Kakariko Village

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After Zelda and Link got up and ate breakfast, they were back on their horses. The trip to Kakariko Village wasn't far, but gave the two plenty of  time to be together.

"So um... Link, if you don't mind me asking, what what was it like waking up to, well, this?" Asked Zelda

Link looked at her and thought about what he was going to say.

"It was strange," he started in his soothing voice," I didn't remember a thing. I still don't remember everything now."

"Not even the times we spent together?" Zelda whispered under her breath, hoping Link didn't hear.

As if he did, Link continued talking.

"But as I continued with my quest, I went to the locations Impa told me about, and I recalled some memories. Especially the ones of us..." Link started to go red in the face.

As they crossed Kakariko Bridge, Zelda caught sight of a man staring out into the distance.

"Oh! Look!" Exclaimed Zelda, "Another person. Lets go talk to them."

"No!" Replied Link, "that's a yiga foot soldier, they disguise themselves as civilians so they can attack unwary travellers. And they probably don't want to see me  again after I killed their leader."

"You killed their leader?" Zelda said in awe

Just as she said that, a yiga blade master appeared in front of them. Zelda screamed, but Link casually jumped off his horse an started fighting the blade master. as he was doing so, the yiga foot soldier ran up to Link from behind and took a slash at him. Link jumped out of the way, and as he did, time seemed to slow down. Link used this as his opportunity to kill the two yiga soldiers.

Link got back on his horse and continued like nothing happened. Zelda just sat there awestruck. She forgot how proficient Link was with a sword. It seemed like she needed to do some remembering as well.

When they reached Kakariko Village, they were greeted by the sheikah.

"Hi again Zelda!" One girl said to Link

"Hey Koko, I brought the real Zelda with me today." replied Link

"Oooh! Is she your princess?" said Koko getting excited

Link went red, "she's a princess, yes." he answered, avoiding the real question

Paya came running to the pair, "M-Master Link! Princess Zelda! My grandmother wishes to meet with you."

"Actually, we were here to meet her." said Zelda, "sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Oh! Its Paya, Your Highness."

"Please, call me Zelda."

The three went into Paya and Impa's house to see the village elder herself.

"Its been a while, Zelda." croaked Impa

Its a bit lame, but I needed to publish something. Thanks for reading! Feedback from you would be legendary!

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