Chapter 6

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"What kiss? I have no recollection of any kiss." Levi turned his head from and I scoffed. "You know exactly what kiss I'm talking about!" I smiled, I knew he would pull something like this. "Nope, not a clue Northcaster." His eyes had still yet to meet mine. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to jog your memory then." I stand up and walk over to where our shoes were, an evil grin spread across my face. "What the hell do you think you're doing cadet?" Levi's eyes finally snapped to mine, they were filled with fire. "I'm going to walk on your sofa with my shoes on." I simply said as I finished tying the last lace on my boot. "The hell you will, take your damn shoes off!" Levi tried to raise himself up but failed miserably. "Nah, I don't think I will. Tootles!" I say as I rush out of his room back into his office. I would probably serve severe consequences for this, but that was a problem I was leaving to tomorrows me. 

"What lovely white fabric this is! Wow, its so clean and white...for now." I yelled, I waited to hear any movement. The entire room was silent so I shrugged and continued on with my mission. Slowly I raised my foot and began to lower it to the sofa, was he really going to let me get away with this? But before my foot could reach the sofa I heard a growl and was yanked back away from the couch by my wrist. I smirked and turned my face to see a flushed Levi, his eyes were wide and his breathing was labored. "Oh hello!" I smiled. "Take your fucking shoes off, I won't tell you again." He said through clenched teeth. "Then tell me why you kissed me." My glare matched his and time stopped. In the fraction of a second he'd moved his hand from from my wrist to my shoulder, his other hand mimicked the same motion.

"It was for a show, I was trying to convince your parents we were really married. I thought you were smart enough to know that. Idiot." His grip tightened on my shoulders and I winced slightly. "I know that, but Levi, that kiss was more than a scripted show for my parents. I  felt..." I stopped, what did I feel? "You felt nothing Lyanna, like I said you're just one of a hundred. You must think pretty highly of yourself to think I would willingly kiss you." His normal stoic gaze returned to his face and he released me from his grip. 'ouch Levi, don't spare my feelings or anything.' I turned my head from him. "I didn't expect you to like me, you're humanities strongest soldier. I'm not worthy of your affections, and you're right I'm basically nothing." An uncomfortable silence fell over us. "You should go lay down before your fever gets worse." I said as I walked to his office door. He made no motion to speak or stop me, so I kept walking. I walked out of his office and down the hallway. He didn't need to constantly remind me that I'm nothing. That I'm basically like everyone else here. 

I walked for about thirty minutes and stopped near the stables. Jean and Eren were a few feet in front of me arguing about lord knows what. I took a quick left, I really didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. I reached a tree and looked up at it, it was strong and healthy...perfect for climbing. I grabbed a tree limb and hoisted myself up onto it, I hadn't climbed a tree in years. Before I knew it an hour has passed, and the sky had broken into dozens of vivid colors. "Oi Northcaster! Get down from that tree, you'll dirty your clothes." I heard Levi's voice ring out and I looked below me. "Levi, you should be resting." I said monotonously. Levi stared at my and sighed. "Just get down here so I can talk to you face to face brat." I rolled my eyes and hopped down from the tree. I landed on my feet and winced slightly from the impact, I stood and looked at him. "What?" I said as I held my arms out.

Levi stared at my face and I began to shift my weight from foot to the other. "Lyanna I-" "Ah there's my future bride!" Levi and I both tensed as we turned to face the direction the voice came from.

"Lord Wallbourne."


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