Story Time

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"Ok everyone, gather round the fire." ushered Link, taking a seat next to Zelda.

"Hmmm... Do you want to hear about the time I helped a Zora child get some frogs?" asked Link.

There was an uproar from the children.

"No Zelda!" screamed Koko, "that's boring."

"I want to hear about the time you went into Gerudo town." teased Zelda, winking.

"That's...A story for later." said Link blushing, "Ok, what about the time I built up an entire town?"

"YES!" screamed the children

"So I had just finished with my home, as you know and..."

Zelda was in her own world. Link was so good with children. She looked and the way he moved his hands as he spoke, his lips as they moved, the smile on his face. The twinkle of his eyes and his golden pony tail swaying in the wind.

"Then Hudson and Rhondson got married, and Tarry town was complete. The end!" Link got up and gave a bow.

"Zelda, is that what you're going to do with Princess Zelda, build up Hyrule?" asked Cottla.

Link looked at Zelda," Pretty much." he replied.

"Are you even going to marry her?" asked one child.

Link pretended to look at his non-existent watch," Goodness! Look at the time! Your parents will have my head if you don't get home now. See ya later."

All the children ran off, except for the child that asked the question, "Well? Are you?"

Link crouched down and whispered in the child's ear. The child looked excited and ran off.

"What did you tell him?" asked Zelda.

"Gosh! Are you aware of the fact that you're so nosy." Link snapped back.

"Anyway...About Gerudo Town," started Zelda.

"What about it," Link mumbled.

Zelda shuffled closer to Link, "Tell me about what happened, it can't be that bad."

Link thought for a moment.

"As you know, voe can't enter," he started," so I met up with a guy who managed to get in by disguising himself."

"I like where this is going" sniggered Zelda.

"So he gave me a..."He took a deep breath," Gerudo vai set, and I put it on to get in."

Zelda was laughing hysterically, "Oh! That explains this photo on the Sheikah Slate."

"Wait, what!" Exclaimed Link," Lets see."

"You look so cute!" laughed Zelda," but I feel like this isn't the whole story

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"You look so cute!" laughed Zelda," but I feel like this isn't the whole story."

"You caught me there." Sighed Link," when I got in, I did whatever I had to do about Vah Naboris and all that..."

"Yes..." said Zelda with a huge smile.

"And I went into the noble canteen to have a few drinks, as you do. But, I may have had a drink too many."

"No way! The Hero of Hyrule getting drunk in Gerudo town!" Exclaimed Zelda.

Link chuckled, "Yeah, and I did some pretty weird things."

"So that explains these pictures then." Sniggered Zelda, " Want to see?"

"Goodness no! I thought I deleted those pictures."

"Ohh. So exotic."

Link rolled his eyes, "There, you happy, I told you he story and you have some uh... pictures to go with it."

"Yeah I'm happy." Whispered Zelda, "Happier than I've ever been before."

Link thought this was the perfect chance, "um... Zelda, I think I-"

Link heard soft snores coming from Zelda. He smiled and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. He whispered something and carried her to the inn.

When he got in he placed her on her bed.

"Goodnight." he whispered, and gently kissed her cheek

This was a long one! Zelink are sooo cute ;3

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