Chapter 12

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"Is everything prepared?" Lord Wallbourne asked his head house-keeper. "Yes sir. They her Lady's room has been made ready...but sir I thought the engagement had been called off?" Lord Wallbourne smirked. "Oh don't you worry Eunice, the manor shall have its lady and I shall have my bride. All in due time." Lord Wallbourne stood at his window and gazed in the direction of where HQ would be. "Will that be all your lordship?" Eunice bowed her head. "You're dismissed." He said without looking back at her. Eunice made her leave and closed the door behind her. Wallbourne sighed and continued to look out of his window. Lyanna would be his, whether she wanted to go willingly or not. He just had to get through that little protector of hers, Levi Ackerman. What did that little runt have that he didn't? Wallbourne had riches and power and he could give Lyanna the world if she wanted. He had a plan of course, there was an expedition coming up. According to his sources Levi would be on his own for part of it, in order to run some reconnaissance. That would give him the perfect opportunity to strike. 'Oh Lyanna, you'll be in my arms soon enough.' Wallbourne smirked.

***********************************************************************************************"Levi! Give it back!" Lyanna tried to grab her diary from his hands. "No way! This stuff is pure gold! Do you want me to die of boredom?" Levi smiled as he held Lyanna's diary above his head. "That can be arranged! But instead of boredom it'll be my foot going so far up your ass it'll rupture your internal organs!" Lyanna jumped for her diary. "Kinky." Levi chuckled and Lyanna glared at him. "That's it!" Lyanna popped her finger into her mouth and covered it in saliva, she looked at Levi and smirked. "You wouldn't dare." Levi said through clenched teeth. "Oh I would, you and both know I have a death wish. Give me the diary." Lyanna and Levi held each other in a heated stare battle. "No." Levi said as he began to read her diary from above his head. Lyanna let out a loud war cry and tackled Levi to the ground. "You've brought this on yourself Ackerman!" Lyanna finally had the upper-hand and plummeted her wet finger into his ear.  "YOU BITCH!" Levi screamed as Lyanna grabbed her diary and made a mad dash for the door. 

She didn't know if he'd followed her but she'd lost him if he was. She slowed her pace and began laughing. "That'll teach you to touch my shit." Lyanna said under her breath. She decided that she needed to let Levi cool off for a bit. So she took a stroll towards the man made lake by HQ, this had always been a favorite spot for her. She sat down on the grass below her and looked out over the water. She thought about the past weeks events and how fortunate she'd been to have such great friends. By now, if her parents had gotten their way, she would have been unhappily married. She could have also been carrying that awful mans child. She shuddered at the thought and thanked the walls that hadn't happened. Though she was married now, she could have done a lot worse. Levi was nothing but a gentleman with her and never pushed her past a certain point if things got heated. Though their marriage was an unconventional one, she could see it being a happy one. They just had to win this damn war against the titans first.

"There you are." Levi's cold voice broke Lyannas thoughts. "Oh sweetheart! What brings you here?" Lyanna laughed nervously as her grip tightened on her diary. "Oh I just came to see how my treacherous wife was doing." Levi glared down at her and Lyanna gulped. "Oh you know, I'm doing just peachy..." Lyanna smiled and began to stand up. "I should really go to bed, it's been a long day. Well goodnight dear husband." She began to walk away but Levi grabbed her by her collar and tsked. "You aren't getting off that easily." He spun her around and held her close against his chest. Lyanna inhaled his scent and sighed happily. He smelled like lemons, he must have showered after what she did to him. "Levi? Did you shower before coming here?" Lyanna smirked. "You gave me no choice. You infected me with you filthy germs." He glared down at her again as Lyanna scoffed. "You don't seem to care much for germs when your tongue is down my throat." Levi's eyes widened as a faint blush darkened his face. 

"The point is, my dear wife, is that this act can't go unpunished." His face neared hers and she swallowed nervously. Just before his lips could connect with hers Lyanna felt the tug of her underwear being pulled up on her. "YOU MOTHERFU-" "Language cadet." Levi held his sides and laughed. "That was too far!" Lyanna was seething now. "And sticking your grotesque saliva covered finger in my ear wasn't?" Levi smiled and Lyanna huffed. "Whatever." She stomped away back towards HQ with Levi in tow. When they reached their room Lyanna made a beeline for the room and walked into the bathroom. She slammed the door behind her and locked the door. "Oi brat! Get out of there and quit throwing a fit!" Levi pounded on the door and Lyanna rolled her eyes. "How about no." She responded and she could practically feel Levi's glare through the glass. "I'll give you till the count of ten Lya." Lyanna rolled her eyes and began to undress. There was no way he'd break down that door. It would create too big of a mess, so while he had his temper tantrum she figured she'd take a bath. Lyanna began her bath water, unfortunately for her she couldn't hear Levi counting down.











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