Chapter 5

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"Okay so I'm going to lay a few rules down since we'll be living together." Levi set down his tea and handed Lyanna a piece of paper. "Rule number one: don't touch my stuff, rule number two: keep your things clean and neat, well duh. Rule number 3: I have to...I AM NOT CLEANING YOUR OFFICE WHILE I'M HERE! IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE!" Lyanna yelled and Levi scoffed. "Its the least you could do, forcing me to play the role of your husband. Why would I want a wife like you brat." Levi glared at Lyanna. "Oh right because you had such a bachelor lifestyle before this, tell me Levi, when was the last time you even talked to a woman?" Lyanna cocked an eyebrow. Levi was about to respond but Lyanna interrupted before he could do so. "Hanji and female cadets don't count shrimp face." Levi clamped his mouth shut. "Keep it up cadet, I'll make sure you have kitchen duty for the rest of the year." It was Lyannas turn to scoff. "Oooooo I'm shaking in my little girly cadet boots."

"Knock Knock lovebirds!" Hanji entered and smiled brightly. "Hey Hanji, what brings you by?" Lyanna smiled sweetly at her friend. "Just wanted to see how our latest married couple is doing. Also, you two probably should be having your lovers quarrel so loud." Hanji smiles and clasps her hands together. "Shitty glasses, leave before I go into your lab and destroy your experiments." Levi sat down and rubbed his temple. "NOT MY PRECIOUS CHILDREN! BYE LYANNA!" Hanji scurried out and slammed the door behind her. Levi's wince almost went unnoticed but Lyanna saw it. "What's the matter Captain?" Lyanna watched Levi, just because he was being an ass didn't mean she wouldn't worry about it. "Nothing, go be annoying somewhere else." Levi waved her her off and Lyanna sighed. "Fine, but I'm going to help you with your work. Hand me some files." Levi handed her the files and she went straight to work on them, hours would go by before either of them would speak.


Lyanna's POV (AN: Finally!)

I sat cross legged on Levi's pristine couch, everything about his office was pristine. I sighed as I stood from my position and stretched my limbs. "Levi, its time for dinner, lets go get food." I said as I looked over at him. "Hey Levi, wake up." I walked over to him and poked him lightly, he didn't move a muscle. "LEVI!" I shouted in his ear, yet he still hadn't budged. "Oh god he's  dead..." I started to panic and pace the room. "Fuck, I have to get rid of the body... I wonder if Hanji still has that emergency crime pack?" I was about to go ask her when Levi let out a monstrous snore. "Oh thank the walls." I walked over to Levi and felt his forehead, he was burning up. "Fuck a duck, you pick today of all days to get sick!" I picked up his arms and slung his weight onto my shoulders, he let a groan escape his lips. "Okay Levi, I need you to work with here." I walked him into the room that connected to his office, the bed looked like it hadn't slept in. "Okay Levi I'm going to set you down." I slowly lowered him to his bed and began to take off his jacket and boots. "Lyanna, what are you doing?" I paused for a moment, he said my name. Must be the delusion setting in.

"You're sick, I'm going to get you a wash cloth and some water. Change into some more comfortable clothes while I'm gone." I stood up and walked out of his room and back into    his office. I looked around and sighed, "I'll clean up this mess when I come back." I marched out of the office and into the hallway. I walked for a little while longer until I came up to the cafeteria, I grabbed two trays of food and an empty bowl. "Lyanna? I thought you left?" Jean asked as he came out of no where. "Holy shit don't do that to me! Popping out of nowhere like a damn ghost." I had to use all of my strength not to drop the items in my hands. "S-sorry, but what are you doing here?" He smiled and I returned his with a small smile. "Things changed, look I need a washcloth do you know where I can find one?" Jean nods and walks away from me. "Soooo was I like supposed to follow you or what?" I say to the air that now surrounded me. After a few moments Jean comes back and throws the wash cloth into the bowl. "Thanks horse face!" I say as I run off, Jean sent an audible hey my way as I laughed.

"Levi I'm back, please be decent and alive." I walked into his room and froze. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Levi sighed and gave me his signature scowl. "Because it's too hot in here, get your ass over here and nurse me damn it." He demanded and I rolled my eyes. I placed his food tray down next to him and went to the bathroom to wet the rag and put water in the bowl. Bringing it back into Levi's room I dragged a chair up to his bed and sat next to him. I ringed the rag and began to dab it on his forehead. "Oi, be gentle! What kind of a wife uses brute force like that!" Levi spat and I flinched slightly. "Don't yell at me! I'm taking care of you aren't I?" I dabbed his forehead again, taking extra care to be gentle this time. "Besides, we aren't actually married. This is temporary." I shrugged. Levi let his gaze fall on me for a little while longer than usual. "You should try to eat something, maybe the bread?" I say quietly as he nods in agreement. He chews on his bread and a few moments pass between us. "Hey Le-Captain Levi, can I ask you something?" He hums in response and I take a deep breath.

"What was about that kiss about earlier?"

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