled. "Damn it, there's not winning with you." I laughed as she laughed along with me and got up from her place on the floor. "What brings you by my humble abode?" She asked as she dusted herself off. "I need a wedding dress." I said quickly as she stopped dusting herself off. "Haven't you had enough of weddings for a while?" Hanji chuckled. "This is different, I'm actually in love with the groom this time around and I'm really excited about this one!" I clapped my hands together. "Also, a certain someone has the potential to be my maid of honor if she says yes to helping me find a dress." I said calmly. "OH LYANNA YOU'VE MADE ME THE HAPPIEST MAD SCIENTIST OF COURSE I'LL-" "You'll help me ask Sasha to be my maid of honor? Thaaanks Hanji you're the greatest friend ever!" I smirked as I saw her freeze, I could have sworn I saw her turn to stone and crumble at my words. I began to walk out of the room but stopped right before I went out the door. "Hanji I'm kidding, quit being so dramatic." I laughed as she pieced herself together and got up. "We've no time to waste lets get you your dress!"

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