Korok Forest

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"What are we going to eat..." Link Asked wearily.

Zelda and Link were back in Goron City, and were being bombarded with Gorons offering them rocks to eat.

"Try this one!" Urged one goron," It's got the right amount of crunch."

"N-no thank you..." Link replied, slightly intimidated.

"I'm sure we'll find something to eat." Zelda whispered back.

"The food I packed!" Link exclaimed suddenly.

Link eagerly dived into his bag, but then his face dropped in disappointment.

"It's all burnt." He whined.

Zelda took the bag from him, then inspected the food.

"For Hylia's sake, Link! It's roasted not burnt." She said.

Link crossed his arms defiantly and mumbled something.

"Sorry, what was that?" Zelda Questioned.

"I don't like roasted food." He mumbled.

Zelda sniggered at his child like pickiness.

"I'm sure you ate a lot of it during your quest." She said.

"I had to, else I would starve." He snapped back.

"Well you have to now, else you will starve." Zelda said sternly,"Unless you want to eat rocks?"

She pointed over to a Goron hovering near by, holding a large rock for the Hylians to eat.

"Now who's a good boy and will eat their roast?" Zelda mocked.

Link snatched the food from her, and sank his teeth into it, with so much anger, it looked like he wanted to make the food feel pain. Zelda rolled her eyes and began to eat the food.

"You're weird for not liking roast." She remarked after a while.

"Well you're weird for... for..."

Link groaned and just fell back in exasperation.

"Awww, is little Link winky hungry?" She teased.

Link gave her the death stare, then continued to shred his food.

Once they were done, Link and Zelda got up, but were unsure on what to do.

"Well first we must take our fire proof elixirs, our first dose is about to wear off." Explained Zelda," Then we... what do you do around here?"

Link shrugged.

"I hunted igneous taluses, But I'm sure you don't want to do that." He Said.

"No I don't..."

"We might as well leave then." Link said.

"Yes, we'd just be wasting time." Zelda agreed.

"Hey! Korok Forest isn't far from here, we can visit the Deku Tree. You haven't seen him yet, and I'm sure he'd be glad to see you again."

"Yes, that's a very good idea!" Said Zelda," We'll head there now."

They hastily prepared for their departure, then rushed out from Death Mountain, and the sweltering heat.

"Ahhhh, it's so good to breathe fresh air!" Link exclaimed," Let's take a breath of the wild."

Link inhaled deeply and dramatically.

"Look, Korok Forest is just over there, let's go!" Urged Zelda.

Link sighed, and reluctantly dragged himself to Korok Forest.

"Fancy another one hundred year slumber?" Joked Zelda.

"That would be great right now." Muttered Link.

They neared the entrance to the Forbidden Woods . Link picked up a torch, and led the way through the thick fog. Zelda was walking close to Link, so she wouldn't get lost in the fog.

Link felt Zelda wrap her arm around his. The arm where she was touching him felt all tingly.

The fog began to thin out, and soon, the pair could see clearly again. Despite the lack of fog, Zelda kept her arm linked around Link's. They walked into the Forest arm in arm, and were greeted by the cheer of the Koroks.

"Hey Mister Hero!" Squeezed one Korok,"Is this Mrs Hero?"

Links went red.

"She's Miss Princess." Link said hastily.

Zelda chuckled, then they carried on walking. They were nearing the pedestal of the Master Sword, then a wave of memories hit the pair.

This was where it all started for Link. This was where the fate of Hyrule was placed upon his shoulders, and he had been beating it even since. This was where he decided to close himself up, and never disclose anything to anyone. This was where everything changed.

This was where it had all ended for Zelda. This was the last place she had gone to, before confronting Calamity Ganon. This was where she had laid a part of Link to rest. This was where she had almost confessed something to the Deku Tree. This was where everything had changed.

"Link, Zelda, it's a pleasure to see both of you again, without the threat of the Calamity looming over you."

"Oh Great Deku Tree, It's lovely to see you again!" Exclaimed Zelda.

"I must commend both of you for saving Hyrule, you have shown courage well beyond your years." Said the Deku Tree.

"I'm sure someone who was one hundred and seventeen years old would be brave, I mean they're old and have nothing to lose..." Link jokes carelessly.

Zelda elbowed him, and smiled sweetly at the Deku Tree.

"He means thank you for your kind words." Said Zelda hastily.

"I dare say you two have started to do all you can to rebuild Hyrule." Said the Deku Tree.

"Yes we've already visited three of the four races. We've yet to visit the Gerudo." Explained Zelda," And so far, we've received cooperation from the races we've visited."

"You are presenting the skills of a fine Queen. When are you planning on taking your place on the throne?" Asked the Deku Tree.

"I never really thought about it..." she pondered," But I won't take the throne until Hyrule is rebuilt."

"A wise decision." Agreed the Deku Tree.

Link had almost forgot that Zelda was going to become the queen sooner or later. And as queen, that would make it almost impossible for him to... Link snapped out of his fantasy. It would never happen.

"Stay as long as you want, and I'm sure the Koroks will keep you happy." Said the Deku Tree.

"Thank you, Great Deku Tree." Said Zelda.

Link and Zelda walked away from the Deku Tree.

"Link, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine..."

Thanks for reading!

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