She's mine

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"So about this night time camping thing..."

Link and Zelda were walking through Gerudo Desert, making their way back to the stable to collect their horses.

"What about it?" Link mumbled.

"What gave you that ingenious idea?" Zelda Asked, "you don't normally come up with good ideas."

"What do you mean 'I don't come up with good ideas'?" Link exclaimed.

"For you, a good idea would be killing a lynel, naked, with a soup pot and ladle." Laughed Zelda.

"How did you-"

"Oh please, Link, I've seen everything." Said Zelda, with a wink.

Link went red as Zelda burst into laughter.

"Well, it is a good idea." Muttered Link.

Zelda shrugged, and continued to trudge her way through the sand.

"Just don't kill yourself..." she mumbled after a while.

"So you care about me!" He laughed.

He carried on laughing, then caught sight of Zelda's embarrassed expression.

"Lighten up!" He Said.

Link then placed an arm around her shoulder, and carried on walking, pulling Her along with him. Zelda immediately became hot, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Yet it was strange, she loved his gentle touch. How could a fierce warrior be so gentle?

Zelda couldn't help but admire Link's chiseled features, which were defined by the glow of the sun. How his hair shone bright, framed his perfect face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Link Asked.

Zelda's eyes widened, as she went red. Link couldn't help but laugh again. Zelda had been acting flustered around him since he defeated the Calamity, and he wondered why that was.

"Well, we're here now." Link pointed out.

He removed his arm from Zelda's shoulder, and now Zelda felt that it was weird not to have the weight of his arm around her.

"I'll go get the horses." Said Link, "you can... Relax, I guess."

"Whilst you and Epona have a 'special time' together." Smirked Zelda.

Link frowned as he walked towards the stable owner, who was about the same age as them, not including the last one hundred years.

"Hi." Greeted Link, "Can I Please take out Winter and... my precious baby boo-boo, Epona."

The stable owner laughed, and called to a stable hand to take out the horses. Link leaned on his elbow in the desk, as he waited for the horses.

"So... that girl you've got with you..." Said the stable owner, "quite the looker, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh, I wouldn't hit in her if I were you," warned Link, "she's... got a boyfriend... yeah, scary bloke, you wouldn't want to cross him. It'll probably be the last thing you do."

The stable owner didn't look convinced.

"You don't look that scary." He pointed out.

"Excuse me, But I defeated the Calamity!" Burst out Link, "you wouldn't be here, wasting oxygen if it weren't for me!"

"In your dreams..." sighed the stable owner, "like I said, you don't look that scary, so I'll just go ahead and..."

Link grabbed him by the shirt, and pulled him closer.

"Look here, don't you even think about taking Zelda!" Growled Link.

The stable owner pulled back his shirt, and wickedly smiled at Link.

"Aww... the little bunny is angry, What is he going to do, hit me with a carrot?" Leered the stable owner, "so Zelda's her name..."

Link raised up his fist, ready to punch him.

"Link, have you got the horses yet?"

Zelda walked back out of the stable, and Link immediately put down his hand.

"Not yet." He replied hastily.

"So you must be Zelda?" Asked the stable owner.

Zelda nodded, perplexed by the stable owner.

"Looks like this Link guy has a right to get all overprotective over you." He smirked, "he was about to punch me because I said you were beautiful."

Zelda glared at Link, who was sheepishly staring at the ground.

"Well... I..." Zelda didn't know what to say.

"I've got the horses!"

The stable hand walked over to them, holding the reins of Epona and Winter.

"Epona!" Exclaimed Link.

Link ran up to Epona, and hugged her, tenderly stroking her mane.

"So is this guy your boyfriend?" Asked the stable owner, with disgust in his voice.

Zelda turned her head to him.

"No!" She said, a little too quickly.

He shrugged, and drummed his fingers on the desk.

"Well if he's not your boyfriend, then..." 

he turned to Zelda, and puckered up his lips.

Link turned to look at them, then stormed over when he saw what the stable owner what doing.

"Hey! Back off!" He warned.

The stable owner looked slightly worried by Link's clenched fists.

"I told you to stay away from her." He growled.

"What are you going to do about it?" Said the stable owner.

He swiftly jumped over the desk, and took a fighting stance, eyes locked on Link. The two of them were about to charge at each other, but then Zelda stood in the middle.

"That's enough!" She Snapped.

Link and the stable owner were giving each other Death stares. Zelda turned to Link, and grabbed him by the ear.

"I'm absolutely tired of you acting like a child!" She said, fiercely, "you just need to pick up a fight with everyone, don't you? You're an embarrassment!"

The stable owner was smirking behind Zelda. She immediately turned to him, and held him by the ear with her other hand.

"As for you!" She growled, "give us a bed to sleep in until noon, do you understand, and don't even think of kissing me!"

She let go of the two, and they fell to the floor, clutching their ear in pain.

"Unbelievable." Zelda mumbled to herself as she walked into the stable.

The stable owner got up from the ground, and held out a hand to Link.

"She's quite a handful," He remarked, "she's all yours."

Link smiled, and took the stable owners hand.

"Well, there's no fun without a challenge." Link replied, "I'm sure I'll be able to deal with her."

"It's more fun when their feisty." Smirked the stable owner.

Link narrowed his eyes and punched him in the stomach, before casually walking away, whilst the stable owner was on the floor again.

Well.... Link is pretty overprotective. The stable owner didn't stand a chance. I wonder how Link will get back in Zelda's good books.

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