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"Shaka laka! It's my friend!"

"Hiya Hestu." Greeted Link.

"Shook, and he's brought his lady." Noted Hestu.

"I've brought a lady, Yes." Said Link going red.

Zelda laughed. At this point, she was used to everyone's misconception.

"I'm Zelda, nice to meet you." She said.

"I'm Hestu!" He Boomed," my special power is increasing inventory. If you have any Korok seeds, I'll be happy to do it!"

Zelda felt in her pocket for the Korok seed they got when they were in Zora's Domain.

"Will this do?" She Asked, holding up the seed.

"Shoko! That's enough!" Exclaimed Hestu," what slot do you want to increase?"

Zelda looked to Link for help.

"She'll increase her weapon stash." Explained Link.

Zelda handed over the Korok seed. Hestu immediately started an elaborate dance, whilst shaking his maracas.

"Dan- dan Dan daaaaan!" Sang Hestu," your weapon stash has increased by one!"

Zelda looked really confused.

"You can carry another sword." Whispered Link.

"Shoko! That was the nine hundredth Korok seed!" Exclaimed Hestu," You deserve a reward!"

Hestu thought for a moment, then wondered off a few feet away. Link and Zelda exchanged bemused looks and they heard squelches coming from Hestu's direction.

"Here you go! A giant, golden Korok seed!" Exclaimed Hestu.

Link timidly held out his hand as Hestu handed over the giant Korok seed. Links face crinkled in disgust.

"Th-thanks..." He Said.

Link and Zelda walked away from Hestu, before Link burst into a massive rant.

"I spent countless hours hunting for these darn Korok seeds, and as a reward, I get a massive piece of golden sh... Korok poo."

"Link, it's not always about the reward." Said Zelda," Sometimes, it's about the journey. The journey is the reward. Come on, wasn't finding the Korok seeds fun?"

"No." Link replied defiantly,"the lengths I had to go to get some of the seeds are unspeakable."

Zelda smiled. Link was surprisingly a person who like to complain a lot.

"Stop whining." She said, "what are we going to do?"


"Hey Mr Hero! Hey Mrs Hero!"

"Maca, her name is miss Zelda!" Said Link.

"You said her name was miss Princess!" Exclaimed Maca.

"Yes, uh.... Miss Princess Zelda..." Link said hastily.

"What are you two planning on doing?" Asked Maca.

"Uh... we're not too sure..." Said Link.

"How about giving us Koroks something to prepare?" Suggested Maca.

"Like what?" Zelda Asked.

"A wedding!" Maca Exclaimed.

"Yeah, who's?" Link muttered.

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