A not-so-royal picnic

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Link decided that they should go out for a picnic, so he went back to his house to prepare some food. When he was in the kitchen, Link was stumped on what to bring. His hand hovered over the wildberry jam, but then suspended it over the hearty durain jam. He couldn't decide what to pack, since he would like one thing, but Zelda would like the other. He then settled on packing what Zelda liked, since seeing her happy was enough.

Link left the house and joined Zelda, as they left the village to find a nice picnic spot. Once Zelda found a spot that she liked, Link laid out the light blue blanket, and the two flopped down onto it. They were laying on their backs, staring into the vast blue sky. Zelda thought that they looked like Link's eyes; so easy to get lost in.

As they gazed into the sky, Link and Zelda didn't notice that their hands were merely a few millimetres away from each other. One slight movement, and they would be touching. Finally, Link noticed the warmth, and spotted how close they were. He didn't know what to: move his hand away or hold Zelda's hand. Link was about to make the move for her hand, but then she lifted it up, and pointed it to the sky.

"Don't you think that cloud looks like a dog?" Zelda asked.

Link was slightly annoyed at himself for missing his chance.

"Oh yeah..." he replied, "And that one looks like a... cloud."

Zelda gave him a playful punch.

"Its so beautiful, the sky." Zelda said.

"Yeah, so beautiful," Link agreed, looking straight at her, "so beautiful I can't take my eyes off yo- it."

He almost said what he was thinking out loud. She smiled at him, the sweet smile that always put him under a spell. They were looking into each others eyes again, hands finding their way to the other, the moment was perfectly set up. Suddenly, Zelda's tummy rumbled, signalling her hunger for food.

"Alright! Food!" Link exclaimed, jumping up.

Zelda internally cursed at her stomach for being so greedy, and for spoiling the moment, though she really was quite hungry, and Link's food looked delicious.

"I have wildberry jam, with..." Link started as he dived into the picnic basket, "Monster cake!"

"Wildberry jam and Monster cake!" Zelda exclaimed, "My favourite!"

Link smiled at his good decision. He plated up the delicacies and handed one to Zelda, who stared at the food with teared up eyes.

"What's wrong," Link asked gently.

"This just reminds me of the past, before my life was turned upside down, before my stupid duties actually mattered, and I could live like a happy person, without any pressures." Zelda replied solemnly.

"The past is painful, but there's nothing we can do about it now." Link said, placing his hand on Zelda's shoulder.

She gave a watery sniff, and gave a reassuring smile.

"You know, for all that talk of this being your favourite, you've barely touched it." Link pointed out.

Zelda tucked it, as did Link, and they both enjoyed their picnic together.

After they were done, Link spotted a hill, and gave a mischievous smile.

"Do you know what my favourite thing to do is?" Link asked, "Rolling down hills!"

He got up and went to the top of the hill, followed by Zelda. He stood and the top, taking in the beautiful view, until he felt a shove on his back, he fell down the hill, not before pulling Zelda with him. They went tumbling down together, landing in a heap at the bottom of the hill, Link falling on top of the princess. The pair were laughing hysterically, and couldn't stop for quite some time. When they did, they looked at each other, and burst into laughter again.

Zelda was taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, and Link was looking at her bemused. Without thinking, Link made an impression of her laughing, and immediately, Zelda's knee went up, leaving Link bent-double in pain.

"That hurt!" He cried out.

"Oh come one! There was nothing to hurt." She replied cheekily.

He growled a little, and Zelda laughed.

"Ok I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." She said, still laughing.

Link looked annoyed, but then smiled, for he could never stay mad at her for long. He then noticed a rabbit passing by, and made to grab for it, since he wanted to impress Zelda. Instead, the rabbit just got angry and clawed at Link's hands, drawing blood, and hopped away. Link looked offended, and Zelda couldn't stop laughing.

"My, its not been a good day for you, has it, Link?" Zelda chuckled.

"I wouldn't say that." He replied.

Link laid back down and put his hands behind his head, displaying his muscles.

"However, I've haven't seen you laugh that much before," He pointed out," Does seeing me suffer entertain you?"

"No, but seeing you at ease does." She replied, then instantly regretted it.

Link propped himself up on his arm at looked at her.

"What do you mean?" He asked, intrigued.

"its just that..." She didn't know how to say this," You hardly ever talk before, so no one knew what was going on with you, and you too must have been under so much pressure, knowing that you were in possession of a legendary blade that past heroes have wielded. But now, you talk as if there's no off button."

Link stared at her, what she said was so true, and he was under a lot more pressure than he let on, not that he did say anything.

The sky was turning a soft orange, signalling it was getting late.

"We should head back." Link said, getting up.

When they arrived back at Link's house, Link was dragging himself around, barely able to stay awake. Zelda felt sorry for him.

"I insist that you take the bed, Link," Zelda urged, "You look knackered."

"No, no, I'm fine." He insisted, "You have it."

Zelda saw that she wasn't going to win this.

"How about we both sleep in it!" She hastily said," Not in a weird way..."

Link stared, not knowing how to answer. He really did want to sleep in his own bed, though.

"If you're ok with it, I guess..." He cautiously said.

They both got in, trying to say as far away from each other without falling off the bed.

"Um...Goodnight, Zelda."


Both laid there, not being able to sleep, thinking this was far too awkward.

Well...This is weird... Hope you're all enjoying the story!

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