Special Gift

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"I'm fine, Zelda!"

Link and Zelda were back in their room, in Gerudo Town, and Zelda was fussing over Link's various wounds.

"No you're not, you could barely get back here." She Snapped, "now stop acting like a baby and let me put a bandage on it."

"Zeldwa, I weally dwon't need a bwandage." Said Link.

He was staring at here, wide eyed, and sucking his thumb. Zelda stifled a laugh as she tended to his wounds.
Link sighed with boredom, fiddling with the corner of the bed sheets.

It was strange, Zelda was sitting near him, touching him, with his tunic off, yet there was no blush rushing to her checks. Zelda guesses that she had gotten used to it, but there was still a part of her that wanted to hide her face.

"There, all fixed!" She said with a flourish.

Link poked at his bandage, and winced with pain.

"You're not supposed to touch it." Pointed out Zelda.

"Yeah, Yeah..."

There was a few moments of awakened silence, as the two of them decided what to say, or do, next.

"Thank you, Link."

Link looked up at Zelda, who was twiddling her fingers.

"Hey, I'm your appointed knight, it's my job to save you, whether I want to, or not." He replied with a smirk.

"I meant thank you for staying by my side all fo this time, and for looking out for me." She said.

Link always had eyes on her, making sure no one was about to attack her. His overprotectiveness was admirable.

"You're very welcome, you're highness," He replied, "and I guess I should say thank you for making sure I don't do anything fun..."

"As in 'fun' do you mean 'stupid and reckless'?" She smirked.

He smiled to himself. It was true, Zelda was always making sure he wasn't about to shield surf down a hill, blindfolded, and on his hands. Zelda was always making sure he was safe.

"As in 'living life'." He Corrected.

"Well your definition of 'fun' is very different to mine." Zelda Said.

"So you don't like camping out with a picnic, under the stars, then sleeping in a comfy sleeping bag?" He teased.

Zelda stared at him, puzzled by his question. Link went slightly red under her gaze.

"Well I was thinking, after we leave Gerudo Town later, we could..."

By now he was crimson, and was rubbing the back of his moist neck.

"That's sounds... enjoyable." She said, carefully.

"See, we have the same definition of fun." He Said with a smirk.

"I Said enjoyable, not fun." She laughed, whilst playfully pushing him away.

Zelda got off the bed and walked over to the door.

"I need to go speak to Riju about the Gerudo aiding us in rebuilding Hyrule." She Explained, "I completely forgot about it the last time. I guess I got too carried away with my speech on Urbosa."

Link nodded, and heaved himself of the bed, grabbing his Champion's Tunic. When he got up, he flexed his arms, stretching them in various ways. Part of him wished that Zelda was eyeing up his muscles.

"You get everything ready, and as soon as I'm done, we can leave." She said, "you can stay in here, and we can leave through that door, so you don't have to put on that ridiculous disguise."

"Excuse me, Princess, but I'm gorgeous." He Said, mocking offence, "I thinks it's enough to turn yo- any girl-"

"Yes ok, goodbye!"

Zelda left the room, leaving Link with a smirk on his face. Now that she was gone, he pulled out his Gerudo set, and put it on. He then left the room, and went into the main square of Gerudo Town. Link's eyes were set on the jewellery shop, and he hastily made his way over.

"Sav' aq!" Greeted the ship assistant

Link nodded back, and made his way over to two pieces of jewellery, set apart from the rest.

"I see you have your eyes on our Lover's set," she remarked.

There was a necklace, with a glistening sapphire encircled with diamonds, and a golden ring, with an emerald stone.

"That necklace has often attracted the attention of Voe who want to woo their beloved, which has resulted in Voe sneaking into the Town to get it." Explained the shop assistant, "it's the perfect way for a guy to tell his girl that he loves her dearly."

Link nodded.

"And what about his one?" He Said in a high pitched voice.

"That ring, best given after the necklace, not immediately, obviously." She laughed, "it's the perfect ring for popping the question. There is no way a girl will reject a ring like that."

Link nodded again, and stared at the jewellery.

"Have things not been going your way, love?" Asked the shop assistant.

Link looked at her, puzzled.

"I mean, have you not found love, so you're just gonna buy that set because your lonely." She said.

Link giggled, girlishly, and batted his eyelashes. He was good at that now.

"Oh, Yes." He sighed, in his high pitched voice, "in just going to buy it now... Both of them."

The shop assistant eyed him up, before picking up the jewellery, and putting them in their respective  elegant boxes.

"Good luck." Said then shop assistant as she handed over a bag with the jewellery, "I'm sure she'd appreciate it a lot."

She gave him a knowing smile, accompanied with a wink.

"Thank you." He Said.

"And one more thing." Called out they shop assistant, "a guy like you wouldn't need any jewellery to impress a girl, she must be pretty special."

Link smiled under his veil.

"She's one in a million." He muttered to himself.

So yay... I'm supposed to be on holiday, but I couldn't keep away from writing. Hope you enjoyed!

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