Who's better?

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Zelda slowly opened her eyes, then hopefully looked over to the bed next to her. To her dismay, Link had already gotten out of bed, and was no where to be seen. Zelda then got out of bed and changed out of her night gown in to her travelling clothes, before walking over to the owner of the stable.

"Have you seen the blond young man go anywhere?" Asked Zelda.

"You mean Timmy?"

He pointed over to a blond young man sitting in a corner of the stable.

"No, no. He's a knight.... uh... good looking..."

"Oh yes, that lad. He went out not too long ago, I don't know where, though." Said the owner," he did mention something about getting hearty truffles."

Zelda instantly knew that something was up.

"Thank you!" She said hastily.

Zelda ran out of the stables, searching frantically for Link. She ran up and down looking for him, then found him sitting on a hill, facing the castle.

"I've... been looking... all over for... you." She said out of breath

Link jumped at the sound of her voice, and quickly rubbed his eyes

"What's wrong?" Zelda Asked.

"Nothing..." he replied bluntly.

His nose was red, and his were eyes blotchy. Zelda sat next to him.

"Link... I'm worried about you."She Whispered, "now don't tell me everything is alright, because I can tell that it isn't."

She gently placed a hand on his shoulder, which was swiftly shrugged off. Zelda sighed.

"The past is behind us, Link, there's no point in worrying about it." She said.

Link continued to stare at the castle.

"Don't spoil the present with the past." Zelda said.

Link nodded slightly, and sniffed.

"I wish you were right." He sighed.

He tore out some grass and threw it away.

"It's just I...I" stammered Link," When we... You..."

Zelda placed her hand on his shoulder again, but this time, he didn't try to shrug it off.

"Just forget about what's bothering you." Said Zelda.

She spoke as if he could forget about his feelings for her easily.

"I'll... try..." He Said cautiously.

"Good! Now we should make our way to Gerudo Town." Said Zelda.

Zelda stood up and started to walk away.


Zelda stopped and turned around, feeling hopeful.

"Actually..." started Link," I... Feel better."

He sighed. Link failed to tell her. Zelda stared at the floor, slightly disappointed.

"I'm glad to hear that..."

Zelda walked off. After a while, Link got up to join her, dreading their visit to Gerudo Town.

When Link arrive at the stable, he was surprised to see Zelda tacking up the horses.

"I could've done that." He whined.

"Well you took too long to get back, so I did it." She said.

When Zelda wasn't looking, Link double checked his saddle and reins, to see if they were down properly.

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