Ancient song

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Link arrived at the Flight Range to be greeted by Teba, and some other Rito.

"Hello Link," called Teba, "Sorry for the short notice, but the boys and I have been wanting to learn your techniques since you came to appease Medoh."

"No worries, I'll try and teach you everything I know." Link said, pulling out his bow.

"Master Link," said one Rito, Medokk, who was a young adult "I've heard all about your adventures, and, I want to be a great warrior, just like you."

Link smiled, it was a heart warming feeling to know that people look up to you.

"You'll be better than me in no time." Link replied, placing his hand on Medokk's shoulder.

Link looked around the flight range, and caught sight of the targets.

"Before we start, I want to see what you can do with a bow," Link pointed over at the targets, "Go shoot them down."

And with Link's word, the Rito warriors leapt off the deck and there was a flurry of raining arrows hitting their target.

When they all came back to Link, he was holding up a diagram of various battle formations. He started to explain each one to the Rito.

"This is the defensive technique" He said, pointing to one, "And this is the offensive technique..."


"Princess Zelda, its such a pleasure to meet you in person." Said Kass, who was holding his iconic accordion, as usual, "My teacher wrote songs, telling the tales of you and your appointed knight, and he spoke of the beauty that you possessed."

Zelda blushed, she recalled his teacher, the royal family's court poet. The poet spoke words of true beauty, and his poems were not to be compared to any other poem written in the whole of Hyrule. Zelda was fond of the poet, she often went out into the gardens at night with him, and had lots of laughs. That was until there was Link in the picture...

"My teacher was very much in love with you, princess," said Kass, reading her mind, "He wanted you to hear this song."

"An ancient hero, a Calamity appears,
Now resurrected after 10,000 years.

Her appointed knight gives his life
Shields her figure, and pays the price.

The princess's love for her fallen knight awakens her power 
And within the castle the Calamity is forced to cower.

But the knight survives! In the Shrine of Resurrection he sleeps,
Until from his healing dream he leaps!

For Fierce and deadly trials await,
To regain his strength. Fulfill his fate.

To become a hero once again!
To wrest the princess from evil's den.

The hero, the princess–hand in hand–
Must bring the light back to this land.

Zelda contemplated the lyrics, the poet seemed to know an awful lot about the events.

"Why does your teacher know so much, Kass?" Zelda asked.

"You see..." Kass started," As I said he was deeply in love with you, and was jealous that you only had eyes for your own appointed knight, since my teacher was neither nobility nor royalty himself, but after seeing your appointed knight risk his life to save yours, my teacher felt guilty, and pledged to find all of the songs from the ancient hero, and pass it onto Link."

"I see..." Zelda said thoughtfully.


"Alright! That will conclude todays training." Said Link proudly, for the Rito had learned so much

"Thank you, Link" said Teba, giving the thumbs up, "Say, why don't you join us for a drink?" Asked Teba, outing an arm around Link.

"That would be gr-" Link remembered his promise to take Zelda shield surfing, "Actually, I'm going to pass for today, I promised Zelda that I would take her shield surfing."

The Rito whistled, "Go get her!"

Link arrived back at Rito Village to see Zelda sitting on Revali's Landing.

"Hey!" Said Link, running over to her, "Sorry I'm late."

"That's quite alright..." she said.

"Shall we go?"  Link asked, leading the way.

When the duo arrived at Selmi's spot, Zelda was having second thoughts.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea..."She said, backing away.

Link grabbed her hand, and held it tight, "Don't worry, it'll be a blast."

He got on his shield and surfed down the mountain, shouting in glee. Zelda saw that she had no other way down, so she got on her shield, and slid down the mountain. At first she screamed in fright, but then out of joy. Link was right: it was a blast! Zelda was fast approaching the bottom, where Link was waiting. She had no idea how to stop. She was getting closer to Link and showed no signs of slowing down. Moments later, Link and Zelda were in a snowy heap, laughing. 

"Well..." Laughed Link, "That's one way to stop."

"Isn't that how you stop?" Zelda replied sarcastically.

They were both still on the ground, Link being flattened by Zelda when she crashed into him, Zelda having a soft landing as she fell right on top of him.

"Landing on top of someone else isn't the most efficient way." He replied.

Zelda quickly scrambled off after he brought their situation up, and looked embarrassed. Link laughed after seeing her reaction.

"Sorry about that." Zelda mumbled.

"Its getting really cold, we should head back," Link said, as he got up and took hold of Zelda's hand, pulling her back up.

They kept their hand interlocked longer than necessary, staring into each others eyes, until Link let go and started his way back to Rito Village. Zelda stood there, digesting what just happened, until she ran to catch up with Link.

Thank you for all of the support you're all giving me, and continued feedback would be most helpful. I've noticed that the chapters have been getting longer, since I've had so many ideas crammed in my head, but let me know if you'd rather read them in smaller parts. Lastly, I'm sorry if you were expecting a whole part based on shield surfing, that was my original plan, but other ideas came into the picture, and I hope this is good enough :)

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