Chapter 29: Book One Finale

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Lyanna's P.O.V

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Hanji was jumping up and down on the bed. "Five more minutes..." I grumbled as I burrowed into the blankets. "NO CAN DO, IT'S WEDDING DAY! YOU NEED TO BE UP, FED AND READY FOR YOUR BIG DAY!" She continued to jump. "Hanji for the love of the walls, I will sweep your leg and punt you into a titans mouth if you don't leave me alone." I sat up and glared at her. "YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT, WHO WOULD WATCH YOUR KIDS THEN?" Hanji was still jumping up and down. "Erwin, it was always going to be Erwin to begin with anyways." I said simply as I pulled the blanket over my head. "YOU WOULD PICK THE THICK EYEBROW HAVING ASSHOLE OVER ME?!? YOU'RE BEST FRIEND?!?" Hanji ripped the blankets from me and I groaned. "Hanji when was the last time you fed your pet fish?" I asked. "I have a pet fish?" She stopped whatever she was doing. "Yes, the fish you insisted you could take care of? The one I bought you for your birthday?" I was wide awake now. "Oh yeah! Chauncey I remember him now! Yeah...he dead." She shrugged and I flung myself back onto the pillow. "See my point?" I asked. "You're words are hurtful but not untruthful." She nodded and smiled. "But my point still stands, you need to be up and ready. SO LET'S SAY HELLO TO THIS BEAUTIFUL DAY!" Hanji shouted as she pulled the blind up. "AHHHH!" I screamed as I covered my eyes from the sudden bright light that filled the room. "Whoops, sorry about that. I should have given you more of a warning." Hanji peered down at me as I hissed at her.


"Hanji, I don't think this is on right." I said as I looked at my veil in the mirror. "Were starting a new trend my friend." Hanji replied. "Okay but can we start a new trend on any other day that not the most important day of my life?" I lifted the veil from my face and smiled at her. "If you insist on being boring then fine." She chuckled as her fixed it for me. "Is the bride ready yet?" Erwin knocked on the door and smiled. I turned towards him and smiled. "How's Levi?" I asked him as I walked towards him. "Absolute bucket or nerves right now, he's worried you might change your mind." Erwin chuckled. "I swear sometimes he forgets were actually married already." I smiled and looked at Erwin. "So how do I look?" Erwin smiled softly. "You look beautiful." "Do you mind walking me down the aisle? I was doing my best to hold my tears in. Erwin looked at me with a shocked expression for a split moment and then softened. "It would be my honor, I never thought I would have the chance to do this." He smiled and offered his arm to. "It's the least I could do, you did rescue me from marrying Wallbourne after all." I took his arm and we began walking to the small chapel that was on base. "You and Levi need to take care of one another Lyanna. Cherish each other for as long as you can." Erwin said softly and I nodded.

We finally came upon the doors that led into the chapel, my hitched in my throat. "Lyanna, just breath. You said so yourself, you two are already married, this is nothing more than a formality." Erwin encouraged me and I took a deep breath. "Alright, let's do this thing." The doors opened and the music started to play. I looked out at the pews before me and saw all of my friends smiling softly at me. My wedding dress flowed around her gracefully as Erwin and I walked down the aisle. I could see Levi at the very end, he hadn't turned to face me yet. Even from where I stood I could tell he was a nervous wreck. He finally turned around after I saw him take an obvious deep breath. When my eyes met his, I could see the surprise and awe in them. I smiled as the tears formed in my eyes. Erwin and I had finally made it to the end of the aisle when he handed me off to Levi. The two of us just smiled and stared at one another for what felt like a lifetime. "Who give's this woman in holy matrimony?" The minister asked. "I do sir." Smiled and took his seat. "Before we begin I have to ask because of the past events. Does anyone object?" The minister flinched and looked around the room. The room was silent but the minister was still skeptical. "Going once, twice...okay were good." He sighed. (A/N: Were gonna go ahead and skip to the reception, we all know how this goes down). "I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride Captain." The minister smiled as Levi scooped me up in his arms and kissed me deeply. The room erupted into a thunderous applause as Levi and I made our exit out of the chapel.


"So what's next?" I asked Levi while we slow danced to the music, my head was on her chest as he held me close to him. "Next we fight to ensure we can live peacefully together for the rest of our lives." He replied. "Did you ever think that this would happen?" I looked up at him. "Not a chance, I thought I'd die before I'd marry anyone. Let alone a brat like you. He smiled a toothy grin down at me. "Hey you could have done far worse Mr. Ackerman." I poked him in the ribs and laughed. "That's a good point Mrs. Ackerman, if I have to be stuck with anyone in this life I'm glad its you." Levi leaned over and kissed me deeply. After the reception and saying goodnight to all of our friends Levi and I retired to our room. We sat on our bed smiling and looking at one another, Levi's thumb gently traced my jawline. "Oh! I have a wedding gift for you!" I said as I bounded off of the bed and into the office. I grabbed the picture frame that Hanji has given me and handed it to Levi. "Is that what I think it is? Levi asked as her took the frame from my hands. "Yup, thats the marriage certificate that started this whole thing." I smiled and chuckled lightly. Levi smiled and set the frame on his book shelf.  "Remind me to actually thank Hanji for all of this one day." He said softly. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and sighed with contentment. "I love you so much Lya."

"I love you too Levi."

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